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Male Dark One
Player: Mezzy
General Information
Full Name: Dristler
Nicknames: Stalker, Poet, Ghost
Age: Young Adult
Occupation: Planeswalker/Observer
Faction/Rank: Transcendent Order
Place of Birth: Underdarks of Oerth
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'10
Weight: Light
Eyes: Camouflaged and pale
Hair: Shadowy Black
Complexion: Ghostly Pale
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Ghostly/Shadowy
The ghostly Stalker seem an expert at stealth operations. It is also known he knows how to deal with poisons as well as exotic herbs. His very being is that of a calm observer, and his presence is charismatic and strong.
Equipment and Items
Judging by his appearance, he looks nothing more than a seedy drifter. Then again, the Stalker is more than just looks. He carries with him small weapons, easy to conceal, and various small pouches and cases, probably containing scrolls, wands, and other useful trinkets and tools.

For our kind, there is nothing but the darkness -Dark One's proverb


A mysterious man who appears to have eyes in the back of his head yet wears a blindfold when he walks the streets of Sigil, and for some reason does not need to rely on his eyesight, but rather scents and some way of sensing, even those invisible or hidden around him.

Dristler seems to be an observer, but has been seen interacting with varioues kinds around Sigil, openly. He is a rather calm individual, and it also reflects on his movements, and the way he speaks. He moves around with an unnatural grace and it is hard to tell if he have any substance at all but a shadow. His voice sounds like quiet winds lost in deep tunnels.

The Stalker look nothing but a seedy drifter from what old tattered clothings he wear, but you can easely spot varioues tools attached to straps and belts about his person, such as short blades, throwing darts and knifes, pouches, scroll cases, rods, and wands.

The more you look at the Stalker the more you realize what he wear is of magic items created from the most obscure of wildlife found on the Shadow Plane, and most obvioues is how he wear nothing, nothing at all, which emits any source of light.

Besides what he wear one also take notice of the patience he carry, and how he appear to know all which goes on around his person, at any given moment. While taken as a silent person there is no doubt this is not due to any form of shyness, instead he radiate an energy of charisma ond confidence very few can match.

On his jacket one can easely spot the Cipher pin.

The Obscure

The Dark Ones:

Few people know the origins of the secretive dark ones or why they appear to be split between two different races: Dark creepers and dark stalkers. The diminutive dark creepers are hoofed and pale, while the lithe, almost ghostly dark stalkers look frighteningly akin to humans. The truth of their genesis and dual-species society is one of the endless night's best-kept secrets, a past that all but there enigmatic denizens of darkness have forgotten.


Their eyes are quite disturbing, appearing as sinister slits uniformly coloured a dead shade of grey. While they do have irises and pupils, these features are well camouflaged, reminiscent of the sightless eyes of cavern-dwelling fish. Their soft voices remain so, even when used in anger. Dark ones do not so much speak words as breath them. When they speak their dark tongue it sounds like a series of punctuated sighs, and they rely on subtlety in tone to convey meaning. Even when dark ones converse in other languages, their voices sound like wind currents lost in a tunnel. They are light for their size and they move as if they had no more substance than shadows. They conceal themselves in cloaks, masks, turbans, and wraps, preferring garb that covers their faces.


Dark ones do not worship specific gods as most other races do, and in fact find the concept abhorrent. Rather they revere darkness as an abstract force, a destination after death, and a personal ideal. How legitimate this religion is remains a matter of much debate, but the fact that all dark ones are inexorably claimed by shadows after death lends credence to their beliefs. Although no one can be sure, some sages speculate that dark ones' refusal to worship specific gods led them to their current state. They might once have been members of a culture that never came to trust deities, or they could be heretics who turned their backs on their gods. An other theory suggests that the forbears of dark ones were offered protection by the god of the sun and, when they refused him, were forever cast from his sight, cursed with their aversion for light. Whatever their history and however it ties to their strange religion remains yet another of dark ones' countless mysteries.

