Epic Spells: Difference between revisions

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'''Range:''' Medium
'''Range:''' Medium

'''Target:''' One (Spellcaster)
'''Target:''' One

'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
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Dweomer Thief steals the best available spell of an enemy spellcaster and converts it into a scroll to be used later by you. The slot used by the spell stolen from the subject is no longer available for the remainder of that day. The stolen dweomer can be used immediately by you or saved for use at a later time.
Dweomer Thief steals the best available spell of an enemy spellcaster and converts it into a scroll to be used later by you. The slot used by the spell stolen from the subject is no longer available for the remainder of that day. The stolen dweomer can be used immediately by you or saved for use at a later time.


Revision as of 05:09, 23 December 2022

On SPL, the epic spell system has been expanded significantly to better portray the diversity of magic above the 9th circle and give casters something to work towards in their epic levels.

Epic Spells are no longer obtained by taking the corresponding feat from the epic feat selection and instead are gained through Epic Spell Tomes. For a character to learn an epic spell they must have at least 21 base caster levels (Practiced Spellcaster does not count for this!) and they must meet a Spellcraft Requirement based on the character's unmodified spellcraft. In addition, each Epic Spell costs several million coin to indicate the cost of researching and learning the spell. (For reference, max possible base Spellcraft is Character Level +3)

Epic Spell Tomes are generally obtained in two different ways - a completed artifact (pieces 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4) may be exchanged or a character may undertake a personalized DM quest to obtain the Spell Tome. Additionally, all Epic Spells need 'Spell Seeds' to be learned - if an artifact is exchanged then any required Seeds are automatically granted as well; if the Tome is obtained through DM questing, it is possible additional questing may be required for the Seeds.

Below is a list of the Epic Spells that can be obtained in SPL; unless otherwise noted all Epic Spells have Verbal and Somatic components. Additionally, all Epic Spells completely bypass Spell Resistance.

Achilles Heel

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Afflict, Ward

School: Abjuration

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 20 Rounds

Saving Throw: Harmless

The bane of all casters and their ilk are held within this spell. It makes you virtually impenetrable by all spells, thus giving you immunity to magic, for a short period of time. It does not stop the flow of magic, but grants upon you the ability to manipulate it to stop all harmful effects directed toward you. This does come at a cost, however. You forfeit almost all of your endurance in exchange for spell immunity - your constitution is dropped to 3.

All Hope Lost

Base Spellcraft Rank: 26

Cost: 3.9 Million

Seed(s): Compel

School: Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]

Range: Personal

Target: Self

Area: Colossal

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: Will Negates

With the casting of this spell, you force overwhelming feelings of despair on all enemy creatures within your immediate area. As the feelings of utter dread settle in, afflicted targets simply lay down and give up, remaining unmoving until they are killed or waste away.

Allied Martyr

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Heal, Foresee

School: Divination [Foresight]

Range: Personal

Target: One allied creature

Duration: 20 hours, or until death due to martyrdom

Saving Throw: No

When you cast this on an ally, you are essentially assigning that creature to be your source of health and vitality. With the ally's permission*, any subsequent damage received by you will be instantaneously transferred to the ally, for the duration.

  • NPC allies automatically accept; only other players must accept the consequences freely.

Anarchy's Call

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Compel

School: Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]

Range: Personal

Target: Self

Area: Colossal

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: Will Negates

The call of chaos affects the morals, sense of justice, and order of all enemy creatures in the area, causing them to lose their vigilance. Each affected creature will act erratically, even attacking their own allies in the spell's compelling confusion. The chaotic brawl persists indefinitely so long as those afflicted remain alive.

Animus Blast

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Energy, Animate Dead

School: Evocation [Cold]

Range: Long

Area: Colossal

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex half

When this spell is cast, you engulf your enemies in a coldball that deals 15d12 points of cold damage. However, up to 5 of the enemies that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as skeleton minions. These skeletons serve you indefinitely.

