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| name = Desde Ruethael
| gender = Female
| race =  Moon Elf
| player = EtherealVisage
| image = [[File:Rue.jpeg|200px|thumb|center|]]
| fullname = Sarunielle Lenoliath
| nicknames = "Rue"
| age = 137
| deity = Verenestra
| alignment = Chaotic Neutral
| occupation = Lorekeeper, Alchemist
| faction = None
| birthplace = Unknown
| height = 5'0
| eyes = Silvery Green
| hair = Platinum Blonde
| complexion = Fair
| build = Waifish

A name, a face, an enigma. Desde; a name taken from the antagonist in one of her parents’ adventures. Ruethael; contrived of a nickname from simpler days. Desde..Ruethael…who?
== Physical Appearance ==
''“I’m just another pretty face, so don’t come any closer…”''
Desde, with her pale skin, diminutive figure, and wide eyes, gives off the appearance of girlhood, even for an elf. Small, and waifish, Desde stands at 5 feet exactly, and has not grown an inch in height nor girth in over a hundred years. Somewhat on the frail side, Desde strives to keep a healthy form, sometimes eating more than necessary to maintain a figure that is not just skin and bones.
Her facial features would be the first to betray her age as more than just an elven youth. Perpetually curled into a lazy half smirk, her lips are always painted a soft berry pink. Desde’s eyes are lined in charcoal and doused in shadow to draw attention away from her childlike wideness. Her nose is small and slightly upturned, giving off the overall appearance of a constant sneer.
Desde’s hair is a wispy platinum  blonde; each strand very thin and meticulously cared for. Occasionally, the elf allows her hair to take to their naturally wavy curls and fall to waist level, but more commonly (and especially while traveling) spells are used to straighten and style it into a high feathered tail or a conservative braid.
While her face remains free of scar, blemish , or freckle, the same cannot be said of Desde’s body. Several old, faint scars , resembling small punctures or animal scratches adorn her neck, wrists, shoulders and chest. Perhaps the worst of it are two overlapping scars upon the small of her back. A practiced and worldly swordsman would be able to tell that both wounds were delivered by the same type of blade, but at different times; for one is older than the other.
The elf’s back is also marked in ink. Two leathery , pointed wings adorn the area under each shoulder blade, with the Abyssal word for “Monster” etched between. The words and drawing seem to have been performed with an unsteady hand , giving off the impression of the image as a branding, rather than an intentional mark. Desde could, of course, have any or  all of these removed at any given time , though perhaps each holds its own unique memory or lesson.
Desde’s clothes vary greatly in form and function. She is no stranger to revealing corsets, high boots , and shirt, frilly skirts, but is also fully comfortable in lavish gowns and other such court attire. Most commonly, however, she can be found in her simple traveling suit, consisting of blue corset, black and brown lined jacket, and trousers, and brown boots. Many of her ensembles are adorned with bells or light spells to ward off sneaky shadows.
Around Desde’s neck rests the only piece of jewelry she owns that is not attached to her heavily pierced ears; a silver pendant resembling a small mirror on a silver chain. This, some may recognize, is the elf’s only subtle homage to her patron, and as such, is often tucked under her shirt.
A cloak, black , heavy, and adorned with Dwarven runes,  is rarely seen far from her person. This cloak seems just too short and much too wide to fit properly; though the attached hood has been altered to fit perfectly around her head.
Desde could fairly be described as frantic in her movements and mannerisms. Pacing, kicking her feet to and fro while sitting, and twiddling her fingers in her hair are all to be expected of her. She keeps her head bowed to convey respect, and goes silent to show true fear.
Amongst her (visible) possessions are a multitude of wands, and a canvas bag filled to the brim with vials, powders, inks, scrolls, and other alchemical and magical components. A staff; adorned in silver and blue, the color of her house, is her last usual companion.
== Personality ==
''“I’m not a fairy but I need more than this life so I became…”''
Desde believes ultimately that a person’s worth can be described wholly by their ability to be clever, or their ability to provide her some use; even if that use is only companionship or comfort. A being that she cannot find a use for, is one she will not associate with. As such, she holds her own intelligence at high regard. If she is able to outsmart an opponent, then she has accomplished something; and everyone is a potential opponent.
