Ar'chaz Demieux

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Ar'chaz Demieux
Male Tiefling (Baatezu)
Player: Drew
General Information
Full Name: Ar'chaz Demieux
Nicknames: Arch, Mr. Demieux
Age: Appears mid-30s
Deity: Unknown
Occupation: Author, playwright, poet, musician, loremaster, planar scholar and authority, dancer, wine expert
Faction/Rank: Anarch (Claims to be Indep)
Place of Birth: Lower Ward, Sigil
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 125 pounds
Eyes: Completely Red
Hair: Bright Red
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Wiry
Physical Features: Completely red and slightly-glowing eyes; a red, arrowed tail; smooth skin with stubble often on his face; and a cigarette seemingly always found between his lips
Writing, violin playing, public speaking, story telling, directing, dancing, planar traveling
Equipment and Items
Custom-made suits, a magic satchel, a violin in black ivory case, and an endless amount of cigarettes


It doesn't take more than a single glance figure out what this blood is. He's about as obvious of a tiefling as one can get and doesn't seem the least bit interested in hiding that fact. He looks almost exactly like the classical and theatrical depictions of what "the devil" would look like. One can only assume he has baatezu ancestry.

Most noticeably on Ar'chaz is a red, arrowed tail that absently swishes back and forth, seemingly with a mind of its own. His long, thick hair is also an unnatural shade of deep red which matches his tail perfectly. The most unsettling part of Ar'chaz, though, is likely his eyes. The eyeballs in his head are both completely a deep shade of red and emit a faint glow at all times. One would suspect he was blind at first glance since he is without any pupils, but he seems to see everything just fine. His skin tone also has a slight tinge of pink to it as well.

But, despite all these fiendish features, Ar'chaz still manages to look remarkably handsome. Stunning even. One would guess were it not for his tiefling traits he'd be downright breath-taking. Then again, it could very well be because of his traits that he looks so alluring. However, there is a certain disinterested look the tiefling seemingly has on his face at all times. Almost as if he were watching the activities around him like he was just passing through a live-action, and poorly-acted, performance.

Other than his tiefling traits, Ar'chaz has the basic shape of a wiry human male. He is well-groomed and well-dressed at all times and in tailor-made outfits to accommodate his tail. The features on his face are well-defined, in a rugged sort of way, and pleasing to gaze upon. His dress is almost always akin to that of a fashionable noble.

Ar'chaz appears to stand somewhere around 5'10" and weighs not much more than 125 pounds. His build and frame is wiry, yet tone. His hands are masculine, yet delicate in appearance. Seemingly always with him is a magic satchel, a violin case and an impossible number of books, loose pieces of paper and writing tools within that satchel. One would have to guess from the possessions he carries that this fellow must fancy himself a bard.

Personality and relationships

Ar'chaz is not known for creating many strong relationships in Ironridge, however he has managed to at least gain a few acquaintances. Most notable is Lilith Arachea, his employer and person he is most often seen speaking with, passive-aggressively. Some say their adversarial behavior toward each other is mostly an act and they are, in fact, romantically linked. Then again, many are said to be so with Lilith.

On the performing side, Ar'chaz has been seen "talking shop" quite often with known artists Aerenxa, La'feil and Sah'el. On a number of occasions, Ar'chaz has agreed to perform with those three, most often with Aerenxa. Some say his preference for playing with Aerenxa begins and ends with the increased financial gains it provides him. La'feil, a fellow violinist, has often been seen complaining to Ar'chaz, demanding he recognize his talents more. Ar'chaz has often been heard saying he finds "specialists" like the Dirge Singer to inherently be a step below artists like himself. Sah'el was once also under the employ of Lilith but soon left to start her own music shop.

Outside those mentioned, the only other person Ar'chaz is known to willingly associate with is Grod Sharptusk. However, many simply believe it's because Grod has always been Ar'chaz's biggest tipper when he feels inclined to make a public performance.


Sigil Piper

Ar'chaz claims to be a member of the tragic performing troupe, The Sigil Pipers. Once led by legendary bard, Dane Piper, more than 200 years ago, the Piper bloodline and those who were under Dane's employ were said to have been cursed horribly by a banshee. After the curse, it's said, the troupe broke up. But those still around who claim to be surviving members of the Sigil Pipers (mostly elves and Piper's decedents) wear a emblem of the troupe somewhere on their person and stamp the symbol onto any works done by them.