Animus Blizzard

Base Spellcraft Rank: 27

Cost: 4 Million

Seed(s): Energy, Animate Dead

School: Evocation [Cold]

Range: Long

Area: Colossal

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Reflex Half

When this spell is cast, you engulf your enemies in an unusually powerful burst of cold that deals 25d12 points of cold damage. However, up to 5 of the enemies that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as wights. These wights serve you indefinitely.

Army Unfallen

Base Spellcraft Rank: 30

Cost: 4.5 Million

Seed(s): Life, Heal, Ward

School: Necromancy

Range: Personal

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Harmless

In the heat of battle, there are times when odds begin to stack against you. These odds climb exponentially higher if allies begin to fall. With the casting of this powerful spell, you will restore all deceased allies to full life and vigor. In addition, you and all allies that may have sustained injuries are healed to complete health and rendered mostly invulnerable for a brief time. You do not have to be in the vicinity of your allies for them to receive the benefits of this spell.

Audience of Stone

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Transform, Fortify

School: Transmutation

Range: Medium

Area: Colossal

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates

With the casting of this spell, all hostile creatures caught within the targeted area must make a Fortitude save or turn to stone.

Champion's Valor

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Fortify

School: Transmutation

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 20 Hours

Saving Throw: Harmless

Champions come in many forms, but what are the qualities of champions? Vigilance and clarity, certainly. Unwavering commitment to the task, as well. With the casting of this spell, the caster gains these qualities, with the granted immunities to knockdown, fear, AC decrease, ability decrease, negative level, AB decrease, movement speed decrease, and saving throw decrease. The caster also receives a saving throw bonus of +5 for the duration.

Contingent Resurrection

Base Spellcraft Rank: 26

Cost: 3.9 Million

Seed(s): Life, Ward

School: Conjuration (Healing)

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous

Saving Throw: Harmless

Contingent Resurrection returns the caster to life if he or she is slain. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent and does not activate until the trigger condition is met, which in this case is the caster’s death. If the caster is killed, he or she is instantaneously restored to full health and greatly empowered for the following five minutes.

Contingent Reunion

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Transport, Foresee

School: Transmutation [Teleportation]

Range: Short

Target: One Object, location, or creature.

Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous

Saving Throw: Harmless

Contingent Reunion teleports you to any target when certain conditions arise. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent until triggered, at which point you will instantaneously teleport directly to the location of your target, wherever it may be. You may decide on a variety of trigger conditions, varying from your or your target’s death, poisoning, incapacitation, wounded level, etc. Your choices of targets include nearly anything: A spot on the ground, a fellow adventurer, a door, a rock, a tree, etc. While the spell remains quiescent, you lose access to one epic spell slot per day. Once the spell triggers, you regain the reserved spell slot. In addition, you may willfully dispel the contingency to regain the spell slot, at any time before the contingency triggers.


Base Spellcraft Rank: 28

Cost: 4.2 Million Gold

Seed(s): Transport, Compel

School: Transmutation [Teleportation]

Range: Touch

Target: Single

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will Negates

The character sends his or her foe to hell. If the character succeeds at a melee touch attack, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw. If he or she fails this saving throw, he or she is sent straight to a layer of a lower planar plane swarming with fiends. The subject will not willingly leave the plane for 20 hours, believing that his or her predicament is a just reward for an ill-spent life. Even after the compulsion fades, he or she must devise his or her own escape from the plane. The subject encounters a group of 1d4 pit fiends or balors every hour he or she spends in hell.

Deadeye Sense

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Fortify

School: Transmutation

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 20 Hours

Saving Throw: Harmless

Battles require prowess and accuracy of motion - in addition to strategy, numbers, and morale. With the +15 to attack bonus granted by this spell, the caster’s swing of the sword will be more precise, and the aim with their bow will be more true.

