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Male Dragonkin
Player: Numbers Guy
General Information
Full Name: Isul'dhras
Nicknames: Isul, 'Killer, 'Sul the Savage
Age: Unknown
Deity: The Furies
Occupation: Justicar of the Red Death
Faction/Rank: Mercykillers
Place of Birth: The Lower Ward
Physical Attributes
Height: 8'9" / 271 cm
Weight: 1,042 lbs / 472 kg
Eyes: Ember Slits
Hair: Black Plaits
Complexion: Pitch Scales
Physical Build: Bulky
Physical Features: Bestial
Combat, keen senses, tracking, discerning falsehoods, flight.
Equipment and Items
Mercykiller armor, shield, and falchion.


Like a monolith of bestial features, the draconic humanoid looms at a daunting stature well beyond most. The giant's shadowy scales act as a thick layer of iron-hard plate with a nebulous sheen most prominent around his protruding maw. His predatory gaze of murky crimson is starkly contrasted by smoldering slits of ember, and his speech is a deep and guttural rumbling. Wicked talons extend outward from his large claws like arced blades of obsidian, and great wings jut from his back like expansive, leathery canvases. His heavy bulk is further exacerbated by thick, frontal plates in the Greek phalanx style. A Mercykiller badge adorns his pauldron of armor in the typical red and black known to the faction.


Isul's nature is one of austere and callous duty that has manifested in his time as one of the Red Death. True to the temperament of his smoke drake heritage, he holds grudges eternally and has an obsession with hunting prey over long distances. He indulges in a malicious satisfaction when pursuing an outlaw, but he maintains an iron resolve in his obligation to do so in accordance with the Eight Tenents of Justice. He is one consumed by his profession and rarely relaxes his vigilance even when off-duty.

Isul is mistrustful and has little patience for fools or capricious antics, but he enjoys conversation and the company of others much like anyone else. His dark nature reflects in his conceited superiority and impatient disregard towards those he sees beneath himself. He holds contempt for those he believes to be weak or imbecilic, yet he reserves his greatest ire for any who forfeit all mercy by going against the law. He has been known to clasp hands and even drink with reasonable individuals regardless of race or screed, so long as they show the proper respect to the proud dragonkin.


Isul'dhras was hatched to one of the most noxious, smog-ridden pits in the Lower Ward. His early life was spent bordering the Ditch in a small hovel shared by his mother and elder brother, Mitho'dhras. There's was a life of such poverty that the dragonkin brothers rarely saw their overworked mother. Their father and family history was unknown to them and unspoken regardless of their queries, though the boys were made to understand that their kind were not usually accepted anywhere else in the multiverse. The brothers learned to take care of themselves during the peak of the cycles, even toiling as ragpickers where they could along the banks of the Ditch.

Many years passed like this and the boys grew to rival adults in their adolescent height. Their mother began to age as even her draconic blood began to have its limits, but her nature was one of perseverance. Isul found a job to help support the family, but Mitho became one prone to a heedless lifestyle of instability. Their mother worried incessantly over Mitho and spoke often of her concerns, but to no avail. She encouraged them both to find honest work and to live as respectable citizens, though only Isul ever did as he was bid.

Isul's life was one of labor, as one might expect with his stature and bulk. His blood granted him that much, even if he was barely any more abnormal in a city of monsters and planar-blooded from all corners of multiverse. He became strong over the time spent working laborious jobs of construction, and his heritage inevitably had him towering over most. Growing up in a ward of industry brought a life of constant struggle, but Isul was always thankful to his mother that it wasn't the Hive. Even so, they lived upon the edge of the Lower Ward with just the Ditch between. Many gangs tried to recruit him and his brother if for no other reason than the mere size of them. With small time gangers running about the Hive, intimidation was well known to be half the battle in most impromptu encounters.

As they became older, Isul's and Mitho's draconian features become all the more prominent with the maturing of their blood. Isul began to see the social structures around him more clearly in his early adulthood. Many of his those living in the same block belonged to Hive gangs in some capacity, including friends he had known for most of his life. His section of the Lower had been claimed for the recruitment of those in a rising gang who were inevitably seeking jink, bashers, or turf. The incessant attempts from these thugs became a source of animosity for Isul, but he kept his head down and continued his legitimate work to help his mother. Her health had deteriorated over time and more of the burden fell on him while his brother remained aloof.

Mitho's presence became more sparse, and he became one to deflect rather than to divulge any personal details about his life. The gangs seemed to bother Isul less, and the dragonkin had his suspicions even before his brother began to turn up with an excess of jink. When confronted, Mitho spoke on how he became successful and moved up several positions to become the right hand of a middling ganger leader. Isul learned that the gangers backed off with his own recruitment efforts due to his brother, though Mitho did offer a position by his side. He painted a clear picture of their potential together with such powerful blood in their veins, and how they could dominate the Hive if only they worked together as equals.

