Jack Silvence

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Jack Silvence
Male Human
Player: Stormbringer08
General Information
Full Name: Jack Silvence
Nicknames: Various, none seem to stick
Age: 51
Deity: Not given to public worship
Occupation: Various
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Faerun
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 95kg
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Shoulder length, Black
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Athletic, well muscled
Physical Features: Weathered, scarred visage. A slight limp, he favours his left leg.
Swordsmanship, traps, locks, haggling, use of magical items, tactics and planning.
Equipment and Items
An old, worn coat with many magical pockets, inside and out. Occasionally people will catch sight of a hilt poking out from behind his back. The exact blade varies, but it is always some variety of scimitar.

Appearance and Personality:

A tall, muscular man, Jack gives the impression of someone who has run into more than his fair share of problems. His rough, rugged skin is crisscrossed with a multitude of old battle scars, and the calluses on his palms attest to a life spent working with his hands. He has unkempt shoulder length black hair, a chin perpetually covered in coarse stubble, and light brown eyes. Jack looks like a man who may once have been passably handsome, but scarring and the passage of time have not been kind on his visage.

His most noticeable feature is the wide, easy grin, creasing the skin around his eyes into shallow crow's feet. Combined with the relaxed, easy fashion in which he carries himself, this tends to lend him a somewhat harmless, if odd, guise. He is usually clad in light, loose fitting clothes covered by his worn black coat and walks with a slight limp, caused by a stiffened left leg.

Jack seems to be perfectly willing to engage in conversation with strangers if the opportunity presents itself. He becomes quieter in larger groups of unfamiliar people, usually only contributing the odd comment or salient point, preferring to merely observe.

On the occasion that he finds himself in combat he uses scimitars almost exclusively, mostly those with longer, thinner blades. When brought up in conversation, it could be argued that he is a little more enthusiastic than is healthy about the curved swords. His swordsmanship is deft, forgoing elegance and finesse for brutal efficiency. It is in combat however, that the extent of his injury becomes evident. He favours his left leg extensively, making his footwork stilted and ungainly, which means he must compensate with his shield, in turn hampering his efforts with the blade. Never the less, he's not terrible, just not as good as he might be.

Behind the scenes, Jack is a logical and practical thinker. Not given to high minded ideals, he does what he believes he must to get whatever job done. He leaves the higher order thinking and research to others, but he is generally able to work his way through more immediate problems. He isn't overly fussed with the wellbeing of people he doesn't know but is steadfast in supporting those he considers friends, willing to put himself through significant danger to ensure their security.


• He seems to own a lot of paraphernalia, both magical and mundane, equally accessible from the pockets of his coat and the pouches of the belt he wears with his armour.

• He tends to make noises during conversation. It just seems to be his way of speaking.

• He seems to dislike being snuck up on.