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Barbarians are brave, even reckless warriors, and their great strength and heartiness makes them well suited for adventure. Barbarians scornfully reject the fighter traditions of arms training and discipline, instead tapping into a powerful rage that makes them stronger, tougher, and better able to withstand attacks. They only have the energy for a few such displays per day, but it is usually sufficient. Constant exposure to danger also gives barbarians a sort of "sixth sense," a preternatural ability to sense danger and dodge attacks, and their running stamina is legendary.

Barbarians who strike beyond their homeland sometimes find that they go far indeed. Barbarians have no trouble with the dangers, the miles, and the wonders that traveling entails, and planar travel, while more grand, offers a barbarian a chance to refine his abilities.

Hit Die: d12

Proficiencies: Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapons (Martial, Simple)

Skill Points: 4 + INT

Class Skills: Craft, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering, Geography, Planes, Psionics, Religion) Listen, Lore, Parry, Profession (all but Bookkeeping, Sailor, Scribe), Ride, Taunt, Wilderness Lore

Lvl 	 BAB 	       Fort      Ref      Will     Special 
1st 	 +1 	         +2 	 +0 	 +0 	 Barbarian Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Barbarian Rage (1x/day) 
2nd 	 +2 	         +3 	 +0 	 +0 	 Uncanny Dodge I 
3rd 	 +3 	         +3 	 +1 	 +1 	
4th 	 +4 	         +4 	 +1 	 +1 	 Barbarian Rage (2x/day) 
5th 	 +5 	         +4 	 +1 	 +1 	 Uncanny Dodge II 
6th 	 +6/+1 	         +5 	 +2 	 +2 	 Barbarian Rage (2x/day) 
7th 	 +7/+2 	         +5 	 +2 	 +2 	
8th 	 +8/+3 	         +6 	 +2 	 +2 	 Barbarian Rage (3x/day) 
9th 	 +9/+4 	         +6 	 +3 	 +3 	
10th 	 +10/+5 	 +7 	 +3 	 +3 	 Uncanny Dodge III 
11th 	 +11/+6/+1 	 +7 	 +3 	 +3 	 Damage Reduction I 
12th 	 +12/+7/+2 	 +8 	 +4 	 +4 	 Barbarian Rage (4x/day) 
13th 	 +13/+8/+3 	 +8 	 +4 	 +4 	 Uncanny Dodge IV 
14th 	 +14/+9/+4 	 +9 	 +4 	 +4 	 Damage Reduction II 
15th 	 +15/+10/+5 	 +9 	 +5 	 +5 	 Greater Rage (4x/day) 
16th 	 +16/+11/+6/+1 	 +10 	 +5 	 +5 	 Greater Rage (5x/day), Uncanny Dodge V 
17th 	 +17/+12/+7/+2 	 +10 	 +5 	 +5 	 Damage Reduction III 
18th 	 +18/+13/+8/+3 	 +11 	 +6 	 +6 	
19th 	 +19/+14/+9/+4 	 +11 	 +6 	 +6 	 Uncanny Dodge VI 
20th 	 +20/+15/+10/+5  +12 	 +6 	 +6 	 Damage Reduction IV, Greater Rage (6x/day)