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Likes:... Wilderness; he favors the wilderness as a get away spot, and is knowledgeable with the environment.
Interests:... Exploring; wandering regions to get a better feel for the surroundings and occasionally camping out to pass the time, he favors exploring in small amounts of company rather than solo to help pass the time when out and about striking conversation off and on as they go. / Combat drills; feels it keeps him sharp to practice combat abilities, more so in a live environment between sparring partners.
Likes:... Wilderness; Favors the wilderness as a get away spot, and is knowledgeable with the environment. / Retributive justice; Feels the idea of mercy to another who has done someone wrong deserves nothing more than the worst, else they may never learn to not do it again.  

Revision as of 17:26, 6 April 2020

Male Human
Player: ChaoticXIII
General Information
Full Name: Roldan
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 34
Deity: [Lei Kung]
Occupation: Warrior and guide for hire. Map maker.
Faction/Rank: Mercykillers, Namer
Place of Birth: Rigus
Physical Attributes
Height: 6’4”
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Complexion: pale
Physical Build: Muscular, burly.
Physical Features: Eyes are blue. Has tattoos on his upper left arm, it is a wolf howling at the moon. A few faded scars across his back. Has a newer scar that's more visible on his left side of the torso that shows a claw mark.
Equipment and Items

(Work in progress, made a quick outline for the public for the time being.)

Personality:... Tyrant; structure above all else for his own gain, seeks those below him obey his every command or be punished, and respecting the chain of command he does the same for his own superiors. / No-nonsense; does not like to mess around. / Intimidating; At times he will threaten opposition, or others who stand in his way, to get what he wants.

Interests:... Exploring; wandering regions to get a better feel for the surroundings and occasionally camping out to pass the time, he favors exploring in small amounts of company rather than solo to help pass the time when out and about striking conversation off and on as they go. / Combat drills; feels it keeps him sharp to practice combat abilities, more so in a live environment between sparring partners.

Likes:... Wilderness; Favors the wilderness as a get away spot, and is knowledgeable with the environment. / Retributive justice; Feels the idea of mercy to another who has done someone wrong deserves nothing more than the worst, else they may never learn to not do it again.

Dislikes:... Criminals; feels they get in the way of society and is not afraid to emit justice to those who do not obey law. / Recklessness; being a regimented soldier from Rigus, he prefers calculated and intelligent choices to be made rather than impulsive tendencies that risk the life of themselves or another.

Goals:... Faction; Join the Mercykillers after seeing the light of their ways from past events of his life, and further the will of Lei Kung through his actions. / Travel; One cycle chart the entire outlands and planes in maps to sell and better his own skills as a guide through it all.


- Served as a private in the military organization IronWolves at Rigus.

- Left Rigus after the organization fell in battle due to an informant in their ranks who tipped the enemy off, he was the last man standing that he knew of.

- Looking for revenge he became a blackguard of Lei Kung.

- Traveled to Sigil to join the MercyKillers, along the way making jink as a freelance guide and mercenary.