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Male Janni
Player: 073090 / Numbers Guy
General Information
Full Name: Auberon the Tempered
Nicknames: Ripple
Age: Unknown
Deity: Haku
Occupation: Fugitive, Monk, Freedom Fighter
Faction/Rank: Transcendent Order
Place of Birth: Plane of Fire, formerly of House of Sihr, the Genie's Anvil in Zakhara
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'10" / 1.86 cm
Weight: 313 lb / 142 kg
Eyes: Golden Reflections
Hair: None
Complexion: Sandy Brown
Physical Build: Powerful - Fire, Earth, Water, Air
Physical Features: Heavily Scarred
Martial prowess, planar knowledge, extensive education, heightened abilities and senses, flight, languages (16), invisibility, creation, change size, ehereal jaunt, elemental endurance, planeshift, telepathy.
Equipment and Items
Simple Zakhara garb, shattered manacles, slave collar.


As all Jann, Auberon stands at nearly seven feet and with a powerful build. Corded muscles run the length of his body in compact knots, yet his physique suggests one capable of considerable finesse. His skin is a sandy brown and marred by a myriad of scars in patterns that might suggest lash strikes. He is bald and with eyes of an intense reflection of gold that convey an acute mind. The bracelets of shattered manacles adorn his thick wrists with a few links of chain still attached to each. Despite his warrior's bearing, he seems to wear no armor or carry any weapon.


Auberon believes that self-perfection is the ultimate goal. Just as Jann are made from an amalgamation of the four elements, he believes in balance by seeking to master the body, the mind, and the spirit. His Order instilled in the belief that fighting prowess relies on more than strength and speed by utilizing mental acumen to overcome foes by the study of fighting techniques and the outcome of each strike. Yet, The Intrepid Flame is not merely engrossed in only combat prowess. Auberon was guided as a scholar to develop his great intellect and wisdom and he continues to expand his mind in all things. As one of the Transcendent Order, he now trains to better react instinctively and without thought in order to intrinsically flow with the multiverse.


Auberon was born into slavery on the Plane of Fire under the rule of a Noble Efreet. Like all geniekind, his litter aged quickly to adulthood. Due to the great physical abilities of the Jann, Auberon and his kin were forced into manual labor and later recruited to the Black Eagle platoon, a unit of Jann largely consisting of slaves stolen away as children and placed under Efreet masters. He grew strong over time in the Efreet territory and made many escape attempts in his youth. A dozen times, he was caught and given severe punishment, yet his will was strong. Despite the caution of his siblings and comrades, Auberon continued his struggle for many more years. His final attempt came when he was well into adulthood. He had utilized his cunning and patience, devising and adapting a plan over the course of a decade. On the day that his Efreet master's armies invaded the neighboring territory, Auberon used the distraction to bring his schemes to fruition.

With his bindings broken, Auberon took his chance and fled the Efreet territory and into unknown parts of the plane far from the City of Brass. The shattered chains of his manacles dangled from his arms uselessly, but the wards around the wrist circlets kept him from plane-shifting. He evaded recapture for years by either outsmarting his hunters or killing them if he could. He was chased often in the early years, either by the Order of the Fiery Heart or by Efreet masters upon flaming chariots that simply enjoyed the hunt. Auberon grew stronger over time and became a wanderer with fierce skill. He was wise enough to avoid other Efreet territories, rather becoming a nomad of the roiling landscape along the plane. Over the decades, Auberon's mind became focused and his force of will let him overcome the old magic that resided within his broken fetters. A moment of intense concentration through meditation let him plane-shift away from his home plane and into the primes. Away from the hellish heat and would-be masters, his many journeys spanned years that took him across the Wheel.

In his travels, Auberon came upon a prime with a monastery in the mountains that was settled by The Intrepid Flame, an order of warrior monks. Intrigued by their philosophies, he opted to stay and learn from their teachings. After being stripped of his meager soldier's possessions and having his head shaved, he began the daily, rigorous training of both body and mind. His stature and strength were no boon to him there, as the grand masters of the order simply responded with increased difficulty to compensate. Likewise, the elder monks saw to it that his mind become more focused through intense learning. Auberon was ever careful not to reveal his heritage to the human monks, uncertain of how they might perceive him.

Over many decades, Auberon became incredibly disciplined within the quiet life of the order. He found inner peace in the relative solitude that the order provided and no longer felt the need to roam from the subconscious drive to flee from his past. As time passed and he did not age, the remaining elders became inquisitive. With his true nature discovered at last, and the other monks learning of his durability, he was taken through an unfamiliar tunnel into the mountain. Deep within the heart of the temple lay an empty room, save for an archaic archway. A swirling, diaphanous portal hummed quietly within the center of it that Auberon learned the temple was built around many centuries prior, with the Intrepid Flame created to safeguard it out of necessity. He discovered that the order had distant but lingering ties to the Transcended Order that spanned back generations. None had risked passing through in their lifetime and the nature and destination of the portal was tenuous. Because of his unnatural strength and resistance to the planes, he was tasked with entering the portal by the elder monks. Auberon was to venture into the City of Doors and rekindle the old ties with the Ciphers.

Auberon left his peaceful existence with the Order and ventured into the chaos of Sigil. He bears the scars of his slavery; yet, perhaps more surprising are the manacles that still adorn his wrists. He refuses to let anyone remove the bracelets from his shackles, not only as a reminder of his birth into slavery, but so that his will might always overcome the wards that seek to bind and subdue him. More and more, Auberon holds a rekindled disdain for corruption and tyrannical societies. He is reminded of his original commitment to perfection driven by the intense burning of never again be the property of another being. He shelters a great sympathy for the enslaved and compulsively lashes out against slave-holders. The corruption in Sigil and the Outlands has revitalized and reshaped Auberon's reasons to further his training and reach new heights so that he might return to the Plane of Fire to personally slay the Noble Efreet and free those under his dominion.