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  | hair = Honey colored
  | hair = Honey colored
  | complexion = Sun kissed and healthy looking
  | complexion = Sun kissed and healthy looking
  | build = thin, but fit.
  | build = Thin, but fit.
  | features = Nileen is always impeccably dressed. Her general appearance is always neat looking.  She's got a scar from the right hand side of her forehead passing down over her eye to the middle of her cheek.  She's got random various tiny paper cut like scars criss crossing her hands.
  | features = Nileen is always impeccably dressed. Her general appearance is always neat looking.  She has a scar from the right hand side of her forehead passing down over her eye to the middle of her cheek.  She's got random various tiny paper cut like scars criss crossing her hands.
  | skills = Proficient sneak, excellent magic slinger. She's great at investigating and story telling with the written word.
  | skills = Proficient sneak, excellent magic slinger. She's great at investigating and story telling with the written word.
  | gear = A nasty looking short sword that spits sparks at random, an old broken ioune stone, various papers, scrolls, and books galore. She keeps a feather-pen behind her ear at all times.
  | gear = A nasty looking short sword that spits sparks at random, an old broken ioune stone, various papers, scrolls, and books galore. She keeps a feather-pen behind her ear at all times.

Revision as of 16:37, 22 March 2013

Nileen Underfoot
Female Halfling
Player: N.I.M.H
General Information
Full Name: Nileen Underfoot
Nicknames: Leeners, Leenie, Nil
Age: 36
Occupation: Editor in Chief of S.I.G.I.S
Faction/Rank: Free League
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the Outlands
Physical Attributes
Height: 3'3
Weight: 32 lbs
Eyes: Green flecked with blue
Hair: Honey colored
Complexion: Sun kissed and healthy looking
Physical Build: Thin, but fit.
Physical Features: Nileen is always impeccably dressed. Her general appearance is always neat looking. She has a scar from the right hand side of her forehead passing down over her eye to the middle of her cheek. She's got random various tiny paper cut like scars criss crossing her hands.
Proficient sneak, excellent magic slinger. She's great at investigating and story telling with the written word.
Equipment and Items
A nasty looking short sword that spits sparks at random, an old broken ioune stone, various papers, scrolls, and books galore. She keeps a feather-pen behind her ear at all times.

Description, Personality, General information

Description Nileen has a full head of honey colored hair, which she has taken to leaving down and free of pins and ties. Her skin is a healthy sun kissed shade, and surprisingly looks as though she spends a fair amount of time taking care of it. Her eyes are a sparkling bright green with flecks of blue throughout. The corners show just a few laugh lines, as though she’s enjoyed many a good joke throughout her life. Cutting through her right eye halfway down her cheek is a scar. She doesn't mention it often, and clams up if asked about it.

She usually always wears a smile, and never any type of face paint or make up. Her clothing is always of an excellent cut and fit, nicely tailored, and well taken care of. She tends to favor the cool colors, preferring their relaxing nature to that of the fiery reds and oranges on the warmer side of the spectrum.

Upon her person can be seen various packs, scrollcases, pouches, and other containers. At her waist is a belt with many pouches, bulging with various unknown items. Nileen is a packrat, and it shows.

Personality and General Information She is extremely studious in all things. Nileen can be quiet, but is usually always friendly and pleasant to be around. She can be quite boisterous at times, but has become naturally more reserved and so this side of her is often kept under wraps. She always has a greeting at the ready, no matter who might show up. She is quite personable, and isn’t shy about who she speaks with. She is normally slow to anger, and once angered is slow to calm down. Nileen is inquisitive - she often seeks out the answers to her questions to the detriment to her health and well being. She's not always sure when a good time to say no would be when it comes to digging up a story. She can never just let things go. If she does give in and stop searching, the questions will forever plague her mind. She can be a bit blunt, and isn't always sure when to censure herself. This can sometimes lead to some very awkward social situations. Nileen is always on the lookout for the next big adventure, and the next breaking story. It seems as though her whole life is directed toward this purpose.

Languages Known

  • Sylvan, Draconic, Dwarven, Thieve's Cant, Abyssal, Halfling.

