Adrelis Roth

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Adrelis Roth
Female Aasimar
Player: Glor-an-Fhaidha
General Information
Full Name: Knight Courageous Adrelis Roth
Nicknames: Shinybutt
Age: 21
Deity: Heironeous
Occupation: Knight Courageous of Heironeous
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Radilin, Galan, Valdir
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 161 lbs
Eyes: Bright golden
Hair: Crimson
Complexion: Soft, almost golden
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
A near master of languages, moderate knowledge of nobility, the planes and religion
Equipment and Items
White and gold plate armor. A large two handed weapon, varying between great sword to even flail. A large shield, along with a long sword. If not armored, she can be seen in a variety of fine dresses to skirts, white to red to golden.


This woman stands 6'1" in height, long crimson hair hanging past her shoulders. Bright golden eyes look upon the world with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Her skin seems strangely perfect, almost giving off a soft glow. She holds herself with a friendly yet calm confidence, a smile never long from her lips. Her heavy armor is polished unwell it gleams, though it is covered in dents and scars from much use. A large great sword seems to be primary weapon, however she also carries a bow as well as a curved blade and a shield.


Adrelis is known for not being quite the typical paladin, accepting those that others of her kind by scorn or try and slay. She seems to default to friendly until proven otherwise. She is quick to pick up jokes, both the silly and dirty, surprising those that only see her as a paladin.


  • Knight Courageous rank of the Heironeous Order
  • One year completion of study at the Glynn Monastery under the Shou Monks
  • Mastery of a.. Large number of languages
  • Defeated a frost giant at the age of 17 that attacked her home town

Known goals

  • Learn. Explore. Grow.
  • Aid others any way she can
  • Destroy evil that upsets balance
  • Strengthen the power of the church of Heironeous outside of Mount Celestia

Possible Plot-Hook Ideas

  • Celestial Blood, supposedly of Solar origin
  • A follower of Heironeous
  • Parent from Oerth
  • A not so nice sister that the family does not talk about


Spoiler Alert! If you don't know this, you won't know this!

Adrelis Roth was born to parents Esmeralda Roth and Aronatz Roth in the small town Radilar, based in the cold northern nation of Galan of the prime Valdir. Her father (Aronatz) had originally come from the prime Oerth several years ago, yet while traveling the planes he met Esmeralda and ended up settling down with her to raise a family upon a world not of his own. Aronatz was aasimar, a paladin of Heironeous while Esmeralda was human and a simple seamstress.

From an early age, Adrelis showed a love for the tales that her father would tell, tales of his fellow knights and the good that they did in their travels. When she was a bit older she devoured any book she could get her hands on, subject matter rarely even mattering. She showed a gift for languages, learning knowing near four by the age of fourteen. Adrelis began training under her father from a very young age in the art of combat, joining the Heironean order soon as she was old enough.

Adrelis was the younger sister by one year to Kira Roth. Yet while Adrelis showed signs of her father’s solar blood, inheriting bright golden eyes and perfect skin that seemed to almost glow, Kira showed a different kind of beauty. To look into her violet eyes was to look into the eyes of... a baatezu. Kira was born with a pair of black feathered wings, and an unusually keen sense of smell.

From a young age the sisters were at odds. While Adrelis strived to live up to her father’s image, Kira hated the standard they tried to fit her into. They favored Adrelis over Kira, even when they didn't mean to. Adrelis's blood was a sense of pride to them, while Kira simply reminded them of a family shame. They even lied to others about her blood, despite her wishes, as to not cause alarm or shame upon their family.

Adrelis was just... Better than Kira. At nearly everything. Language. Combat. Looks. Even though Kira was no slouch in any of these, she was merely second best. Her only advantages were her wings. This caused quite a bit of conflict between the pair as they grew up. Adrelis tried to be a good sister to Kira, yet Kira just grew... Resentful over the years.

When Adrelis was 18 and Kira was 19, the pair traveled to the Glynn Monastery to train under the Shou monks. They were both to learn under the monks, to train in body, mind and spirit. It was hoped that Kira might find some peace there, rein her in. While there, Kira developed a crush upon one of the other female initiates. Yet, so did Adrelis, who was much more successful in building relations with the woman. Enraged that Adrelis had beaten her once again, Kira drugged the woman and slept with her. After the act Kira asphyxiated the woman, so that Adrelis could not have her. Adrelis tragically came upon them while in this state, and was forced to attempt to take her sister in for trial. Kira however resisted and was slain in the following fight.

Distraught, Adrelis was forced to bury her own sister.

While Adrelis stayed at the monastery for a small time after that, she eventually traveled home to deliver the tragic news to her family. After the tragedy Adrelis set into her studies devoutly, sparring time for little else. She eventually left the prime entirely, to travel the planes.