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| name = Jared Tabit
| gender = Male
| race = Human (slightly modified lifespan)
| player = Remmy
| image = Jared_Portrait.jpeg
| fullname = Jared Tabit
| nicknames = Meddler, Busybody, Harper, Asshole.
| age = 42
| deity = None (Formerly Selune then Corellon Larethian)
| alignment = Chaotic Good
| occupation = Adventurer, meddler
| faction = None
| birthplace = Secomber, Abeir-Toril
| height = 6’3
| weight = 210
| eyes = Brown
| hair = Brown
| complexion = Lightly tanned
| build = Athletic warrior
| features = A few scars, full beard and pleasant features
| skills = Planar (Major) and Religious (Minor) knowledge, martial weapons and combat with an emphasis on defense, resourcefulness, linguist, deduction, and ability to manipulate the planes for transport or defense
| gear = Longsword, plate armor (often Dragon Scale), bow & arrows, spear, javelins. Any number of portal keys
== Personality ==
As befitting a Human Jared rarely has a default emotional state. When he is happy he'll have a smile or grin plastered on his face, when he is angry or annoyed a frown,sharp glare, or pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. The expression most approaching common for him is a smirk and look of amusement, either from his own sarcastic and snarky sense of humor or from finding events going on around him entertaining. Unless whispering his voice is usually clear and carries without rising to the level of a shout, likely as a result of frequently having to voice thoughts and orders in the heat of combat. In more comfortable social settings his tone would often be considered humorous, delivering snarky jokes, sarcastic comments, or even deadpan wit. Sometimes however his sarcasm is directed in a more scathing direction, turning into barbs.
== Appearance ==
Jared stands at 6'3, marking him as taller than the average Human. He appears exceptionally fit for his race, though not in an exaggerated fashion. Strong arms, wider shoulders, a fit core, and a runner's legs. His physical training seems to emphasize a balanced approach to physical health, not focusing solely on any single area. His belt features a number of sheathed bladed weapons, a longsword, a short sword, and a few daggers with the occasional mace hanging from a ring. He is almost always seen in public wearing a protective magical cloak of some kind with a shield and bow or crossbow strapped to the back. A hole is also cut into the top back of it through which ammunition, javelins, a spear, or some combination of the three can be seen. During leisure or long distance travel where danger is not a major concern he is most often spotted in a comfortable but sturdy leather tunic or light chainmail under a heavy jacket. When battle is expected he is most often seen wearing full platemail, usually of the Dragon Scale variety. His current suit of armor is a suit of Copper Dragon Scales mixed with blue-dyed cloth and leather as decorative additions and blue-tinted metal covering areas the Scales do not.
His facial features are pleasant to look at, featuring a sort of rugged handsomeness. His brown hair is longer than most and he wears a full beard, both of which are well-groomed. He sports a few scars but owing to regeneration items or spells he does not sport many of the typical long-term scars common among warriors, and he does look to be a warrior, at least based on his armaments, armor, and stature. He frequently rests a hand on or near the hilt of his longsword during travel, only relaxing in social settings. His eyes are often seen observing the general area, looking for things out of place.
== Early Life ==
== Early Life ==

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•        His time on the Myth Drannor included far too many events to list in this bio. Any additional information, memory permitting, can be supplied.
•        His time on the Myth Drannor included far too many events to list in this bio. Any additional information, memory permitting, can be supplied.