Desde attempts to see the logical solution to every problem, but realizes that sometimes this is naturally impossible. The many races of the multiverse are, at times, very emotional creatures, and to be unable to understand , read, and manipulate those emotions would ultimately be a failure on her part. As such, she is sometimes prone to small, compulsive lies or half-truths that she does not realize she is making.
The elf has the mischievous and playful nature of the fey; often times over exaggerating emotions she may or may not be feeling. She may feign extreme fear or skittishness to obtain attention, then switch to a raging anger; anything to throw another off their feet. To be defined, or labeled, is to lose.
And as such, in many ways, Desde lacks a true identity. Often times, she falls into boughts of depression, feeling as if she has no identifying features, or any trait or goals to truly call her own. She often feels as if her own identity molds to match the one or those closest to her. Their goals become hers, their love, hatred, fears, and joys belong to her.
Desde is very capable of kindness and generosity, often times making large gifts to seemingly random individuals. For the most part this is true; material possessions, at times, have little meaning to her. More often, the elf can prove to be spiteful and envious; craving the features and attributes of others, and sometimes attempting to make them her own. Often times, the only thing that stops her from being truly dangerous in this, is how quick she is to lose interest in most things. Flighty, would not be an unfair definition of Desde, all in all.
Lately, one would notice odd habits about her. Late night wanderings, mostly in a daze. She does not truly seem to hear, listen, see, or know where she is going. More over is the otherworldlyness about her. Something, or some memory of late, has gotten a hold of her, putting her out of touch with the world around her. Those with deep alchemical, herbal, or medical knowledge may assume she's drugged.
== Early Life ==
''“She’s locked up with a spinning wheel…”''
Desde was born to the name Sarunielle Lenoliath on a Prime Material world she can hardly remember. Flowing waterfalls, a secluded house on the coast, a large manner, marble halls, a winding library, people she never saw again. This makes up her very early memory. Perhaps the first friends she had were her father’s pet Lim Lim and her mother’s familiar; an eyeball that went lovingly by the name of Squishy. These were her first sitters, and indeed, the only two friends she had for the first ten or so years of her life. By the time her first decade had come to a close, she had moved to more locales and prime material worlds than she could safely recall, but was never allowed to leave the manner and grounds. Being without another member of her House or one of her two uncanny companions was unheard of.
Her father, Saidric, was a mage of great power, who often disguised himself as the bard Llewellyn when he traveled. His bloodline was, and is still unknown the young girl, but everything from one side of the lower planes to the other has been suggested to exist in his lineage. Her mother Rhynnala was a renown sorceress who obtained her innate ability from a latent fey gift in her line.  Almost like a third parent was her aunt, Elroethiel Lenoliath, the assassin and spymistress of her house. A sensate by nature, her reputation as a woman of ill repute followed her far and wide; never the less, she was a large and loving influence on Desde.
Desde’s first concrete memories of growing up was on the plane of Toril, where the family had a large property within the city of Waterdeep. Their father and mother both hid their larger planar ambitions in a guise of attempting to gain legitimate Waterdhavian nobility; something largely denied to those of elven birth. Again, Desde was largely forbidden to associate with anyone outside of the household without express permission; though there were plenty of occasions where she was caught sneaking out with many a local boy or girl for childish adventures.
Her studies in magecraft began at the age of twenty, where she was given her first magical lesson as a birthday gift. Despite her mother’s initial disapproval, it was deemed logical for her to have at least a running knowledge of spells and spellcraft. Desde immediately took to the studies, enjoying books, reading, and learning as much as her father.
Though, she could never fully drop her love for fey and folk lore, and dove into each book , sometimes quite literally, as her mother, an Illusionist by trade, would take great joy in creating the worlds of her books and plays around her. Along with this came an interest in alchemy, something she took to  in her early 30s.
Life went on in this manner, with Desde only being vaguely aware of her family’s dark and planar dealings. Regular trips to the port of Skulls by her aunt and other retainers, talk of things she did not understand…lihux? Agony? The Vapors? And odd visitors were a regular much so, that she thought nothing of it.
Over the years, she mastered her cantrips and first level spells. Her family decided that it was time for her to learn abroad..besides…old enemies were thought to be on the rise again..watching and biding their time.
== The First Jaunt ==
''“I want my innocence back..”''
