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Baatorian Layer
Order: Eighth

While Stygia is a frozen sea, Cania is a place of ice and land even harsher than the fifth layer. At least Stygia offers the relative comfort of the River Styx. Cania has no such comfort, and it's much, much colder than Stygia. The cold is like that on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, and the jagged mountains war with frigid glaciers, each grinding fiercely away at the other. Avalanches holding thousands of tons of snow rush down from the mountains regularly, crushing anyone slow and foolish enough that they can't escape the white death thundering down from above.

Cania is also home of the gelugons, the second mightiest of the baatezu. Though they work as the servants and messengers of the pit fiends, make no mistake: the gelugons are the number-two cutters in the organization. They don't make a secret of it, either. Indeed, most berks aren't welcome on this plane, be they baatezu or planar. Even the pit fiends don't spend much time in the frigid cold of this layer. Only the kocrachons are even mildly comfortable here but, for the most part, they leave the discipline of petitioners to the gelugons.

There's few notable features to this plane, the most exciting of which is the Citadel of Mephistar. From here the Archduki Molikroth rules, looking out across the glacier Nargus. Mephistar's walls are carved from glacial ice; the citadel is like a white-blue jewel perched at the edge of a dizzying drop. Inside, it's a startling contrast to the outside, and the sudden warmth exudes huge clouds of steam when the immense doors are opened.

Molikroth is one of the known Lords of the Nine, and he takes an active, direct interest in the governance of his layer. Though he's deep in the Pit, he's also constantly on his guard against losing ground to anyone. The cant has it he's peery of Prince Levistus of the Fifth, and Molikroth's just waiting to see what the Prince's next move is. Anyone who comes here better have a good reason; Molikroth regards everyone as a spy from Levistus and often has berks tossed between a few glaciers. This provides a few years of entertainment for Molikroth while the poor sod is crushed to death.

The only known portal from Cania to Nessus (the ninth layer) leads directly to the fortress Malsheem. To enter the portal, a body first has to get to the bottom of a deep glacial pit in Cania. Then, he has to beet off 9,999 gelugons standing guard at the portal. Assuming a berk somehow gets past this little obstacle, he must plunge into the icy lake at the bottom of the pit and swim downward through the near slush. Swimming is no problem for fiends, who don't really need to breathe anyway, but the 1,001 fathoms a mortal has to swim through might prove rather ... difficult. At the bottom of the lake is a portal of ice and corrupted silver, and through the portal is Malsheem.

Baatorian Layers

Avernus . Dis . Minauros . Phlegethos . Stygia . Malbolge . Maladomini . Cania . Nessus