Dire Winter

Base Spellcraft Rank: 27

Cost: 4 Million

Seed(s): Energy, Animate

School: Evocation [Cold]

Range: Personal

Target: Entire Area / Map

Duration: 20 hours

Saving Throw: No

You summon winter. The entire area where you cast Dire Winter emanates bitter cold for 20 hours. The emanated cold deals 3d6 cold damage per round against all unprotected creatures. The intense cold causes constant snowfall and wind for the duration. When the spell ends, weather returns to normal for the area.

Dragon Knight

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Summon

School: Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]

Range: Small

Target: Self

Duration: 24 Hours

Saving Throw: None

This spell summons an adult red dragon. It appears where you designate and acts immediately. It attacks your opponents to the best of its abilities. You can direct the dragon to some degree, and it will follow you as any other summoned creature would.


Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Ward

School: Abjuration

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 20 Hours

Saving Throw: Harmless

The caster becomes impervious to all slashing damage, effectively negating any physical attacks from swords, axes, and the like.

Dweomer Thief

Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Reveal, Reflect

School: Abjuration

Range: Medium

Target: One

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Dweomer Thief steals the best available spell of an enemy spellcaster and converts it into a scroll to be used later by you. The slot used by the spell stolen from the subject is no longer available for the remainder of that day. The stolen dweomer can be used immediately by you or saved for use at a later time.


Base Spellcraft Rank: 30

Cost: 4.5 Million

Seed(s): Compel, Delusion, Summoning

School: Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]

Range: Long

Target: Single

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: Will Negates

The character makes a permanent thrall of any living creature. The character establishes a telepathic link with the subject’s mind. If the creature has a language, the character can generally force the subject to perform as he or she desires, within the limits of its abilities. If the creature has no language, the character can communicate only basic commands. The character knows what the subject is experiencing, but does not receive direct sensory input from it. If the spell is cast upon a creature it will attempt to enslave the creature if applicable; if the spell is cast upon the ground, it will call the enslaved creature. If the creature should die in any way a new creature must be found as a replacement.

Epic Mage Armor

Base Spellcraft Rank: 26

Cost: 3.9 Million

Seed(s): Armor

School: Conjuration (Creation) [Force]

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 1 Hour / Caster Level

Saving Throw: Harmless

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the caster, providing a +10 bonus to armor enchantment AC.

Epic Warding

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Ward

School: Abjuration

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 1 Turn / Caster level

Saving Throw: Harmless

You grant yourself damage reduction 25/+20, to a limit of 25 points of damage per caster level. The spell ends either after the duration or when the damage limit is reached.

Fleetness of Foot

Base Spellcraft Rank: 24

Cost: 3.6 Million

Seed(s): Fortify

School: Transmutation

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 4 Hours

Saving Throw: Harmless

The caster gains haste, allowing them to move and act at twice their usual rate for the duration.

Gem Cage

Base Spellcraft Rank: 26

Cost: 3.9 Million

Seed(s): Transform, Transport

School: Transmutation

Range: Short

Target: Single

Duration: Permanent, Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will Negates

You trap the targeted creature in a gem in your possession. The possession of a valuable enough gem determines whether the attempt of entrapment is valid or not. If the target fails the save, then the target vanishes and is trapped inside your gem, which you may use at a later time to release the creature once more. If the creature is later released, it will hold the same feelings as before (ie. The creature will still be hostile if it was at the time of entrapment).


Base Spellcraft Rank: 25

Cost: 3.7 Million

Seed(s): Destroy, Energy

School: Evocation (Good/Evil/Lawful/Chaotic) [Divine]

Range: Medium

Target: Single

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude Half

You invoke the wrath of the gods on your target. The power of the wrath exacted is dependent on both your own alignment, as well as the alignment of your target. The greater the distance between the two alignments, the greater the damage will be. For example, if a Lawful Evil caster were to cast it on a Chaotic Good target, the damage would be d24 per caster level. Meanwhile, for a Lawful Evil character casting it on a Lawful Good character, the damage would be d18 per caster level.