== Skullport ==
Jared arrived a few weeks later in the city of Skullport, a city beneath Waterdeep’s fabled Undermountain and connected to the Underdark. It served as a base of operations for all manners of of adventurers, slavers, criminals, and other individuals seeking an escape from the surface’s laws or the unflinching danger of the Underdark. It is a dangerous, mostly lawless place with the only laws being those enforced by the Skulls, a collection of disembodied Skulls capable of great magical feats and who are prone to fits of insanity. It was a dangerous city at the best of times and even more for a so-called “good” man much less a Harper.
Jared soon found that he was not the only resident of the Cormanthor to set up shop in Skullport. Moroc and much of his inner circle had come to the city as a temporary stopover before finally returning to the Planes. With little in the way of support and no access to his network of allies Jared was forced to ignore them for the most part. His mission was more important and there was little they could do to challenge the Skulls. His investigation of the Harper disappearance led him to uncover a plot by the Skulls themselves to free themselves from their prison in Skullport by using the lives of captured mages and to that end they managed to capture one whom could provide all the fuel they’d need, Laeral Silverhand, Lady Mage of Waterdeep and consort of Khelben Arunsun, the Blackstaff. Jared was informed of Laeral’s capture during a meeting with Khelben and agreed to work with the Moonstars to free her and any other captured mages. Knowing that it would be impossible to directly challenge the Skulls a plan was devised that would have Khelben and allied mages attack different parts of Skullport simultaneously, targeting businesses, fronts, and strongholds belonging to slavers, smugglers, killers and the like to draw out and spread the Skulls thin while Jared infiltrated their base to free Laeral and other mages. The plan worked, though one Skull remained guarding their prisoners that Jared was forced to deal with by collapsing a wing of the building on it. Laeral was freed, though the other mages had already been sacrificed by the Skulls. The secondary goal to free Laeral was a success but the primary mission failed as days later the Skulls were able to complete their ritual and shatter the magics that bound them. This event caused the unnaturally abundant portals of the area to go haywire and begin expelling creatures and matter native to their destinations or operate in reverse, inhaling anything of Skullport nearby. The city was finally destroyed when a colossal Scorpion appeared in the middle of the city. Most of the city’s inhabitants fled through whatever portal they could reach that wasn’t spitting out hostile creatures, with most ending up in the Outlands outside of the Dwarven city of Ironridge.
''' Skullport addendum & TL:DR '''
• Jared traveled to Skullport on Harper business seeking the whereabouts of a missing operative and became embroiled in a plot by the Skulls to free themselves using Laeral Silverhand as fuel. Prevented her death and was rewarded by The Blackstaff but ultimately failed to stop the Skulls and fled with many others to Ironridge.
• Interacted with the Court during this time but did not have the support necessary to directly oppose them.
== Ironridge ==

Jared had been no stranger to the planes. Over his career he had made many journeys to other planes and fought with and against their denizens, even taking up the study of these places, but most of these were quick forays. Ironridge was Jared’s first taste of a life lived beyond the Prime Material and he took to it like a fish to water. He saw and did things most mortals never even dreamed of, witnessed the most beautiful and terrifying of sights and took part in unbelievable battles. From the divine domain of Nerull, the Palace of the Great Dao Khan to other locations just as mysterious and dangers. His inquisitive nature naturally led him down the path of the Gatecrasher, manipulating portals or creating temporary ones, communicating with the denizens of the planes in their native tongues, dampening the ability of spellcasters and creatures to summon reinforcements or becoming so attuned to the planes that he was able to withstand their normal effects.

