Odollum Whitlock

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Male Dwarf
Player: Inocybe
General Information
Full Name: Odollum Whitlock
Nicknames: None, or perhaps forgotten.
Age: 203
Occupation: Running live equipment tests.
Place of Birth: "The Fortresses"
Physical Attributes
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 193lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Gray, for the most part. Some brown is left.
Complexion: Fair, although riddled with the marks of old wounds. Burns, cuts, bruises, scars... They are scattered about his body, new ones appearing noticeably often.
Physical Build: Stout. Whitlock often wears clothing hiding the fact, but the man is a bit like a walking boulder.
Physical Features: As mentionned above, countless injuries. Most notably a nasty scar in the vicinity of his left temple. Whitlock is also missing a few teeth, which he has replaced with vague, metal imitations of his own making.
Whitlock knows how to use a forge, a hammer, a workbench and a magnifying glass. He can go down to the mines, dig out a piece of metal and turn it into an assortment of things, most of which don't function. Through his practice, he's also learned about the other aspects of engineering, but has never put much time into applying such knowledge. He is also a decent shot with a crossbow, provided the weather is nice.
Equipment and Items
A handful of little gadgets, the only notable ones being a custom-made crossbow with gold highlights, made to look high-grade. It doesn't actually have a lot of advantages over a normal crossbow, aside from looking nicer and maybe having a few more pounds of force behind the string. Lesser gear includes any scraps deemed useful gathered from anywhere and everywhere, a spare length of rope, ammunition for his crossbow and for weapons he does not actually own, such as a bag of sling bullets; some potions, an axe in lieu of a knife and his trusty hammer.


Odollum's early days are a bit of a mystery. The fact that he sometimes remembers any of it at all is nothing short of a miracle. He was born and grew up like any other mountain dwarf would, learning the workings of the Fortresses and how to carve a future into the rocks within them. He was content for a good hundred years, until his hobbies turned into obsessions. You see, Odollum loved to help the Administrator's engineers during his allotted free time. He would aid in digging out and building expansions. He'd be there having carpenters and metalworkers teach him how to shape objects with his will and a bit of muscle. Most of the time, though, he would be with the trappists and craftsmen, learning the inner workings of their many contraptions as he tried to build it with them. Slowly, he gained enough trust and skill to quit the mines and be assigned to the forges. From that point on, he had free access to most of the Fortress' building facilities and used it to his every advantage. Using an unoccupied forge to bend scraps to his demands and the warehouses for procuring anything less valuable than metals, he began to put together anything he could think of that weren't in the books. Clockwork machinations often of no practical use about as likely to accomplish anything as they are to explode. Because of his mechanical knowledge coming from traps, his favored method of construcion generally involved springs and elastic tension. At a small scale, this would simply mean falling into pieces, but from the Dwarf's scope of fairly large objects under quite a lot of tension, it meant metal plates flying about, usually in the operator's direction. In the rare cases he could get his hands on volatile substance, this also meant literal explosions, because Odollum thought it would be cool to try out. His natural fortitude helped him rid himself of concern for his physical safety, simply working through the injuries because they "Weren't so bad, really!" Of course, that meant that many severe head injuries brushed off later, a few things in his cranium had changed. He was starting to forget things, then remember them again. He was forgetting why he was living the way he was at times, questionning his place within his Fortress. One day, Whitlock, long ago having forgotten his first name, decided he would simply leave. During the quiet hours, he packed up everything he could fit in his bag, including his favorite crossbow for survival and a few of his favorite trinkets as keepsakes, and simply sneaked out. To anyone's surprise, the grass outside the doors was not the same. Actually, he wasn't really at the Fortress' door, either. What a conundrum.


Whitlock is a battered, older-looking Dwarf. He may only be 203, but his injuries and greyed hair tell another story. This man has already had a lifetime of adventures in his own backyard. He remembers many of them fondly, despite most of them explaining some sort of scar on his body. Even for a dwarf, he is notoriously difficult to knock down. Pain has become but a minor inconvenience and his bulk makes any other means of serious harm or morale injury a lot more difficult.