Duncan Culver

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Duncan Culver
Male Fire Genasi
Player: Drew
General Information
Full Name: Duncan Culver
Nicknames: Hell's Halberdier, The Battler of Bedlam, The Fright of Faunel, The Terror of Torch, The Slammer of Sylvania, The Foot of Fortitude, The Rage of Ribcage, Sarge... and many, many more. Seriously, just ask him.
Age: 26
Deity: None
Occupation: Soldier (formerly), Mercenary, Bodyguard, Gladiator, Arm Wrestler, Bounty Hunter, Horseman, Planar Scholar
Faction/Rank: Doomguard
Place of Birth: Hive Ward, Sigil
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 250 pounds
Eyes: Fiery Orange
Hair: Charcoal Black
Complexion: Reddish hue to flesh
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Square jaw, hulking frame, tattoos all over, scar on left side of face
Melee and mounted combat (particularly with a halberd), general battlefield strategy, planar travel, drinking, self-promotion, womanizing, arm wrestling, training recruits
Equipment and Items
Halberd, heavy armor and standard adventuring equipment


Duncan is a physically imposing individual. Standing over six-and-a-half feet tall with broad shoulders, a thick, muscular frame, a jaw seemingly carved out of a block of wood and reddish-yellow eyes that appear to lightly burn like a pair of dying flames. His hair is never longer than a stubble and looks like ash resting atop his skull. His face is chiseled and hosts a particularly nasty, vertical scar that extends from just under his cheekbone to his jawline on the left side of his face.

His body is a canvas of tattoos, done by countless artists of varying artistic talent. His skin (for those brave enough to touch him) is exceedingly warm and gives off significant waves of heat.

Overall, Duncan looks like a man who was bred for combat. A large, muscular man with an imposing frame and strong facial features to match -- and he gives the distinct impression he is well aware of his intimidating stature and finds it thoroughly amusing.

His style of dress varies constantly. Fiery and fickle, Duncan's only true 'signature' piece is a trusty halberd and even the make and model of that weapon could appear differently on any given day.

Personality and relationships

'Braggadocios' would probably be the kindest way to describe Duncan. 'Surprisingly clever' would be another term. Yes, despite his raspy, Hiver dialect and his brutish appearance, Duncan does indeed appear to be at least 'street smart' and downright quick-witted at times.

Duncan is also a man who knows what he wants and charges headfirst toward his goals. Be it toward battle, the bottom of a barrel or bosom of a barmaid -- the fire genasi is rarely subtle with his intents. In serious warfare, however, Duncan has shown to be incredibly sly and deceptive. Yet, despite his natural talents for combat, Duncan is quite gregarious and appears to far more enjoy crowded cities and entertaining company.

Woe to those who attempt to bring an end to his good times, however.

Known Associates: Duncan is not someone who seems to keep steady company... and the types of people he is rumored to be around often only make him seem more odd. The fire genasi is known to have a pair of squires, a bastard sword-wielding earth mephling named Krug and a tiger mask-wearing, shapechanging cansin named Zenz. Oh, and he also apparently has a pet pixie or something named Sunny that likes to get stuck in razorvine.

Other than that, one of the few people that can be seen in any real frequency with Duncan is Aria. Rumors swirl that the two are romantically linked in some way. Another somewhat common person to be seen in Duncan's company is Niki Abraxas. Word is, the two are working on some sort of science project.

Sinker Pals: Duncan isn't one to be often found in the company of Doomguards. Nor is he known to even have a very good opinion about his own factioneers. That is not to say Duncan isn't an active member, he just apparently isn't interested in working with his contemporaries.


A native Hiver, Duncan was sold at the age of eight to serve as a squire for a mercenary company. Over the course of 15 years, Duncan earned his keep and grew up into the hulk of a man he is today. He also displayed a surprising amount of understanding of tactics in general and was eventually given an officer's position. It was believed he would stay with the company for a long time as he showed so much natural talent and promise. However, one day after his 15th year in service (the length of time his parents sold him to serve), he resigned and walked away.

The next several years Duncan spent traveling the planes at his leisure. Visiting new cities, drinking to excess, getting into fights, chasing after women. Basically, he lives like a man who knew his days were numbered -- or wished they were.

It would not be until around the age of 26 that Duncan finally returned to his city of birth. Now back, the fire genasi hasn't changed his behavior much. However, his enrollment into the Doomguard faction did seem a bit odd to the few that knew him. His surprising amount of knowledge regarding the planes was also a bit of a shocker.

What exactly Duncan truly wants to do now that he's back in Sigil is apparently something the man is keeping to himself...


Depending on what burg you visit, you could get an entirely different opinion on Duncan. The only common theme is that he spent a lot of time at one of the local taverns, appeared to be a pretty entertaining and cocky individual, was known to roughhouse and chased after many a noble ladies. in fact, it appeared that it was only noblewomen that caught his fancy -- regardless if the women were already married.

Duncan has shared some details behind a number of his titles. So far, it seems these names he earned were not so much a result of heroism, but rather impressive acts of assholery.

Gut of Glorium

Duncan apparently earned this title after surviving an amateur assassin's attempt to poison his drink. Instead of dying to the concoction, the story goes that Duncan spent the next two hours vomiting while beating the assassin to death with a bar stool.

Foot (or Footman) of Fortitude

Heavily under the influence of ... something, Duncan entered Fortitude and promptly just started to kick things at random. His kicking spree was brought to an end after he was forcefully subdued by several city guards. Right before he was finally tackled, Duncan managed to kick a guard square in the ass -- right off the city wall. The guard suffered only minor injuries. All told, Duncan kicked in 20 doors, 13 bushes, eight lamp posts, three children, two guards and one small dog. Duncan served more than 100 cycles in jail for that stunt.

Rage of Ribcage

A few scant details have, so far, been shared by Duncan. All that's really known is that it involves an arm wrestling competition and a minotaur.

Titan of Tradegate

Few details have been shared regarding this title. So far, the only pieces known are that it involved gnomes and possibly some sort of guild war.