Khezious Draeth

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Khezious Draeth
Male "Human"
Player: Soul_Harverster
General Information
Full Name: Khezious Draeth
Nicknames: Golem, Haunted Armour, Tin-Can Scribe
Age: Thirty-something?
Deity: Unknown; rumoured to be a dark power or even an (baatorian) archfiend
Occupation: Mercenary Captain, Squeezer
Faction/Rank: Factotum in The Heartless
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 6' 3"/1.905 M(?)
Weight: 200 lb/90.7 KG(?)
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Complexion: Unknown
Physical Build: Assumed to be lean and muscular
Physical Features: Unknown
Close-range physical combat, interrogation, planar expert
Equipment and Items
A set of full plate armour; a hooded, steel mask; and a fairly sharp-looking scimitar frequently wielded together with a jagged, spiky tower shield. On the rare occasion, he can be seen wearing a pair of fiendishly vicious gauntlets that are undoubtedly able to inflict terribly agonising wounds.


Appearance and Personality

There is not a whole lot that can be said about Khezious' appearance. He is a (probably)6'3" tall "human" male and...that's about it that can be said. His heavy, spiky armour covers him entirely; from tip toe toe. Even the eye-slits of his hooded, metallic mask do not allow a glance inside, since they are covered by some sort of (presumably) one-way transparent material. In fact, he has never been seen without either of them.

At first sight, this seems to make it painfully easy for him to be impersonated...too easy one might say. Indeed, while it is plausible that one could potentially pass on as Khezious physically, mentally, this is an entirely different story. Not to mention that the consequences of him finding out could be exceedingly grave.

To understand Khezious, a task that is far from easy, one must set aside the usual psychological trappings of not just humans, but mortals in general. Besides that his facial expression is perpetually hidden beneath his mask, it is rare that any sign of emotion reaches the surface to begin with. The flat, icy tone of his voice is no help in this regard, nor are his actions usually; the best way to get a glimpse of his mindset is to listen to the words themselves, and, perhaps more importantly, their context.

Khezious is known to be calculating, pragmatic, and utterly ruthless. Expecting him to demonstrate the slightest shred of humanity is foolish. He simply considers everything "business". Consequently, he has no friends, he only has business partners and associates. Life is merely another commodity and is no way special for him. In addition to these tremendously mercantile traits, he displays a noticeable amount of paranoia, never seeming at ease; it is as if he is always expecting there to be be spies somewhere...or worse.


  • Mortal? No, not at all! Instead, he actually is some sort of construct or incorporeal entity possessing a suit of full plate mail.
  • He's in league with the baatezu.
  • There's a bounty on his head. Nobody knows the height or the source.
  • He used to be a Mercykiller before switching over to the Fated.
  • Khezious has shaken down at least a few individuals that were wanted by the authorities by threatening to claim their bounty.