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"Who's your Addy?"

Male Half-Fire Elemental
Player: Abuse/SRB
General Information
Full Name: Adroushan
Nicknames: Addy, Adder, Sparks, Sparkle
Age: Unknown
Deity: None
Occupation: Mercenary of Little Fame
Faction/Rank: Believers of the Source, Namer
Place of Birth: Avalas, Acheron
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 235 lbs
Eyes: Black polished orbs emitting constant flames
Hair: Black with burning embers
Complexion: Brimstone red, marred with black hued scars
Physical Build: Tall, athletic, toned, mesomorph
Physical Features: Obsidian pitched scars cross over his body, varying in size and shape
Obvious proficiency with close quarters combat, Adroushan carries various other skills that he does not flaunt too publicly.
Equipment and Items
Most notable is the plate armor he wears quite often, if one were take a close inspection of it they would notice that underneath the plates of metal are organic looking plates of a dull green hue. Strapped to his back is a large polearm as well, with a large jagged edged blade.


Usually armored and cowled, the fires of his eyes illuminating his otherwise shadowed visage in a red-orange glow. Smoke pours out from his hood constantly, rising up from the brim of its cloth and into the air above him. Broad shouldered, solid stanced, and a potentially commanding voice place this being in the warrior caste. Other evidence to support this is the large halberd strapped to his back, no matter the style it is always in emaculate shape.

Out of his armor, he is a peculiar sight. Where veins and arteries would be colored their reds and blues, those of his that are close enough to the skin and large enough seem to carry magma colored life-blood, glowing a hot orange through his skin. He is also marred with obsidian pitched scars, from various blades and other weapons of destruction that have carved through his arms, legs, and chest.

A Weapon of War

The creation of Adroushan had a simple reason behind it, a young power hungry savant of fire had conjured an Efreeti to broker a deal. Though, the payment wasn't well defined, ending with the fire savant being imprisoned in a fortress on one of the several cubes flying through Acheron. Other stipulations were included within the payment, ending in the birth of Adroushan. Though, this is where his journey began, as soon as the half-elemental could walk, he was trained in combat and the use of weaponry. As Adroushan grew older, he began to favor polearms, specifically halberds. He trained daily in their use, learning their unique carriage and weight with each swing, learning to use the leverage of his body and setting each half of his body against each other to generate as much torque as possible with each swing to devastating results.


-(Completed)Hired by a planeswalker that wished to remain unnamed to travel to the Plane of Earth to retrieve a crate that was stolen by what he believed to be mercenaries hired by a Mercane, the contents of the crate remained a secret. Payment: 75,000 Jink and a pair of greaves of Arborean origination

-(Failed)Hired by the Harmonium to retrieve "stolen" cogs that a slaad was believed to have stolen from Mechanus, unable to find the slaad or the cogs the job ended as a failure. Payment: None

-(Completed)Hired by a shadow-touched being to retrieve a set of gems with an undisclosed property or name, though there was a specific note to not touch them with bare flesh. The gems were said to be located in Pandemonium, held by a small covenant of vampires. Payment: 100,000 Jink and two ioun stones of choice

-(Completed)Hired by an unnamed Nabassu to slay an unnamed Molydeus, using the Nabassu as bait to draw the target out. The Molydeus had the aid of Vrocks, though with the presence of a tag-along pair, an elf and Mercy Killer, to handle the Vrocks, the Molydeus was easily taken down. Payment: Publicly Undisclosed

Items of Note

Ravager: This weapon bears the mark of the dwarf Barun, a Master Blacksmith who worked from a makeshift forge in the Uthgardt village of Beorunna's Well. As it has traveled the planes to end up in the hands of Adroushan, it has taken a new shape from its original make. The blade has been elongated and shaped into something more sinister, reaching upward in a claw-like shape, the blade of the halberd reaches out with a jagged edge.

Armor of the Green Wyrm: A sturdy suit of armor wrought from the scales of a Green Dragon. Protection like this is highly sought after throughout the realms, and predictably, quite frowned upon by dragons and their kin. The scales have been linked together carefully to give the impression that the suit is in fact made of standard metals, but a closer look reveals the dull material to be organic.

Hellenic Greaves: A thoroughly Greek invention, this set of greaves likely originated in Arborea and somehow found its way into the planes. They're tough and strong but on the extremely heavy end of the spectrum.

Marcher Ring: Three hundred years ago the Celtic prince Llewellyn the Lost subdued the Marcher Lords and forced them to swear fealty to him. To seal their bond, he ordered the forging of a set of iron rings. Eventually the Marcher Lords broke their bond and slew Llewellyn, breaking yet another effort to bring Tír na nÓg under a single banner.

Ring of Tyranny: This ruby red ring makes the wearer able to force his will upon others by literally dominating them. However, the ring also enhances more mundane ways of establishing domination and provides the wearer with an increased amount of resistance to such attempts themselves.

Dragonclaw Daggers(Fire, Acrid, Cold, and Sky Wyrm): Dragonclaw daggers are as their name suggests, forged from the claws of dragons. The bony claw needs to be specially treated with alchemical mixtures before it can be carved down into a dagger-like shape. Even then, the blade takes on a ragged, wicked shape. Once the blade is shaped, it is again treated and then can be sharpened and tempered.