Jared made new allies and enemies in the city. Moroc was eventually slain in a bid to claim his own Abyssal domain but his inner circle remained, Torin continued to be a raging psychopath, infrequently fighting Jared, and newcomers like the killer Neikos or Drow Luromand became frequent thorns in his side. He also had interactions with the woman known as Visenya, who frequently hired herself out to the highest bidder. Jared would often pay her to ignore offers from individuals that would put her in conflict with himself or his goals, matching and beating any deals rivals would make.
| name = Jared Tabit
Dealing with Dragons and their offspring became something of a theme during this period. One of Jared’s earliest adventures while based in Yulash saw him find an enchanted set of sky blue metal full plate armor decorated with images of armor-clad warriors riding atop large Dragons. Over time this suit bonded with Jared and became something akin to a second skin and over the years would see sections of it slowly transform from mithral blue dragon scales. This transformation also extended to certain other items worn by Jared, such as his bracers. While living in Ironridge Jared was contacted by Risilyenyir, a Silver Dragon who claimed to have created the armor and who would back up this claim by exhibiting great control of the suit from afar, locking it in place even if Jared was wearing it, preventing him from moving without a great deal of force. Risilyenyir acted to try and preserve some sort of balance between Dragons and keep Chromatics from gaining too much influence.. Jared would act as an agent in his employ, carrying out tasks Risilyenyir would not or could not do, or at least be seen doing. He also proved to have a very deliberate sense of time even among Dragonkind, often taking a great deal of time to answer a summons if he would answer at all.
| gender = Male
| race = Human (slightly modified lifespan)
''' Ironridge addendum & TL:DR '''
| player = Remmy
| image = Jared_Portrait.jpeg
• Jared adapted to a life in the Planes quickly, becoming a Gatecrasher. He would interact with all sorts of creatures from nearly every plane and delve into places like Nerull’s divine realm, the palace of the Great Dao Khan, and even something I’d rather not name in an open bio.  He continued to oppose certain members of the Court, namely Ashtaroth and Torin when and where he could.
| fullname = Jared Tabit
| nicknames = Meddler, Busybody, Harper, Asshole.
• He had little to no love for many of the planar factions, the Harmonium especially.
| age = 42
| deity = None (Formerly Selune then Corellon Larethian)
• He would befriend a number of planar adventurers, some he could call on for aid and others he would have to convince to assist him. One example that was both was Visenya Theras, a female Jared became acquainted with. They became something resembling friends, though given that she and her mate were very much mercenaries he would often pay them great sums of money to not take any contract that would put them at odds with Jared or his interests.
| alignment = Chaotic Good
| occupation = Adventurer, meddler
• The armor Jared received in Yulash bonded to him and transformed over time, becoming more powerful over time and physically transforming.  Jared would also meet its creator during this time and work for him.
| faction = None
| birthplace = Secomber, Abeir-Toril
•      Jared would also take part in a brief war between Ironridge and Rigus on the Ironridge side of things, taking advantage of its considerable economic might against Rigus' more militaristic focus.
| height = 6’3
| weight = 210
== Some secrets are best left buried ==
| eyes = Brown
| hair = Brown
Busybody. Meddler. Harper. Adventurer. “That blue armored asshole.” All of these have been descriptions of Jared throughout his adult life. With an interest in and talent for uncovering secrets Jared would uncover his fair share of mysteries small, large and multiversal.  Sometimes he would get in over his head but through luck, skill and no small amount of help he would pull through no worse for wear, or so he thought. Unfortunately his luck was to run out.
| complexion = Lightly tanned
| build = Athletic warrior
Jared would leave Ironridge some time before the plague struck the city, returning home to Abeir-Toril for a short time. Eventually he would grow restless and leave the world of his birth behind to return to the Outlands. Avoiding Ironridge he made his way to various Outlands locations and into other planes lending his talents to whatever he felt could use them for the time before moving on, ever restless.  Eventually he would get the feeling that his activities were nibbling at the edge of something big and Jared being the meddler he was could not very well sit by and leave it be.
| features = A few scars, full beard and pleasant features
| skills = Planar (Major) and Religious (Minor) knowledge, martial weapons and combat with an emphasis on defense, resourcefulness, linguist, deduction, and ability to manipulate the planes for transport or defense
What “it” was remains a mystery to this day. The pursuit of the mystery nearly killed Jared many times over but he never called for aid once despite having access to a network of contacts. For months the investigation consumed him and would ultimately prove to be his undoing. It is not known how it came about but the man known as Jared Tabit would be remade, reset to an earlier version of himself and dumped somewhere, out of sight, out of mind.
| gear = Longsword, plate armor (often Dragon Scale), bow & arrows, spear, javelins. Any number of portal keys
• I intentionally kept this vague to give myself or DMs some freedom in coming up with a story at a later date if I or they have a mind to. It was also the best reason I could come up with in a short amount of time for explaining the depowering of a level 31-32 PC.
== A fresh start or a life repeated? ==
Jared would take up in the Faerunian town of Secomber, a town along a trade route leaving the Sword Coast and heading east. He was found three days earlier in a small, flattened section of grassland in nothing but a shredded leather tunic and with no tracks leading to or from his body aside from the ranger who found him. He was physically in perfect health with few scars and no wounds despite the state of his tunic. His mental health was another story as he recalled almost nothing of his life despite retaining speech and numerous physical and mental skills. The only clue left to him was a piece of parchment hidden in the remains of the tunic though the priest could not read it. Jared on the other hand recognized it as two simple words. “Hide=Live.” He would take this message as instruction and spend two years hiding in Secomber, taking odd jobs with local businesses to earn enough coin to put a roof over his head. Restlessness would eventually set in and he would begin venturing away from town for a few hours then a few days at a time. During one such trip he came across the overgrown ruins of an old stole estate fire had consumed earlier, destroying the interior and blackening the stones decades earlier. Moving through the estate Jared began feeling a sense of familiarity that turned to full recognition upon discovering a hidden door, partially opened now, near some of the rubble. This house had been his home growing up and for the first time in two years he knew it. He -knew- it.
He would spend days moving rubble and sifting through what little remained of the estate. He found bodies in the basement but could not determine when they were killed, only that they had died violently and had been armed themselves. He would take what little valuables and salvageable equipment he could get and return to town, selling what he did not need. With his memories of his early life laid open to him and like the outline of a puzzle he would set off east, determined to find answers to the mystery of what happened to him.
It has been a few years since he began this new journey. He has visited the town of Yulash, mysteriously returned from the Abyss seemingly undamned but still very much dangerous, Harrowdale, ever the beating economic heart of the Dalelands, to the former ruins of Skullport. Life there is still spent eking out a miserable existence among the destitute, deadly and dastardly. His memory of these prior points in his life would be fully recovered before he set off for Ironridge only to find it nothing but an uninhabited crater. Finding nothing that could aid him there he would begin tracking where its local adventuring population had moved to, reasoning that they were the most likely to recognize him and be able to piece together the next step of the puzzle. Throughout this stage of his search he would regain no memory of his time in Ironridge. At best he would get a flash of an image, an object or some other sensory clue regarding names no longer recognized. He would consult with priests, mages, and more exotic experts as he had done before and they could offer no explanation for why he could remember so much of his life but almost nothing of Ironridge save that it was the closest period to whatever trauma he suffered, supernatural or otherwise. Eventually he tracked numerous members of the adventuring community to Sigil, though the information was somewhat out of date and set off for the City of Doors.
• Jared believes there is a design to him recovering his memories. If whatever remade him and stripped him of them wanted them gone forever they would have removed them entirely or at least dumped him somewhere he was unlikely to ever recover them. Instead he was dumped miles away from his childhood home and started on a long road to recovery.
• Jared has many unanswered questions: What did this to him? How was it done? Did he do it to himself? His memory recovery also leads to new conundrums: who decided to dump him where they did? Was it some power taking pity on him or using him for some purpose? Did he manage to do it himself in some desperate bid to throw a monkey wrench in the plan for him?
• Since coming to Sigil Jared has made contact with a few individuals from his past, piecing together some of it. Of particular help has been Visenya Theras, perhaps the only individual in the city who knew Jared well. He has also made contact with Aria, a Psion, who has offered a few options to try and restore some of his Ironridge memories. What, if anything, she manages to find remains to be seen.
•      The above options presented by Aria were attempted and resulted in a partial reconstruction of his lost memories of his time in Ironridge. They revealed nothing of what happened to him after and there are still holes as well as lost skills, but he has made strong efforts in rebuilding and retraining to be what he was.

