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  | name = Karsperus Blake
  | name = Karsperus Blake
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  | alignment = Neutral Evil
  | alignment = Neutral Evil
  | occupation = Involved in managing several small to medium scale Fated operations
  | occupation = Involved in managing several small to medium scale Fated operations
  | faction = Fated
  | faction = Fated / Factotum
  | birthplace = Krynn (Dragonlance): Continent of Ansalon, Tarsis (Before the War of Souls.)
  | birthplace = Krynn (Dragonlance): Continent of Ansalon, Tarsis (Before the War of Souls.)
  | height = 5'9"
  | height = 5'9"
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<br>- Vessel of Madness: Chant goes about that he was once possessed by an ancient Demon Lord, bartered a deal with the fiend, released it to the world and kept himself both sane and whole.  
<br>- Vessel of Madness: Chant goes about that he was once possessed by an ancient Demon Lord, bartered a deal with the fiend, released it to the world and kept himself both sane and whole.  
<br>- Fiend-Binder: Recent events have led people to believe he is an expert in Demonology and consorts with demons. Additionally, it is also well known that he has bound a Rakshasa to his service by the name of R'khan.
<br>- Fiend-Binder: Recent events have led people to believe he is an expert in Demonology and consorts with demons. Additionally, it is also well known that he has bound a Rakshasa to his service by the name of R'khan.
<br>- Baron of the Market Ward: Struck a deal with the Free League to help them manage the Market Ward by deploying Fated Bashers. For months, the Market Ward was kept under the Takers' iron fist and order was maintained. A group of Doomguards from the IX eventually kicked the Takers out, allowing the Harmonium to take over instead.
<br>- Chaosbane: Has strived to protect the city from descending into utter chaos.

<br>Mastery of the Art, Studying other Primes, Becoming an influential political figure in Sigil.
<br>Mastery of the Art, Studying other Primes, Becoming an influential political figure in Sigil.

Latest revision as of 09:45, 15 May 2017

Karsperus Blake
Male Human
Player: Trigonometry
General Information
Full Name: Karsperus Blake
Nicknames: The Red Baron
Age: 32
Deity: Concept: Dominion and Control (Tyranny), Trickery, Magic.
Occupation: Involved in managing several small to medium scale Fated operations
Faction/Rank: Fated / Factotum
Place of Birth: Krynn (Dragonlance): Continent of Ansalon, Tarsis (Before the War of Souls.)
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170lbs
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Slender. Relatively fit.
Physical Features: Beard
Magic and thuggery. High understanding of magical and planar concepts. Intimidation. Fluent in Draconic.
Equipment and Items
Chianed, magically bound spellbook. Several pouches with spell components. Claymore.

- Accomplishments -

- Graduate from the Academy of Sorcery
- Honors for extending the study of Magic in Ansalon
- Ties to the Noble Families of Tarsis
- Usurped a Noble family of their prestige and belongings, becoming the Baron of Tarsis in their place.
- Title of Magus, Teaching Position in the Academy of Sorcery
- Leader of an Expedition into the Red Sea of Ishtar

Post Sigil:
- Fiendslayer of Aziluth: Traveled to the collapsing layer of the Abyss, Aziluth, and put an end to several fiends there, including a notorious Marilith known as the Fabricator.
- Fated Factotum: Through trial by combat, Karsperus proved himself more skillful than his superior and earned the respect of his peers.
- Vessel of Madness: Chant goes about that he was once possessed by an ancient Demon Lord, bartered a deal with the fiend, released it to the world and kept himself both sane and whole.
- Fiend-Binder: Recent events have led people to believe he is an expert in Demonology and consorts with demons. Additionally, it is also well known that he has bound a Rakshasa to his service by the name of R'khan.
- Baron of the Market Ward: Struck a deal with the Free League to help them manage the Market Ward by deploying Fated Bashers. For months, the Market Ward was kept under the Takers' iron fist and order was maintained. A group of Doomguards from the IX eventually kicked the Takers out, allowing the Harmonium to take over instead.
- Chaosbane: Has strived to protect the city from descending into utter chaos.

Mastery of the Art, Studying other Primes, Becoming an influential political figure in Sigil.

- Background -

After the Cataclysm that had happened so many centuries before Karsperus' birth, the great merchant city of Tarsis lost the waters that reached it's ports, becoming but a small trading settlement and greatly impoverishing the merchant families within the city. Those that could, left for greener pastures while others either lived in poverty or managed to keep a tight grip on their businesses and maintain their position as the Bourgeois. Karsperus' family was part of the many who lost their businesses over the course of years and were now part of the working force of Tarsis whilst living in absolute misery. The few ties they had with other families having mostly been cut due to the loss of their status and position.

