Carrion Sùil-taibhsear

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WIP FUTURE CHARACTER; this is for planning.


Male Tiefling
Player: SamB123
General Information
Full Name: Carrion Sùiľ-taibhsear
Age: 27
Deity: Math Mathonwy[1], Morrigan[2]
Occupation: Warrior-Scholar, former gladiator
Faction/Rank: Sign of One / Namer
Place of Birth: Torch
Physical Attributes
Height: 1.8m
Weight: 75kg
Eyes: Luminous, yellow
Hair: Platinum blonde
Complexion: Pallid, ash-gray
Physical Build: Lithe, strong
Physical Features: A tattoo on shoulders, neck, and biceps depicting a badger, a raven, and the Triskelion[3]; an Awen (triple flame)[4] tattoo from eyebrows to nose bridge
Knowledge of the arcane and of the planes, deceitful, skilled at deciphering writing and glyphs, able to focus his mind well.
Equipment and Items
Scythe, Warhammer


Personality Trait

I express affection or contempt in ways that are unfamiliar to others.


Cunning: Though I may not know their ways, neither do they know mine, which can be to my advantage.


My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.


I have a weakness for the exotic beauty of female fiends and tieflings.

I never show charity, believing it to be "disgusting, unselfish love".



Tiefling descended from a Cambion[5]. Son of an exiled priest of The Morrígan.


The Prime of Streachailt

The small Prime of Streachailt, Celtic for "Struggle", is mostly inhabited by humans, tieflings, and aasimar. The Celtic peoples there call themselves the Cruithne, and they are opposed by a Hunnic seafaring people known as the Cherni Z'lini. Streachailt is a verdant, temperate world. The lands of the Cruithne contain mostly hillocks, sylvan groves, and lofty escarpments. In the north of the Celtic lands, antediluvian forests lead to great mountains, covered in ice, that act as the dome of the world. The Cruithne are careful only to farm what land they need and only to hunt what game is abundant. Conversely, the lands of the Derya Musibet are mostly tropical islands, largely unexplored by the Celts, and only the Turks know what lies further south. It is rumored that there are other peoples in the furthermost reaches of the world: the aes sídhe[6], Fey-like spirits of the swamps and rivers, and the al-ghuûl[7], beast-like men who eat flesh.

Religion is very important part of the lives of the Cruithne. The Cruithne chiefly worship the Celtic Pantheon. The priesthood consists of the druí, the vates, and the filí. The druí act as intermediaries between the Celtic gods and the Celts themselves, including rituals of voluntary human sacrifice. There is much competition among the druí of various gods. The vates are nubile, female oracles, sequestered from most of the world by the druí of Arawn and Math Mathonwy. The visions of the vates are triggered by fornication; and many vates consider it an honor to copulate with the druí of Arawn and Math Mathonwy, but dread to do so with a half-fiend. The filí are storytellers, maestros, and educators: teaching literature, mathematics, politics, and, most importantly, military strategy.

The Cruithne are ruled by Ard Rí (Kings) and Banríon (Queens), who rule several clann (clans), and the tighearna (lords) who rule the treibhe (clan regions). The ard rí and banríon meet every season at the comhdháil, held by lottery at one of their demenses. These demenses contain one or more hilltop cities, guarded by the armies of the clann and the caislighs (fortress-palaces of the ard rí and banríon). The meetings of the comhdháil are held on Holy Days: Samhain, end of the harvest and beginning of winter; Imbolc, beginning of spring; Bealtaine, halfway between spring equinox and summer solstice; and Lughnasadh, beginning of harvest season. Individual ard rí and banríon are picked at the behest of the druí and are treated as stewards for the gods.

Tieflings and aasimars are rare but not unknown. Most enjoy special status as children of the druí. Tiefling bloodlines are the result of forced mating of a male half-fiend with a vates. When it is known that a vates has borne a tiefling child, the half-fiend parent is killed. Tieflings resulting from these bloodlines are usually the privileged children of the priests of the evil Celtic gods. As a countermeasure to the minor tiefling influence in Cruithne society, many female druí of Belenus and Brigantia seek to lie with aasimon who serve these two gods. Half-Celestials and aasimar of these bloodlines tend to become famous ard rí and banríon, considered blessed by the gods.

The Celts know very little of the Turkic Cherni Z'lini, but some facts have been gleaned from prisoners of war. The Turks are ruled by sorcerer-kings. The sorcerer-kings are at constant warfare with each other and with the Cruithne. These dark-skinned southerners worship Fiends and view the summoning of the Tanar'ri and Yugoloths of Khin-Oin as a religious obligation. Bounds Fiends are their favorite weapons, and these fiends desire to rape Cruithne women and will - if the battle goes ill for the Celts! These offspring are abandoned by the Cherni Z'lini in Celtic lands, then invariably imprisoned by the druí of Arawn and Math Mathonwy.

These dark-skinned islanders are accomplished shipwrights and frequently raid the lands of their northern neighbors. Cruithne youths and maidens (as slaves), precious metals, and furs are much coveted by them. It is whispered that the islands of the south are barren (truthfully, the islands are not), and so the warlike sorcerer-kings seek to constantly reinvigorate their rule with successful raids (which they do). Furthermore, vates who escape their forced sequestration (a rare event) have been known to join Cherni Z'lini, and such vates become corrupted by sorcery. Centuries of conflict between these two cultures has only widened the gaps of misunderstanding and hatred.


Carrion Sùiľ-taibhsear, the tiefling , relaxes in front of a the fire, within Airion's Boarding House. He had recently come to Sigil, after a few years as a gladiator. Finally, Carrion had scrounged up enough jink to emigrate to Sigil. Tomorrow, he was to meet with a Sign of One representative and demonstrate a vision as part of his entry into the faction. Tonight, he marked the time and slipped into memories. It had been several years since he had been a gladiator in Torch...

There are four gladiators in the Soul-Mob Predators squad: Carrion, the "striker", armed with halberds or scythes; Little Soldier, a mephling "snarer", who used a whip and a short sword; Vapor, an odoriferous, obese human "muscle", who wore weighted boxing gloves; and Jinx-of-Desire, a tiefling "gladiatrix", who wielded a curved sica sword[8], and Carrion's mistress. The arena was located in the middle ground of Maygel, past all the sales pitches and pickpockets.

The Soul-Mob Predators had been in several successful matches, and the squad knew their work! Today was no different. Jinx-of-Desire was the honey trap. WIP

After the match, they return to their kip and divide up the gelt. Little Soldier and Vapor headed to the tavern. He and Jinx-of-Desire enjoyed wine and then each other's bodies, as was their wont after a match. Of course, as gladiators, both had varied partners and fancies; but a match always saw them alone together, exultant in their lust. There was just something about the adrenaline rush of combat, which made Jinx-of-Desire ravishing!



Imagineer of the Multiverse

1. Seek to discover the truth of the center of the Multiverse by examining the edges of it. Thus, "proving" oneself as one of the Imagineers of the Multiverse.

2. Form a Signer think tank, to research the the edges. The think tank would focus on exploring the Multiverse, in order to get a big picture view of it.

3. Build a research center, preferably somewhere such as the Astral Plane or the Demi-Plane of Shadow.


1. Visit the ancient city of Corrieton, within Math Mathonwy's realm of Corriegrave. Fight on the Bloody Field, Tir Na Og, realm of the The Morrígan.

2. Launch an expedition to the Hinterlands[9], preferably starting in Ironridge.

Affiliates & Disputants


1. Sign of One


1. Paladins, Clerics, and Divine Agents (in general)

--SamB123 (talk) 09:29, 18 October 2018 (MDT)