Place of Birth

  • Unknown at this moment.

Theme Song


  • Gaining the deed and remodeling the old Cager’s Key building to create S.I.G.I.S, traveling the planes, spreading truth wherever she can, and escaping Carceri mostly fully intact.


  • Nileen's dream is to run S.I.G.I.S, with it in the end becoming the Cage’s main source for all things news related. She desires to provide the populace with juicy tidbits and important news. An informed populace is a powerful populace!
  • Nileen desires nearly above all else to find Reen Shadowhand, her cousin. She was last seen helping Nileen to escape Carceri, and has not been seen since. Nileen is forever searching and attempting to ferret out any information as to Reen’s whereabouts so she can bring her home safely.


Nileen remembers far too little of her childhood. She remembers warmth and happiness, and a willingness to tease. She remembers twinkling eyes and always a hug at the ready. She cannot remember faces or names, but to her it matters little. Her first real memory is waking up in a covered wagon, in the caravan of her cousin Reen Shadowhand. During her formative years, she grew very close with Reen and her family while traveling the whole of the Outlands. Gate town to gate town, encampment to encampment, she grew fond of the gypsy way of life.

During this time, Nileen learned a few tricks of the trade to earn herself some jink. Reen’s mother was a fairly accomplished spell caster- earning her keep performing various tricks and magic to paying customers. Because Nileen showed some promise in that field, Reen’s mother took her under her wing. Reen’s father was an accomplished sneak, and taught Nileen how to hide, get herself out of sticky situations, and basically anything else concerning street smarts. The training was strenuous, but well worth it in the end as Nileen learned how to put her natural intelligence to use, handle larger quantities of power, find her way out of unsavory situations, and put her cleverness to work. Nileen had always been a clever little chit, and being in Reen’s cousin’s company helped nurture her natural tricksy tendencies. She grew quite fond of playing the odd trick on an unsuspecting traveler or family member. She was never malicious, but found great humor in playing pranks on people.

During this time she also found herself scouting the cities to bring news back to the caravan before their arrival. She discovered a secret love for spreading news, telling stories, and ferreting out the truth in all things. Nileen always had an eye for jink and a problem with hoarding things. Over time, she managed to save a sizeable amount for herself. As a result, she decided to strike out on her own and make a break for The Cage. Reen came with her, and they became inseparable for a time. During her stay in the City of Doors, Nileen took her love of story telling and news mongering to new heights and acquired the deed to The Cager’s Key. She had grand plans of re-organizing the paper and calling it S.I.G.I.S, putting most of her jink into the effort. Unfortunately, while chasing down a lead she’d been following concerning the prior demise and murder of the Cager’s Key employees , she was taken captive and imprisoned in Carceri by the very people she was chasing down.

For an entire year she languished in captivity, her home a tiny cage suspended above an endlessly deep body of water. She was tormented by creatures from the deep, lunging up to bite and claw at her, wreaking havok with her stability. She was not fed, and so subsisted on the raw flesh of creatures she managed to capture, and from an endless drip of fetid, disgusting water originating from the ceiling. There was very little light – the only tiny shaft coming from a spot of damage in the brick high above her. Her captors tormented her, asking for information regarding the previous newspapers’ owners, and something to do with sentient fungus. Nileen was not able to provide them the answers they required, and so the torment continued day after day. Her world was total darkness. For an entire year. By the end, Nileen’s clothing and appearance was in tatters, along with her confidence.

By sheer luck, Reen discovered her whereabouts, and managed to break her free from her tiny prison, physically and mentally. Together they made their way toward the Styx. Nileen was able to free herself – Reen was not. Nileen has made it safely back to The Cage, but still has questions, and is still seeking answers to questions from long ago. She takes any opportunity to gather information as to the possible whereabouts of Reen, and is still trying to locate her to mount a rescue effort. To this day she has an intense fear of deep water, and total darkness. Due to the disgusting conditions she was forced to live in, she is extremely fastidious about her appearance and takes great pains to ensure her clothing is of the highest quality, and her physical appearance is always at its best.