At the turn of her first century, Desde was sent through a portal to the City of Doors , where it would be harder to find her.  For the Shade Randharavanna and his clan, an enemy of her parents, was once again loose, and the further from the rest of the Lenoliaths she was the better; after all, for all he knew, the Lenoliaths never had a child.
A tiefling by the name of Dur’Thak, an old friend of the family’s , would be her overseer for this short time. Desde, then Sarunielle, continued her studies under his tutelage, but for the first time, was let into the loop of exactly what would be expected of her when she returned. She was no longer a child. Spells of dark and sinister nature were her study material. She assisted in dark deals made with denizens of the lower planes. She contributed to the design of dark objects, mostly with the blood sacrifice of her own, or of others of what was considered pure, ‘untouched’ blood. Desde did not think much of what she was being told to do, for her loyalty to her family was absolute. She would further the name Lenoliath, no matter what the cause.
One day, when sent on a routine run for supplies, then, in the company of her companion Boots, one of the offspring of the eyeball Squishy, she was attacked by a poisonous arrow determined to be crafted in the Plane of Shadows. The message was clear, they knew where, and who she was.
Her parents then sought battle with Randharavanna , and he was greatly weakened for his offense, The Lenoliath family was not without heavy casualties of their own, Desde returned home to care for her mother for a short time; for she had been struck with a near mortal wound in the battle with the Shade.
== Travels Abroad ==
''“Misery loves company, and company loves more, more loves everybody else but hell is others..”''
With the threat of the Shade safely tucked away, and her mother well on her way to recovery, Desde was sent on a new mission; to learn the ways of this prime world, so that she may one day head matters for the Lenoliath family from Waterdeep as an ‘ambassador’ of sorts, while her parents did their work in the planes. In order to do this, Desde would travel Toril in search of power, connections, riches or information that would prove useful for the family.
These travels eventually took her to the heart of the Cormanthor; the old home of the elves on the plane. It would seem as if she had immediately met her goal. Not long after her arrival in the Dalelands, did she come across an old tower. Upon excavating it with a group of adventures, did she discover an old relic, later discovered to be the fabled Crown of Dracandros, a floating circlet with a multitude of powers. Many battles amongst the adventuring kind caused the crown to pass hands many times, falling in and out of Desde’s through battle and deception many times. Knowing that the crown was needed by a group led by a maiden mage she particularly despised to slay a plague bearing dragon, Desde sabotaged the crown, then allowed it to be stolen. Ultimately, the crown served its intended purpose, but not without taking the sanity of the young mage who wore it to battle.
Desde made herself a few enemies during her time in the Dalelands, the most notable being the arch-mage Baelmastifas. Desde discovered the mage in the midst of a heinous plot; abusing the mind and bodies of elven children in order to force a powerful Selu’Kiira to divulge its great mysteries and power. The young elf came to magical blows and battles of wits with the mage many times, both gaining and losing control of the Kiira herself. Finally, she devised a plan. Using a group of adventurers to fend off Baelmastifas’ undead and summoned army, Desde , under shroud of invisibility and aura blocking divinations made her way through the battle ground to where Baelmastifas stood, and with a simple spell of True Strike, fired an arrow tipped with the Kiira itself into the arch-mage’s head, forcing him to wear the very artifact which would render his mind and body useless for eternity; for no human could seek to wear such a powerful elven relic without suffering the consequences.  As a reward for her troubles, Desde was gifted with a new Kiira, one that had not yet been filled with any lore or history. One for her to begin filling with her own.
During this time, Desde met a trained assassin that was contracted under Baelmastifas’ spymistress; a succubus by the name of Sauda. Feeling pity for the man’s mind, she freed him from his torment, even after he delivered a near-fatal blow, creating the first aforementioned scar in her spine that, to this day, affects her ability to walk for long distances. They traveled together for some time, sharing the dream of ending the civil war in his homeland, under their rule.  This would be short lived, however , as the young elf’s flighty nature would ruin what was perhaps one of her greatest companionships..ending in the second identical scar.
Desde also made friends with the dwarven clans of the Dales, assisting them in removing a ghast that haunted their mines and ruined their productivity. For this, Desde was gifted with the name Samryn, dwarven for a trusted and honorable friend.
And so it went for three years, until the faces she called familiar left the Cormanthor, and she was left only with the elves that had alienated her and branded her Monster, forcibly and literally, due to her actions with the Crown.  It was time, she thought, to return home.
