Frenzied Berserker

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The random madness of the thunderstorm and the unpredictability of the slaadi come together in the soul of the frenzied berserker. Unlike most other characters, she does not fight to achieve some heroic goal or defeat a loathsame villain. Those are mere excuses - it is the thrill of combat that draws her. For the frenzied barbarian, the insanity of battle is much like an addictive drug - she must constantly seek out more conflict to feed her craving for battle.

Along the wild borderlands and in the evil kingdoms of the world, frenzied berserkers often lead warbands tha include a variety of character types - and even other frenzied berserkers. Some such groups turn to banditry and brigandage; others serve as specialized mercenaries. Whatever their origin, such warbands naturally gravitate toward situations of instability and conflict, because wars and civil strife are their bread and butter. Indeed, the coming of a frenzied berserker is the most obvious herald of troubled times.


Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidating Rage

Hit Die: d12

Proficiencies: Frenzied Berserkers gain no additional proficiencies

Skill Points: 2 + INT

Class Skills: Craft, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering, Geography, Planes, Psionic, Religion), Listen, Parry, Profession (all but Bookkeeper, Sailor and Scribe), Wilderness Lore

Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Frenzy (1x/day)
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Great Cleave, Diehard
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Frenzy (2x/day)
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Deathless Frenzy
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Frenzy (3x/day), Improved Power Attack
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Inspire Frenzy (1x/day)
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Frenzy (4x/day)
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Inspire Frenzy (2x/day), Greater Frenzy
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Frenzy (5x/day), Berserker Roar
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Inspire Frenzy (3x/day), Tireless Frenzy


A Frenzied Berserker can enter a Frenzy during combat. While Frenzied, she gains a +6 bonus to Strength and an additional attack per round. However, she also takes a -4 penalty to Armor Class and takes 2 points of damage per round. A frenzy lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Frenzied Berserker's Constitution modifier. To end the frenzy before its duration expires, the character may attempt a DC 20 will save once per round as a free action. Success ends the frenzy, and failure means it continues. The effects of frenzy stack with those from any rage ability the character may have, and are not restricted by the +12 cap on ability scores.

During a frenzy, the Frenzied Berserker will attack the closest person regardless of alliegance. After frenzying, the Frenzied Berserker is winded. They suffer -2 Str and Dex, and cannot run for the next 10 rounds or until their next frenzy. At 8th level, the Frenzy grants +10 to Strength, and at 10th level a Frenzied Berserker is no longer winded after a frenzy.

Great Cleave

At 2nd level a Frenzied Berserker gains the Great Cleave feat.


You have a tenacity of will that supports you even when things look bleak. After your hit points are reduced to 0 or below, you may take one partial action on your turn every round until you reach -10 hit points.

Deathless Frenzy

At 4th level and higher, a Frenzied Berserker can scorn death and unconsciousness while in a frenzy. As long as her frenzy continues, she is not treated as disabled at 8 hit points, nor is she treated as dying at -1 to -9 hit points. Even if reduced to -10 hit ponits or less, she continues to fight normally until her frenzy ends. At that point, the effects of her wounds apply normally. This ability does not prevent death from spell effects such as slay living or disintegrate.

Improved Power Attack

At 5th level a Frenzied Berserker gains the Improved Power Attack feat.

Inspire Frenzy

While frenzying, a Frenzied Berserker may choose to inspire his allies into a frenzy. When used, all party members within 10 ft must make a Will Save (DC 10 + Frenzied Berserker Level + Charisma modifier). Upon failing this save, the ally enters a frenzy.

Berserker Roar

3 times per day, the frenzied berserker may let out a loud roar that may knock down his opponents. She makes an opposed discipline roll with all enemies within 10 ft: Should the victim fail the save, she is knocked down for a single round. Additionally, all enemies within 15 ft take 1d6+10 sonic damage.