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  | race = Gray Elf
  | race = Gray Elf
  | player = Hanzo1984
  | player = Hanzo1984
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  | image = http://i60.tinypic.com/28rcmjn.jpg
  | fullname = Edfayr Rin
  | fullname = Edfayr Rin
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Revision as of 17:26, 11 September 2014

Edfayr Rin
Male Gray Elf
Player: Hanzo1984
General Information
Full Name: Edfayr Rin
Age: 127
Deity: The Solitary Hermitage
Occupation: Ranger, Scout, Pathfinder
Place of Birth: Kingdom of Gour Diomm
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'74
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: gold amber
Hair: ruby red
Complexion: cinereous gray
Physical Build: normal
Physical Features: roman nose
acrobatic, insightful, fearless
Equipment and Items
studded leather armor, a pair of shortswords, a fine cloak, leather boots and gauntlets

History details

1 - Ended in Sigil by confronting the wrong enemy (air elemental), on a flying ship (the "Savant" airship)

2 - He's from the elven kingdom in Arcadia (Kingdom of Gour Diomm). The king is king Alandaster and queen is queen Tidefiall

3 - Pink Shock (the panther) was found in Arcadia's forests, hiding from beastmen

4 - Edfayr is the son of the king's court counselor, Dralnayr Rin.

5 - Edfayr's mother, Enagend Lor, has a little shop of arcane items in Hudam Nam, the capital city

6 - Edfayr confronted the gnolls in the "Almost Harmless War - AHW" against the Gnolls. It was called like this because the casualties were a few, but the elves thought there would be none. It's still a fresh reminder on how the enemy can be a thorn on a side, if decently motivated. Edfayr did, as a ranger, many reconnaissances and pathfindings for the army.

7 - Edfayr is an only child.

8 - Edfayr had no love interests in his whole life.

9 - By the time Edfayr was born, his father became one of the king's counselors

10 - Pink Shock followed Edfayr since the AHW, as a loyal friend and companion. Pink Shock's name comes from the most loved color the panther loves. Sometimes Edfayr thinks Pink Shock is a romantic male panther that wants a female mate panther but is destined to be alone like his fellow friend.

The Common Prayer to the Solitary Hermitage, before dawn and sundown

Oh Great Spirits, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. (Prayer to the Solitary Hermitage)

Psicologic Details

1 - Edfayr has strong principles about a man's life: soul, spirit and body.

2 - Edfayr thinks a man shouldn't be harassed to be converted to the Solitary Hermitage. Preaching is about practicing the will of the ancient spirits, that guide the world to a better outcome. If one would like to preach the Nameless Martyr God, he should not be warned many times, just one, to let the hermit follower in peace.

3 - Love is to be intended "for life". Marriage is a serious thing and should not be denied, but, if a hermit judge thinks the marriage was faulty from the principle, it can be declared "never done".

4 - Law is to be connected to the Good, forever and ever. It's harmful to be a pettifogger as it is to ignore the principles that found society, that have to be respected in their spirit, and that can be changed in an orderly way, to fulfill a greater good.

5 - Good should not prevail over the Law, and Law should not prevail over the Good. They have to work in a sinergy given by charity and pride.

6 - Prejudices exists: they are positive or negative. Mantain your prejudice if what has been taught to you has sense. Deny it if it does harm people that receives it, or if it harms you.

7 - Help the needy to walk with his own legs, don't become a slave of parasites that try to take your efforts to be used against you: "Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."; "“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you."

8 - Have common sense in what you do: don't be tied to the riches, because the ancients haven't taken those with them; give a friend a second chance, everyone makes mistakes. Share what you have with those that share their inner pain with you.

9 - Learn from other people: it's either a valuable lesson, a way to do more good to them, or an alarm bell to help you protect from them.

10 - Justice is an empty word if not followed by charity: "Faithful love is what people look for in a person; they prefer the poor to a liar."