== Applied Knowledge ==
''“Why dream a dream, that’s tainted with trouble and less than it seems?”''
Desde’s second stay in house Lenoliath in Waterdeep was a nightmare . Despite her wordly knowledge, her parents expected her to return to the darkness of the halls and to remain within the gates of their grounds. No more was she allowed to wander freely, or alone, as she had been before. Because of her perceived failure (her varied and short term romances were seen as this, because she was now unfit to be married away) she was given only the most rudimentary tasks to take care of. Though soon, her family would learn of her success with alchemy; having headed a guild of alchemists in Essembra. Because of this, she was entrusted to darker tasks, and for the next two decades , was invited into the depths of the port of Shadows with her aunt, to obtain and manufacture poisons and drugs, up to, and including the creation of Liquid Pain. She became a maiden of pain and torture, until Randharavanna’s second attack saved her.
Elezandor’s project form appeared in a shroud of mist in their library. He was a powerful denizen of Pandemonium,    and Rhynnala’s personal mentor, and he seemed to be very troubled. “He has escaped” Came his booming, frantic voice. The dark shadow scars on her mother’s arms and legs pulsed, and she then the meaning of her words. “She must be sent back.” the dark man continued.
It took three days to reopen the portal and to prepare for Desde’s departure. Her mother fretted over the smallest things, for the first time, acting as the care taker neither she nor her husband ever were. “You musn’t give your true name. Names and beliefs have power there. Keep them to yourself.”  Desde rolled her eyes to herself. As if she didn’t know , though she bowed her head in mock respect to her mother, something that infuriated her father, for he knew the falsehood of his daughter’s actions.
“Continue your tutelage with Dur’Thak. He will have things to teach you still. We will contact you when we find use.” Her father’s words came with the cold logistics of truth; she was not useful there.  As such, she said nothing.
The magical words were spoken, with Desde standing in the center. Wind came from nowhere and whished through her hair, taking her braid and throwing it behind her. She stood, eyes open and fearless, and stared into the atelier of the teifling mage.  She stepped through the door….
….To find horrors, shadows clung to the wall, pain filled her head, cracking the Kiira that still rested upon her head, and rendering it useless. It would take her days to reclaim even a portion of her spells, the rest lost forever. She felt physically and mentally weaker as well. The portal had been sabotaged, she thought. She stayed on guard. 
Dur’Thak’s corpse was an unwelcome, but unsurprising sight. She could not stay there. Thanking her family silently for the shrouds allowing her to go unseen and undetected , she watched the shadows follow an illusory double created by her mother, her one true skill.
Bracing herself, she walked out into the streets of Sigil, alone….
== The Second Jaunt ==
''“Look into the shadows, step into the mist”''
[Coming Soon]
== Accomplishments ==
''“I don’t want to be a legend – Oh, well that’s a god damned lie, I do.”''
[Coming Soon]
== Flaws and Failures ==
''“Why live a lie, that’s painted with pity and sadness and strife?”''
Desde , beyond all, fears Shadows, and is paranoid of their existence, seeing each as an extension of , or spy for Randharavanna. She seeks to exterminate their existence and their followers wherever she goes. It is for this reason that she despises the dancers, and the Sharrans that follow the dark.
== Allies ==
''“I’d give up all my fame to fight your demons and your bloody wars”''
[Coming Soon]
== Enemies ==
''“And I will run you through with the dagger you sharpened on my body and soul..”''
Perhaps her largest remaining enemy is Randharavana, the Shade that haunts her family. Not much is known of him, except that he originated in the depths of the Shadow Plane, and was betrayed once long ago by her father Saidric. After this, he gained notoriety and power in the depths of the lower planes, gaining power, and connections so that he may torment the Lenoliath Family.
== Goals ==
''“Once upon a time I thought, what’s the one thing I haven’t got?”''
Desde’s largest goal is simply to have an identity of her own; a life separate from her parents and accomplishments and desires that depend on herself and no one else. Ultimately, her goal is to have goals.
Beyond this, Desde wishes to be inducted into the courts of the fey, to meet the makers of her mother’s magical bloodline, and to become integrated into their ways.
A secondary goal would be the manipulation and monopolization of information; to become a sort of Shadow broker, despite her fear of shadows, in general.

Latest revision as of 13:08, 30 April 2014