Geläl | |||||||
Male Obyrith | |||||||
Player: celticman | |||||||
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General Information | ||||||||||
Full Name: | Unknown | |||||||||
Nicknames: | Apollyon, Malizoth, Valbartu, Ashtaroth. | |||||||||
Age: | Unknown | |||||||||
Deity: | None | |||||||||
Alignment: |
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Occupation: | Arcane Spellcaster, Lexicon | |||||||||
Faction/Rank: | None | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | The Infinite Layers of the Abyss | |||||||||
Physical Attributes | ||||||||||
Height: | Unknown | |||||||||
Weight: | Unknown | |||||||||
Eyes: | Black | |||||||||
Hair: | None | |||||||||
Complexion: | Varies | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Monstrous | |||||||||
Physical Features: | He has large black leathery wings with a wingspan of about 14' and a 5' black reptilian tail. His five horns are curved forward like a bull's and the other three sprout from his forehead. | |||||||||
Skills | ||||||||||
Persuasion, arcane prowess, planar knowledge | ||||||||||
Equipment and Items | ||||||||||
Typically worn: A strange looking sword made from some sort of bone, a Doomlord Shield, Mask of Persuasion, Lesser Ruby Ring, Sorcerer's Ring(Enchanted), Nymph's Cloak +4, Eyes of the Blind, Medallion of the Abyss. |
Before you stands a sixty-five foot tall being with an unnaturally horrifying appearance. His forward curving bull horns and distorted, frightening presence, gives a feeling that this creature is absolutely bourn the of lower planes. Extending from his forehead are three boney horns in a triangular pattern. His eyes are slightly sunken pits of shadow with reflective nebulous pools where the eyes should be. When he is not conversing with others, this creature's mouth seems to be in a constant sneer. As he speaks with others though, he puts on a charming smile, that reveals a row of sharp pearly teeth.
His neck is strong and powerful, with broad shoulders that have bony spurs protruding up that can be used as weapons in close combat. Sprouting from his back are a pair of black leathery wings, stretching to a magnificent 14 foot span. He has two sets of tattoos. Encircling his right bicep are twelve oak trees, with a ring of crimson runes underneath them. On his upper torso is a large depiction of damned souls trying to climb out of some windswept barren netherworld with jagged tors flickering with swarms of winged demons. There is an oppressive red sun, heavy with infinite age, bathing the landscape in harsh light.
This demon goes by many names across the multiverse. On the prime sphere of Toril he is known as Valbartu the Vainglorious but was once known as Sydney, on Krynn he's known as Erebus the Black Hearted. Malizoth the Five-Tongued is what he is called on Oerth, and he is known as Vandrandr the Voracious Host on Midgard. On all of these spheres he's known as a demon of corruption. Acts of greed, excess, or vanity would often draw his attention and influence them in those around him. His titles are, King of Incubi; Orator of the Ancient Tongues; Victor of the Furyondy Battle Whom Slew The Baatorian Pit-Fiend General, Arphax'ad; Destroyer of the Treacherous Demigoddess Axeniae; Prophet of Twelvetrees; Voice of the Abyss.
Traits, Interests, and Goals
Character Traits/Quirks:
- Ashtaroth can be rather violent. He does not react well to others touching him, or staring at him, or talking to him. Actually.. no one ever knows what he's going to do. It's probably best to just stay away from this blood.
- He enjoys making deals with others. He calls himself a humble merchant.
- Had a hand in destroying a Prime Sphere known as Furyondy.(Knowledge: Planes DC 45)
- Created a soul-collector in Ironridge. It was used to suck the souls of the recently dead into soul-gems.(Knowledge: Planes DC 25)
- Killed a demigoddess named Axeniae and took her demiplane.(Knowledge: Planes DC 20)
- Stole a halfling's baby and ate it.(he claimed it was to save the multiverse from an evil greater than himself)
- He is a consort and adviser to Red Shroud.
- He is easy to goad when his good looks are insulted.
- He cannot stand gnomes, and will not deal with them.
- He is a sucker for compliments on his looks.
Short Term Goals:
- Gather relics of dead gods
Long Term Goals:
- See the Abyss restored to its former glory.
- Bring Chaos to the multiverse.
- See the destruction of the Baatezu.
- Become a Demon Lord.
Why Kill the Gods?
Ashtaroth has a firm belief that in the beginning of time when the first gods were born, the Abyss was a font of life and power. The gods needed to build their domains, worlds, and life forms in their image. So they turned their attention to the Chaos and material of the Infinite Layers and began taking away all that they needed to accomplish their goals of creation. The Abyss was stolen from and raped of it's resources. All that was left over was a horrid husk that birthed the tanar'ri from it's own rage. The Five-Tongued now seeks to repay the gods for what they did, by killing them and ruining all that they have.
Why Destroy the Multiverse?
Conjurist and Enchanter
Gelal is a powerful sorcerer and has a great focus in Conjuration and Enchantment spells. He can call upon beasts with great ease from across the planes, and few can resist his allure. This demon speaks with a silver, forked tongue. His words are like honey poured from a viper's mouth. He has held power over kings and men and forces them to do terrible acts against their will.
Languages Known: Gelal can speak any spoken language, including Dark Speech, Words of Power, and Truewords
Hometown / Region: Aziluth, a demiplane once belonging to a demigoddess named Axeniae[Knowledge: Planes DC 30]. Axeniae was slain by Ashtaroth and a half-dragon named Renaldo, though the demon leaves out the assistance of the half-dragon when telling others. Aziluth is mostly marshland and swamps with a towering fortress in the center. The swamps are full of snakes, crocodiles, and insects, except they are all fiendish variants. All sorts of vile creatures fly through the air. Harpies, and fiendish arrow-hawks patrol the skies while the fortress is served by succubi and alu-fiends.
Lord of Aziluth, Slayer of the Treacherous Axeniae, Voice of the Abyss, Prophet of Twelve-Trees, Foe of Furyondy, Archonfoe, Fire Eater, Heart of Black, Despoiler of Worlds, Herald of Pazrael, the Everburning, the Silver-Tongued Viper, Orator of the Vile Tongue, Beguiler of Senses.
"Behold! Gatekeeper, open your gate!"