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Baatorian Layer
Order: Fourth
Realms: Abriymoch

Phlegethos is the layer most envision when they talk about the horror of Baator. A brutal place, Phlegethos is filled with volcanoes and rivers of fire. Tortured petitioners are dropped into the lava flows and magma lakes by the cruel, gleeful fiends who watch over them.

The place is hot enough and painful enough that being here's like being on the Elemental Plane of Fire - only a lot more malevolent. The flames here have a purpose: to burn the unwary and the unworthy. The flames actually curve toward those who aren't expressly authorized by the baatezu to be here, wrapping them in fiery tendrils until the victim is charred flesh and smoking bone or until a fiend takes over. There's not much else known about this layer. The flames prevent many people from travelling here, and the baatezu guards capture unauthorized intruders to take them to the palace in the city for questioning.

Because the layer's so well patrolled, most bloods give this one a wide berth. Cutters would be wise to do the same, unless they want to end up in the dead-book. If something's absolutely necessary to do here, a body is best advised to come quietly and leave even more so. The hamatula of Phlegethos are without mercy and are under orders not to negotiate with intruders. There's simply no bargaining with them, even for the most enticing deals - the fiends have seen too many brethren caught in deals with Gazra disguised as an intruder.

Baatorian Layers

Avernus . Dis . Minauros . Phlegethos . Stygia . Malbolge . Maladomini . Cania . Nessus