As a little boy, Karsperus was given away to one of the more successful families of Tarsis, the McNeils, to work as a servant in exchange for what little his family had left. Their parents, wanted to provide for him a more stable, healthy environment even if it meant him working for what had previously been a rival family. Although having had to grow in the streets, Karsperus was not without his own sense of grace. At home, he had been raised with the manners of a gentleman so there was no clashes of class when he began to live in the McNeil manor. He knew how to behave, he knew how to act, and he knew his place.

Christian McNeil was the firstborn of Frederik McNeil, whose wife had passed away at birth. He was, quite frankly, like all other boys his age. He was, like Karsperus, around the age of Eight. Karsperus was a mere servant, yet his rough upbringing had made him more mature and more civilized than Christian who having always had the privileges of nobility didn't even take his upbringing seriously. As a result, Frederik drew comparisons between Karsperus' behavior and Christian's so that he'd be more alike the servant who served his household. Christian was, at this moment an embarrassment to Frederik. As a result, Karsperus, over the course of months, became more liked by Frederik and became more somewhat of an adopted son than a servant.

Karsperus' introduction to the intrigues of Nobility was so at the age of fifteen. There was no heir to the McNeil fortune, name and prestige than Christian, who in his eyes didn't deserve it. If he was removed from the picture due to an unfortunate accident, Karsperus would become the sole heir. The murder of Christian McNeil was the first sin to soil the hands of Karsperus Blake. Officially, the two sons of the McNeil Household were poisoned by a servant hired by a rival family, and only Karsperus miraculously survived. The truth, the young Karsperus had an interest in books ever since a young age and had been dabbling in the same books that were used in the Academy of Sorcery to introduce those who would learn magic into the Art. He brewed his own poison with some components he had read about, as well as an antidote. He poisoned both his meal and his brothers, but took the antidote before eating. With the unfortunate passing of Christian McNeil, Karsperus Blake became the sole Heir of the McNeils, even if looked down on by other nobles due to his roots from an impoverished Merchant Family.

Karsperus left the city of Tarsis to join the Academy of Sorcery one year after having murdered Christian to expand upon his education and gain some manner of prestige as a graduate. Unlike others who had joined the Academy however, Karsperus had no innate talent, and had to learn and memorize spells to actually cast them. After three years of hard work he graduated as a fully grown Wizard and left to his own devices and research. He returned to Tarsis and to the McNeil household to find his adoptive father on his sickbed. Perhaps because of a weight on his conscience from the murder of Christian years back, Karsperus paid for the treatment of his adoptive father as he was determined to let fate run it's course. Frederik McNeil would die of natural causes three years later, and Karsperus would gain unrestricted access to all his resources then.

Leaving his household in the care of servants and healers who stayed by Frederik's bedside, Karsperus would make a return trip to the Academy of Sorcery on the request of a former colleague to join in an expedition to what they thought were ruins of an Istarian Complex, something that had survived the Cataclysm. He spent a year in the Ansalonian coast deciphering ancient texts and studying these ruins, eventually managing to crack them and explore it's contents. His participation was awarded and his talents were put in the spotlight.

On the year of Frederik's death, the McNeil Manor was now the Blake Manor as Karsperus inherited the entire fortune of this family. He spent the following months dealing with bureaucracy and looking through that which he had obtained. The McNeils had their own treasure trove of objects purchased in auctions and gifts from other families that, when seen through the eyes of the common folk, were nothing more than valuable trinkets to be stored away. In the eyes of a Wizard however some of those objects had hidden qualities. He gave them away to the Academy of Sorcery in return for their value in gold for study, but in light of his achievements over the course of those four years, he was awarded the title of Magus and given a position to teach in the Academy.

Then came the event that would rattle his comfortable position. A magical disturbance would be detected above the Red Sea of Istar, and Karsperus would be chosen to lead an expedition into those red waters. The unknown Planar Leak would transport him and his crew to Limbo, where only he would survive. A planeswalker would find him alone, malnutritioned and exhausted from weeks spent without any supplies in Limbo, and in exchange for all of his valuables, take him to Sigil where he would recover.

Possible Plot-Hook Ideas: Political Intrigue, Ancient Magic, Abandoned Ruins, you name it. Karsperus would be drawn to make his family name known in the Lady's Ward and secure himself a seat of power. Anything ancient and remotely magical would draw him to study it and learn from it.

- Character Art -