The notion of going against his mother's wishes never sat right with Isul, and the risk of being involved with a Hive gang was a poor calculation in his mind. He was no fool willing to open himself up to the likelihood of being killed in a Hive alleyway or to waste away in a prison cell. His mother was becoming bedridden and the thought of leaving her alone was unimaginable. He refused the offer, though work in the ward was riddled with difficulty due to the harsh working environment and meager pay. Despite this, he still saw it as being the only safe path for survival, and he was not one averse to hard and honest work. Isul began to develop a craft skill after years of his construction job and he eventually found an apprenticeship under a master. Life in the Lower Ward was finally becoming more bearable. Mitho visited less and less, though Isul got word of his brother's rise to a position of real power among the gangs and a reputation of cruelty along with it.

Isul's skills increased and he continued to provide a steady income for many years, even though he had a limited life beyond his incessant work schedule. His mother began to have fits, and an illness slowly began to consume her body and mind. After many months of sleepless nights absorbed in a constant cycle of working and returning home to care for her, the limit of his constitution was met after making too many mistakes on the job. Cast out and with no way to earn a living, he was forced to swallow his pride and venture into the Hive to find his brother. Isul explained the hardship and sought aid for the sake of their mother, but was only given an ultimatum. If Isul wanted the jink for food and medicine, he would have to abandon his principles to join Mitho and help him rise in the Hive gang world.

Isul stormed from the Hive in prideful disgust and he vowed to find a means to continue supporting their mother by himself as he had always done, though such ambitions were met with limited success. His fatigue had caught up to him and none would entertain his weary state for long. Isul returned home late one anti-peak to find his door caved in and his mother lifeless on her bed. He spent three cycles weeping and clutching his mother's corpse in a state of grief. His mind was plagued with thoughts of vengeance and he began to have doubts about his choices. It was after these three agonizing cycles of reflection that brought the clarity and solace of knowing his mother would have wanted to die rather than see him become an outlaw. Isul was one of mingled sorrow and fury, though he would not dishonor the memory of his mother by seeking to spill the blood of his own kin in wild revenge after she had worked herself to death for them both.

Isul sought justice and yearned for the punishment of his brother, but he would see it done right regardless of his anger. He waited a week to sit through the next Mercykiller entrance seminar and diligently memorized all Eight Tenents of Justice. After he became an official member of the Red Death, he sought to make a deal. Working with the Harmonium, he lured his brother away from the Hive and his ganger thugs under the charade of simply attending his mother's funeral.

Part way through the procession, Mitho offered quiet words with his brother. He revealed that the only reason for his presence was to extend one final chance at a better life. He admitted to arranging what he called their mother's mercy killing and expressed how it was a boon so that Isul could join him as one no longer be burdened by her and her silly ideals. Isul's only response was to step forward to silently bid his mother a forlorn farewell as the Harmonium moved in. Mitho was surrounded before he had a chance to escape back to the safety of his gang, though the dragonkin did not go quietly. Several officers fell to his draconic might as Mitho and his few attendants fought to escape, though the mancatchers had them subdued in the end. Isul's only stipulation in this scheme was that he would later be the one to bring justice to Mitho when his guilt was established.

It was many months before his brother's trial, and Isul spent this time convincing others of his block to testify against Mitho's crimes and gang affiliations. The eventual sentence was death by the sword, at Isul's request. Isul unflinchingly severed his own brother's head and earned much respect in the faction, though the act forever soured his heart. The look of betrayal in his brother's eyes would stay with him until his last days, yet Isul was hardened by anguish over his mother's death. The memories of her suffering and murder as a result of his brother's cruelty and greed would become the focal point for his vexation and ultimate desire to punish the guilty. He found himself alone, absent of family or kin, and all that remained for him was his duty as one of the Red Death.

Isul was consumed by his profession and his heart turned callous and his attitude cold with the mannerisms of misandry and cynicism. His beliefs as a Mercykiller were biased and he struggled to stay his blade when it came to his verdicts. He relished in the act of punishing outlaws, as he saw a little piece of his brother's depravity in each one. He was at war with himself and found difficulty accepting the surrender of his prey as his unchecked draconic blood and bitterness slowly consumed his judgment. This devotion to justice and hatred of criminals were rising parallels over the years, and he joined a subsection of the Hounds to work as a hunter of the guilty even beyond the confines of the city. Isul developed a deep respect for The Furies of the Greek pantheon and his beliefs were only strengthened with the knowledge that even Powers cannot escape punishment.

Isul's draconic heritage was of dual nature in the Red Death and while it worked to twist his sense of impartial justice, it also gave him an edge. The pursuit of hardened criminals was a profession of routine peril, and his enhanced strength, hardened scales, and innate magical detection preserved his life on numerous occasions. He spent a handful of decades learning all the tricks of hunting down the worst scum across the planes in order to bring them to justice. He found himself enjoying the chase, and his interpretation of the Tenants more often resulted in summary executions. Isul garnered a reputation in the faction for his severe punishments and was often called 'Sul the Savage, or Isul Kinsbane. He accepted the grim titles and wore the mantle of proud ruthlessness for criminals to fear.