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Female Aasimar
Player: Winslow
General Information
Full Name: Tahlia
Nicknames: The Forgetful Barmy, "Not-All-There"
Age: 23
Deity: (Formerly) Mystra
Occupation: Adventurer
Faction/Rank: The Transcendent Order
Place of Birth: Neverwinter
Physical Attributes
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Lithe
Physical Features: The celestial light she once bore is now dimmed, as if tainted or darkened by something or someone.
Swordplay, Planar Knowledge, Medicine
Equipment and Items
Can be found with either a bastard sword or longsword across her back or at her side (respectively), an amulet of Mystra so damaged it can't be recognized as such

In the River District of Neverwinter on the world of Toril, there was a Nobleman, Kravin Darkspear, who took to infidelity with his scullery maid, Annabelle Swiftwind. The bastard child of a noble, her very conception was a scandal, and her father's wife, now scorned, was bloodthirsty. Annabelle fled the district to escape her wrath, and took up residence in the Beggar's Nest. Unfortunately, the conditions of the district were not ideal for Annabelle to raise a child, let alone survive long enough to birth one. Hope was quickly fading as she began giving birth to this bastard child alone, until, by grand fortune, a Deva in service to Mystra, visited her in the guise of a simple traveler. He delivered this child. The angel's light changed the child, infused her being and made from her an Aasimar. Yet there was still more light to give. He blessed her with a divine spark, a tiniest sliver of Mystra's divine essence.

In her early life, Tahlia was but an urchin, scrounging for scraps and picking pockets to survive, not aided by her celestial light. After her mother passed when she was 13, Tahlia was lost, until she was found by a knight errant, Hyronimus Oathsworn and trained in the ways of the blade. A prodigy with swordplay, she grew emboldened and adventurous, anxious to get on with her destiny. She swore herself to Mystra, and set out to do good in the world, leading her to become a staunch enemy of the Church of Shar. Her enmity and adventures with the church aren't well documented and are shrouded in mystery, at the behest of the church itself.

Eventually, she returned to Neverwinter, and joined an adventuring party from "Out of Town" (who unbeknownst to her at the time, were planeswalkers), alongside the human druid Darius, the half-drow priest "Iblith", and the tiefling mage Winslow. The group was pursuing a powerful Nalfeshnee demon known as the Collector. As they pursued the demon through the Neverwinter Wood, with more than a little bravado (though in Tahlia's case, she just didn't know any better, as the planeswalkers were so confident they didn't enlighten her on the power of their quarry). When they found the demon, a fierce battle raged between them. The group realized to late that the demon was a profoundly talented Arcanist, and with a few quick words, opened a Gate to the Abyss, and through multiple castings of thunderwave and telekinesis, as well as the odd pick-up-and-throw maneuver, one by one he funneled them through. Not just any location, either, he dropped them all into the River Styx. At least, that was the intent. Darius, the quick thinker he was, transformed into a great eagle and caught Winslow and Iblith, but Tahlia wasn't so lucky. She plummeted into the Styx. Her allies fished her out, but the damage was done, she had forgotten everything, and her celestial light was forever dimmed. The group stumbled through the Abyss, determined not to leave Tahlia as a husk, but even as they traversed the Abyss and found their way to Sigil, her memories were gone. Winslow parted ways with the group, wanting to study the Abyss, while the others took Tahlia deeper into Sigil. Darius couldn't care for Tahlia's recovery, and Iblith just didn't care for her, so they left her in the care of the Godsmen. Little did she know, the Church of Shar had kept a tight eye on her, and soon dispatched agents to retrieve the sedimented remnants of her memories from the bottom of the Styx, securing them, and sequestering them, so that no magic could restore her lost memories.

The Godsmen saw Tahlia's latent divine spark and kept her in Harbinger House. Harbinger House is a place of power, like a smaller version of Sigil within Sigil. Much like Sigil, it holds portals into the rest of the Multiverse, as long as you have the proper key. The House shelters some of Sigil’s most prominent barmies, like the dreaded murderer, Sougad Lawshredder, so the Godsmen caretakers take great pains to protect their secrets. The Godsmen believe that the House and the barmies they’ve selected to shelter are important to the Final Ascension. Three years of living in the House allowed Tahlia time to return to a state of normalcy, though without her memories or paladin status, as her oath was erased along with her past, and Mystra remained silent with the "new" Tahlia. Eventually, Tahlia soughtfreedom, sought her own life, and escaped from the confines of the House to start her life anew.