Nairna Yousei

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Revision as of 13:53, 15 October 2014 by Spartan Hoplite (talk | contribs) (Updated Nairna's thing to have SOMETHING more to it.)
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Nairna Yousei
Female Half-Nymph
Player: Spartan Hoplite
General Information
Full Name: Nairna Yousei
Nicknames: None commonly used
Age: 21
Deity: No patron deity
Occupation: Bard/Stripper Prostitute
Faction/Rank: Free League
Place of Birth: Silver Marches, Faerun, Abeir-Toril
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Seasonal (Blond, Strawberry-blond, Red, White)
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Lithe hourglass
Physical Features: Physical proportions and appearances befitting her lineage
Singing, Guitar, Fencing, Acting, Modeling, Enchantment Magic
Equipment and Items
a wide variety of extravagant and bold outfits with various jewelry, typically has a rapier on hand, a wand, and an immovable rod.

Nairna Yousei is a voluptuous young woman with a penchant for mischief, song, and seduction and with an ego the size of some prime worlds out to save the multiverse from everything that, unfortunately, isn't herself.

Appearance and Personality

Ravishingly beautiful, perfectly hourglass, attractively buxom, and she struts about knowing it with enough confidence and naricissism to believe herself the most beautiful thing ever, and think anyone who says otherwise just has a weird fetish. She often roams about in flamboyant, colorful, and very revealing clothing, most notably in the case of her infamous open vest top. She has quite an attitude about it, and her exhibitionist streak is not exactly uncommon knowledge, chances are half of Sigil has caught a flash at some point, whether intentional or unintentional, but chances are it was somehow intentional. By default, she's a joyful, bold person, often smiling and giving flirty winks at anyone remotely attractive, at least when she's not somehow flouting her own body. Although sometimes haughty and obnoxious, she is capable of kindness, and hardly ever seems to mean anyone ill. She may respond to hostility in kind, but it becomes quickly apparent that deep down it upsets her. She is simply not a very subtle being, especially when bored.


Hard to hate and hard to love, Nairna's personality and attitude usually only make her tolerable, even fun to be around, in generally limited doses, having almost no shortfall of energy. She has had friends, and lovers, but very few serious relationships due to this and her well-known promiscuity. She lacks subtlety to the point where most would question if she even knows what it is, and they certainly don't want to take chances with trusting her with such matters. Of the matters of planeswalkers and powers, she is often in the dark, despite having been around this lot for years, being neither considered useful nor particularly desirable in serious matters.

Mostly what she has are drinking buddies, with friends who are willing to cut loose every once in a while. She is good friends with Aitou, Cassidy, Emma, Lishy, and, curiously, Eruca. She and Eruca have been seen together on multiple occassions within the last tenday or so in a positive light.


Few, despite claiming to be an adventurer. She has saved a few random damsels and occassionally stuck a blade in evil but that's usually only for tagging along with others on their own adventures. Lately their adventures have grown more and more secret, and thus Nairna has spent most of her time the past few years getting more notches than she has bedpost, the only notable accomplishment the majority of people accept.