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Female Tiefling
Player: SarahB123
General Information
Full Name: Lehala
Nicknames: Lehala or Lela
Age: 25
Deity: Olidammara
Occupation: Assassin
Faction/Rank: Doomguard
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 1.7 Meters
Weight: 56.7 Kilograms
Eyes: Reddish Black
Hair: Reddish Black
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Slim
Physical Features:
Equipment and Items


Lehala is friendly to those she meets, however she is wary of trusting people until they earn her trust or prove themselves to earn her trust. She respects those stronger than her, until she can prove that they are no longer stronger than her.


Lehala has fair pale skin, reddish black hair, and reddish black eyes.


Lehala was born to a tiefling mother. She looks like a human, other than her eyes are a reddish black as well as her hair, and she has no shadow. Her parents loved her more than anything in the world. She was well cared for growing up, and her parents made sure that she always had what she needed. Her mother was an entertainer who used her Shadowdancer abilities to wow the circus crowds across the Planes, while her father was an acrobat. As Lehala was growing up, her mother would teach her how to dance so she would gain some nimbleness.

“Make sure you are working on your flexibility as well as your swiftness. Those are important aspects you will need.” Her mother remarked.

“Yes mother.”

Lehala would train during any free time she had. Her muscles would be quite sore and she often would smell of sweat from her workouts, but each day she was getting stronger, and more nimble.

On her thirteenth birthday, her mother started teaching her some more complex skills, and would even go to the Prime of Shadow occasionally for training and to learn more about shadows. When Lehala first showed up in the plane of Shadows she couldn’t believe how chilly it was, it smelled kinda musty with a hint of mold. At first she was disgusted, but over time she adjusted and didn’t notice it anymore. As she moved about the plane, she would move her hands in swirls which was a quirk she had gained from the dancing, and the shadows would move and follow her movements. She really didn’t pay any attention to that since Lehala was observing the world around her, but the shadows movements were not lost on her mother. For safety, she never went to the Shadow Plane without her mother. On this occasion, her mother showed her spells gained by the connection to the Shadow Plane.

“Lehala here are some spells you will eventually learn as a shadowdancer.”

Her mother’s voice evoked a haze of darkness.

“You can make the world around you dark temporarily. It lasts longer the more connected to the Shadow Plane you are, but it is only temporary. You can also become invisible.”

She waved her hand, muttered, and faded from sight.

“This spell is also temporary. However, if you attack or cast a spell, the invisibility ends.”

She cast a spell to summon a shadow lord and became visible again.

“My personal favorite is being able to manipulate shadows into summons that can do your will. They can be quite helpful when you need them to be. Eventually you will learn these things, just not yet!”

When she was finally eighteen, her mother decided Lehala was old enough to join the Shadowdancing troupe.

"Lehala, I think you are old enough now to join the troupe if you would like to."

"Can I really?" Lehala asked excitedly.

"I don't see why not. You have been training for this since you were a child. All the dances you have learned growing up, was just developing your skill until you were ready to reach this point. Now I want to teach you how to manipulate the shadows to your advantage. I have watched you and seen that you have the ability to manipulate shadows by just waving your hands. You are connected to the shadow plane instinctively, but now you need training and eventually you will learn how to manipulate shadows into beings you can summon to do your will."

Lehala hugged her mother, and they went to the troupe to have her audition. Lehala passed the tests although she did find them challenging enough. She started to notice that the shadows were starting to move differently than normal shadows. The more she worked with the shadows, she noticed that a tangy, earthy smell would get stronger. She guessed it had something to do with her connection to the Shadow Plane.

A few months after Lehala joined the troupe, her father passed away. She needed to find work, in order to help her mother out with the debt they had. She looked all over her village, and couldn't find anything. She decided she would use her gifts of manipulating shadows to put on shows and entertain the village, however because their village was so small, she really couldn’t earn a living for her mother and her.

Lehala was introduced to Thandphan, a kindly local thief. He took her under his wing and taught her things like how to find and disable traps, unlocking doors, and searching rooms. Her skills improved under his training and she was showing improvement. One day, she was working on her skill and unlocked a door. When she entered the room, she found a mirror that looked different than normal. The tiefling girl went to inspect it, and it turned out to be a portal! She fell into it, ending up on the grimy streets of Sigil: the City of Doors!