Azazail Gutter

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Male Air Genasi
Player: Onivel - Doc Wagon
General Information
Full Name: Azazail
Nicknames: Az or Gutter
Age: 36
Deity: Garagos, Akadi and Sharess
Occupation: Pirate *cough* Sailor
Faction/Rank: Society of Sensation
Place of Birth: Ohvidrashen, Elemental Plane of Air
Physical Attributes
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Medium Blue
Complexion: Pale Blue to White
Physical Build: Medium
Physical Features: His pale skin is covered with a variety of tattoos either honoring his elemental ancestry or some jinkskirt he spent a few nights with.
He is as quiet as they come with hardly trying and he is deftly accurate with blade or spelljammer missle launcher alike.
Equipment and Items
He generally is dressed in shades of blue or white and always carries a pair of shortswords at his side. His favored is called " Eviscerator " The second is he seems to waffle upon what to name it. It is a piece of fair enchantment and crackles with the power of electricity.


A default Sensate - Az would be considered a Namer. He is by no means active nor has he approached the Society specifically, but does ascribe to their general tenets.

Crew member of Freedoms Keel


Az appears as a normal human in many respects aside from his unnatural coloration. His skin is the color of a pale blue sky with his eyes and facial hair are a deeper blue. His head is a windblown mop of medium blue hair though and the rest of his body is completely devoid of hair. Az seems to have considered his pale unblemished skin as something of a canvas and there is hardly a bit of his body that is not tattooed with some sort of homage to his planar ancestry or his favorite jinkskirts. It is obvious he takes a great deal of pride in it.

Personality Profile:

Az is a formal speaker when in mixed company, but while with companions or other informal settings a definate sailor/pirate slang comes out of him. He is rarely without a flask or a playfully lewd comment towards any of the women he meets. Nearly every woman is " Doll " and every male is " Mate ". The former quite often irritating those of the fairer sex.


Born on the Elemental Plane of Air in the floating city of Ohvidrashen to an artist mother who was human. Azazail was raised with a loose leash. His mother letting him freely express himself however he wished. The boy proved gifted in drawing and was oft to be found sketching when not wandering about the city. At 13 he told his mother he wanted to see the world beyond what he knew. In his wanderings he had met many planar travelers and their stories inspired wanderlust. She gave the boy her blessing and as much as she could afford. Her own free spirited nature had left little savings though they had never been for want.

Catching a portal to the Prime, the boy found himself in Selgaunt. Convinced the best way to see the world was aboard ship, he signed on and set sail. He took well to the life at sea and became an adept sailor. Aboard one such ship, the captain was an ill regarded lout and the crew mutinied. Desiring to make their fortune the old fashioned way, by stealing it, the crew turned to piracy. The new captain, the former quartermaster under the disposed one, proved a very capable leader. They were quite successful preying on ships who knew her boat to have been a merchant ship. With their ill gotten gains, they were able to buy and pay for some discreet modifications and soon claimed their own hold in the Pirate Isles.

After growing tired of the prime, Gutter made his way back to Sigil via the World Serpent and soon became part of Regand the Blue's crew and was gunner aboard the spelljammer vessel, Freedom's Keel. Gutter was something of a part-time crew member as he would often disappear into the Hive with his portion of the latest haul to spend amongst the many jinkskirts there only to reemerge without two coppers to rub together and anxious for the next trip.


1. Grow in both his martial and his political abilities. 2. Get Jink, spend jink, enjoy life.

Possible Plot-Hook Ideas and Misc Facts:

1. Another sailor recognizes Az from a pirate raid on his ship out on the Dragon Reach and tries to get him capture/tried/extradited 2. An old employer meets up with him looking to hire him out on a job. 3. An old employer comes looking for him for something he may have stolen during a previous plundering. 4. A father comes looking for him to "defend his daughter's honor" looking to kill Az for : taking her "innocence" or leaving her with child