Alinda Lasaedra Veles

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Alinda Lasaedra Veles
Female Human
Player: Spartan Hoplite
General Information
Full Name: Alinda Lasaedra Veles
Nicknames: Alley
Age: 42
Deity: Athena
Occupation: Paladin, Olympian Heroine
Faction/Rank: Free League
Place of Birth: Nelanther Isles, Toril
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Brown, long
Complexion: Fair, lightly tanned
Physical Build: Spare Athlete
Physical Features: Faint battle scars at her chest, arms, and face from a variety of weapons.
Light Armor Combat, Heavy Armor Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting, Longsword and Shield Proficiency, Horseback Riding, Mounted Combat, Diplomacy, Navigation, Survival, Divine Spellcasting
Equipment and Items
CASUAL: a blood red or royal blue peplos, a cogsteel shortsword, sandals. SKIRMISH: Red leather armor with a red skirt, Phalanx of the Faithful, a recurve shortbow, and a simple spare longsword at her back, The Sanctified Soul and a cogsteel shortsword at her belt, immovable rods tied to her belt, fitted hellenic greaves, sandals. FULL BATTLE: polished hellenic bronze full plate with red skirt and corinthian style helmet with full front to back horsehair plume, scarlet cloak, The Sanctified Soul and immovable rods at her belt, simple spare longsword and a recurve shortbow at her back under the cloak.

Alinda Lasaedra Veles is a middle-aged paladin of Athena known for being a plain human with a long and eventful adventuring career.


Alinda walks tall with grace, yet with the quick, measured stride of a soldier. Every muscle is well-toned and engineered to meet the demands of battle, her biceps bulge as large as some people's whole arm, her thighs could crush skulls. As a human who has adventured on the planes for over two decades, the tolls of time have started to weigh on her, but she has aged well, belying the appearance of someone in her thirties, despite being forty-two. Her hair is nearly always tied back in a loose, low ponytail by a simple red ribbon as it has since she first came to the Outlands. The strands themselves reach the small of her back. Of her myriad other features she has pouty lips, a somewhat snub nose, and a passably feminine figure of the common variety.

She rarely does herself up beyond washing off and combing her hair. Under the most formal of occasions she may apply a blood red lipstick, light makeup, and perfume which is almost invariably the scent of cherry blossoms. A bizarre exception crops up when what she calls a real battle comes along, where before it breaks out she will take a moment to do lashes, eye liner, and lipstick quite excitably.