The chant behind the curse isn't too difficult to gather as any Piper or former troupe member will willingly offer the tale. As the story goes, Dane was a bard unmatched by any known mortal. He had played at the finest halls and even for a power or two. His wife, Genevieve, was also quite a talent and a remarkable beauty. However, it all turned to tragedy when a mad lich kidnapped the woman and demanded Dane submit himself and his unique bardic magics to him in exchange for his wife's life. Dane, not willing to give up his secrets or his powers to a lich, simply shed a tear for his wife and led his troupe onward.

One year later, a mad banshee, in the vague form of Genevieve, appeared mid-performance and cursed Dane's line and all those who currently worked for him. The curse was simple but effective. She allowed them to keep their talent but severed their connection to complex emotions. No longer would they know joy or sorrow or love or hate. While not the most memorable of curses, an artist without access to his own emotions will hardly be a success. After that, Dane was no longer able to perform at a similar level and disbanded his troupe.

Whether this is true or not is up for debate.


Ar'chaz's first documented appearance in Ironridge was the day of the Tytalus Theatre's debut show, featuring the tragedy, MacBeth. The show would likely have been remembered as nothing more than being an abysmal failure were that not overshadowed by the fact that the previous High Hrundor was assassinated during the show. The assassin, a soldier of Rigus, was soon caught, which sparked the great Rigun War.

Since then, Ar'chaz has been seen infrequently about the burg. Seeing as Ironridge is not exactly a place that breeds artistic accomplishments it really doesn't come as that much of a surprise. When around, though, Ar'chaz has been known to accept pay to perform in the town square or read from one of his many books.

What most know of him, though, is his employment through the theatre and it's proprietor, Lilith. Ar'chaz has worked for her and the theatre off-and-on as a writer, performer and musician. In fact, the only performances the theatre has even seen since the terrible performance of MacBeth have all been pieces by the tiefling.

Everywhere Else

Ar'chaz is often heard of appearing in cities across the Multiverse. When asked, he'll often say he goes where the money is. If one were to actually follow his travels, they'd soon find out whenever a burg had a known festival or performance, Ar'chaz was around somewhere, selling his works and talents. It is because of his philosophy of "business first" that many of his colleagues see him as a whore. This fact apparently does not bother tiefling.

Accomplishment and Artistic Works

Ar'chaz's accomplishments all fall in line with his artistic and scholastic endeavours and never on the side of adventure. In fact, no one can every really recall the tiefling ever attacking anything. This wouldn't be all that much to care about if it wasn't for the fact that Ar'chaz is also so well-travelled.

Among simply engaging in spontaneous concerts and book-readings, Ar'chaz has a number of fairly successful published pieces of work, which include: A Most Epic Adventure, Lydia Fenseph and the Test of Orcus, Three Berks and a Twit, A Primer's Guide to the Outlands, Gossamer-Winged Angel and The Revolutionary. All these works are published and available for purchase. Ar'chaz also has a number of published works regarding the finer points of planar travel, but critics have labelled them as "too inside" for the average reader to enjoy.

Ar'chaz is also a well-known Gatecrasher and a leading planar authority in very, very small circles. His greatest claim to fame is his rumored ability to manipulate planar travel and summoning through music. Ar'chaz claims there is a "sublime chord" for all planes and one simply must find it to make use of it.


Suspected Anarchist

While nothing has ever been proven, some believe Ar'chaz is actually an Anarch agent. When asked for proof, most will refer to the day the Ironridge Mercykiller Head Quarters' first floor was sunk into a pool of lava that suddenly appeared from underneath it. Witnesses of the event say they saw a silhouette of a man playing a violin atop the building as it was sinking. No further proof has ever been found. However, the building was later bought by the Doomguard and turned into the social club, 7. Now, most simply think the Sinkers had something to do with it. A very similar club now exists in Sigil

Baatezu Ancestry

When asked, Ar'chaz will simply state his grandmother is an Erinyes. But, considering the likelihood of a male being born that soon down the line is hard to believe. However, when asked for a name, he'll refer to her as "Nix."

Were one to look into that name, there is, in fact, a relatively famous Erinyes out there named Arin'ix'Delfrieux. Or, as she is often referred to, Nix. The Erinyes is known in small circles of Hell as a more "chaotic" sort for her kind. Flighty and finicky, the devil has been the trophy of a number of Pit Lords and mortal warlords alike, only to leave them without warning.

The Erinyes is said to be quite well-connected and also quite hated by her scorned ex-lovers and those whose love she never returned. Often working as an information broker, the devil is very well off and her allegiances are utterly unknown. However, chant is she is an incredible archer... and more impressively one of the greatest singers in the Nine. It is often said it is through her voice and not her incredible beauty that she attracts most of her temporary mates.