The Dark

  • The Stalker is said to be a traitor to his kind, whatever his kind is, banished to the Cage as "The Errant One".
  • The Stalker can, according to some, cross Planes effortlessly by simply feeling out the spaces between them.
  • Some specualte the ties the Stalker have with the Umbral Sanctum. The Academy of mystery found in the city of Nix on the Shadow Plane is rumored to be in charge om much happening on the dark streets of the city which belongs to the Lady of Night, Nyx. This leaves to much specualtions if Nyx is the deity to the Stalker as well.
  • Some claim the Stalker is a "Dimentional Explorer", as the explorers often are called. "Yes, but what is on the other side?", a phrase not too unfamiliar to the Stalker who is rumored to have seen things, walked trough things, not many can even begin to understand. It is, as the Stalker say, "Some things you simply have to walk trough, your self, to figure out.". And some say this berk have not even opened a book in his life. "I do not read dead thoughts written on simple paper. If it matters I go there personaly, and create my own truth of what I find.".
  • Some have witnessed the Stalker in a dance-off with Ventrax, the black slaad. Some even mention the Black Slaad seem to be more careful with the Stalker, than anyone else it chaoticly makes pulps of. However, it is not the first time the two have had an encounter. Talk of the "first encounter" between the two they were actualy fighting, but both came out unharmed, while the rest around was killed, or ran off.
  • It is said the Stalker teaches obscure knowledge to a chosen few, who also seem to be the chosen few who he keeps close ties with, such as The Spectre. What this knowledge really is is not well known. Some say it is only means to find one self. Others speculate he turns those he speak with into a darker self.
  • It has also been heard the Stalker have means to see into a possible future due to a mystical belt he owns, and quite often has his predictions revealed to become true. However, it has been heard the Stalker still seek a deeper meaning behind this mystical belt, which leads to questions like, who is behind the visions for the Stalker to see?
  • It is no secret the Stalker dabber with poisons, and is also suspected to be very good at this craft. He has often been observed around the Outlands seeking trough the wildlife for exotic herbs and creatures, all with the potentials to the poison craft. It is, however, not heard of any attempts to poison anyone, yet.
  • The Stalker has been around now for quite some time, and it is heard he speculate about philosophical aspects of the Multiverse, as well as a Web of Fate, which has brought his attention towards one spesific Faction: Transcendent Order.
  • For now one can learn about the Stalker traveling the The Multiverse seeking what secrets might be found, and his search for mysterious relics of old and new alike, but with a strange, mabye obssesion, towards such relics of darkness and shadow. Well, he still does not carry light, yet he is heard claim he is no longer afraid of this light. Is he lying, or did he actualy turn one of his greatest fears around?
  • The Stalker is said to be quite the philosopher. The Rule of Three is said to one of his many beliefs, and much of his philosophies are touched by this ideal.

"As I go from unreal to real so does the world around me change with me. I am the absolute balance, for I am darkness, and I am light."

Friends & Foes

No one mentioned. No one forgotten. They are what you make them to be. They become what you expect them to be. Some just to have time pass. Some to teach. Some will teach. Two you allow close. Three you keep away. Choose wisely.


Open for all to post:

  • After the arrival of Nix this is said to be his home. Yet it is not strange to hear, or even see, him head off to the sewers in Sigil, saying he want to rest.
  • Some speculate his connection with The Spectre. It is even said he is a paid bodyguard for the illusionist while others consider him a physical manifestation of the darkness she seems to bring wherever she goes.
  • It is said that Dristler has kicked a woman, who was sitting without expectation of the event, into a river from a great height, or perhaps a bridge. This rumor has also gone about a man who Dristler have also, apparently, kicked into some river, again from some height. It is unclear what lesson could have been learned from this strange events.
  • More chant about violent acts is how he just punched the air out of Balthazar De'Medici, the very well known Magus of well known status in the Godsman faction. A few days later it is said they acted like it had never happened. It is /also/ said that Dristler has threatened the man on his life, for some mysterious reasons.
  • He made Thilidar, also a known sorcerer with strong ties to shadows, eat insects, and some sort of training, which had Thilidar run naked trough the wild life of the Beastlands.
  • Dristler is in possession of a powerful weapon, but it's not clear to what purpose or function it exists.
  • He resently gave Sah'el an instrument, which she seemed to find to her liking. It's rumored to be a drum, a rather obscure craft made from some dark skin from a creature found on the Shadow Plane. What ever magic it may hold is a mystery. Most likely something dark.
  • There are speculations about things occurring on the Shadow plane, which Dristler has been involved in. What, is not often said, if ever, or they say it will cost you to find out. Then again, is not the Shadow plane just a means for quick travel?
  • He near killed a man, openly in the Market of Nix. Kicked him out of the Plane of Shadows after.
  • Some speculate the sanity to this "Ghost" as it is rumored he walked into the Gatehouse and put him self in for a check to see if he was sane, or insane for "Seeing a black slaad behind him several times over". Yet, it's said he walked in, and a few days later he walked out again, just as calmly.