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Description: Barbarians are brave, even reckless warriors, and their great strength and heartiness makes them well suited for adventure. Barbarians scornfully reject the fighter traditions of arms training and discipline, instead tapping into a powerful rage that makes them stronger, tougher, and better able to withstand attacks. They only have the energy for a few such displays per day, but it is usually sufficient. Constant exposure to danger also gives barbarians a sort of "sixth sense," a preternatural ability to sense danger and dodge attacks, and their running stamina is legendary.

Alignment restrictions: any non-lawful

Hit die: d12

Proficiencies: armor (light, medium), shields, weapons (martial, simple)

Skill points: 4 + int modifier ( (4 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Skills: craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, intimidate, listen, lore, parry, ride, taunt

Unavailable feats: brew potion, craft wand, curse song, divine might, divine shield, extra music, extra turning, lingering song, quicken spell, scribe scroll, spell focus, weapon specialization
These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of barbarian.

Primary saving throw(s): fortitude

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Level progression

Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP range   Damage
reflex save
bonus vs traps
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 barbarian fast movement, barbarian rage (1x/day)   6-12 - -
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 uncanny dodge I 12-24 - -
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 18-36 - -
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 barbarian rage (2x/day) 24-48 - -
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 uncanny dodge II 30-60 - +1
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 36-72 - +1
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 42-84 - +1
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 barbarian rage (3x/day) 48-96 - +1
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 54-108 - +1
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 uncanny dodge III 60-120 - +2
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 damage reduction I 66-132 1/- +2
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 barbarian rage (4x/day) 72-144 1/- +2
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 uncanny dodge IV 78-156 1/- +3
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 damage reduction II 84-168 2/- +3
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 greater rage (4x/day) 90-180 2/- +3
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 greater rage (5x/day), uncanny dodge V 96-192 2/- +4
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 damage reduction III 102-204 3/- +4
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 108-216 3/- +4
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 uncanny dodge VI 114-228 3/- +5
20th   +20/+15/+10/+5   +12 +6 +6 damage reduction IV, greater rage (6x/day) 120-240 4/- +5
Epic barbarian
Epic barbarian

Epic barbarian

The epic barbarian is a furious warrior who can cut his opponents to ribbons with awe-inspiring ease. He is the very incarnation of rage.

Hit die: d12

Skill points: 4 + int modifier

Bonus feats: The epic barbarian gains a bonus feat every four levels after 20th. In other words, at levels 24, 28, 32, 36, and 40.

Epic bonus feats: armor skin, devastating critical, epic damage reduction, epic prowess, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, mighty rage, overwhelming critical, superior initiative, terrifying rage, thundering rage

Unavailable epic feats: automatic quicken spell, automatic silent spell, automatic still spell, bane of enemies, construct shape, dragon shape, epic spell penetration, epic spell: dragon knight, epic spell: epic mage armor, epic spell: epic warding, epic spell: greater ruin, epic spell: hellball, epic spell: mummy dust, epic weapon specialization, great smiting, improved ki strike 4, improved ki strike 5, improved sneak attack, improved spell resistance, improved stunning fist, lasting inspiration, outsider shape, planar turning, undead shape
These general epic feats cannot be selected when taking a level of barbarian.

Epic barbarian level progression

  Lvl   Feats HP range   Damage
reflex save
bonus vs traps
21st 126-252 4/- +5
22nd 132-264 4/- +6
23rd epic barbarian damage reduction 138-276 5/- +6
24th bonus feat 144-288 5/- +6
25th 150-300 5/- +7
26th epic barbarian damage reduction II 156-312 6/- +7
27th 162-324 6/- +7
28th bonus feat 168-336 6/- +8
29th epic barbarian damage reduction III 174-348 7/- +8
30th 180-360 7/- +8
31st 186-372 7/- +9
32nd bonus feat, epic barbarian damage reduction IV   192-384 8/- +9
33rd 198-396 8/- +9
34th 204-408 8/- +10
35th epic barbarian damage reduction V 210-420 9/- +10
36th bonus feat 216-432 9/- +10
37th 222-444 9/- +11
38th epic barbarian damage reduction VI 228-456 10/- +11
39th 234-468 10/- +11
40th bonus feat 240-480 10/- +12

Prestige class tips


  • While barbarians do not receive armor proficiency (heavy), they do not lose any abilities or receive any penalties if they do take the feat and wear heavy armor.
  • Mighty rage and greater rage stack, usually capping the magic bonus to constitution and strength without any items.
  • Terrifying rage can be taken as soon as the barbarian acquires greater rage (level 15). Only the base intimidate requirement needs to be met to qualify -- being an epic barbarian is not required.
  • Barbarian fast movement does not stack with monk speed.