Latest revision as of 02:30, 15 May 2017

Jared Tabit
Male Human (slightly modified lifespan)
Player: Remmy
General Information
Full Name: Jared Tabit
Nicknames: Meddler, Busybody, Harper, Asshole.
Age: 42
Deity: None (Formerly Selune then Corellon Larethian)
Occupation: Adventurer, meddler
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Secomber, Abeir-Toril
Physical Attributes
Height: 6’3
Weight: 210
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Lightly tanned
Physical Build: Athletic warrior
Physical Features: A few scars, full beard and pleasant features
Planar (Major) and Religious (Minor) knowledge, martial weapons and combat with an emphasis on defense, resourcefulness, linguist, deduction, and ability to manipulate the planes for transport or defense
Equipment and Items
Longsword, plate armor (often Dragon Scale), bow & arrows, spear, javelins. Any number of portal keys


As befitting a Human Jared rarely has a default emotional state. When he is happy he'll have a smile or grin plastered on his face, when he is angry or annoyed a frown,sharp glare, or pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. The expression most approaching common for him is a smirk and look of amusement, either from his own sarcastic and snarky sense of humor or from finding events going on around him entertaining. Unless whispering his voice is usually clear and carries without rising to the level of a shout, likely as a result of frequently having to voice thoughts and orders in the heat of combat. In more comfortable social settings his tone would often be considered humorous, delivering snarky jokes, sarcastic comments, or even deadpan wit. Sometimes however his sarcasm is directed in a more scathing direction, turning into barbs.


Jared stands at 6'3, marking him as taller than the average Human. He appears exceptionally fit for his race, though not in an exaggerated fashion. Strong arms, wider shoulders, a fit core, and a runner's legs. His physical training seems to emphasize a balanced approach to physical health, not focusing solely on any single area. His belt features a number of sheathed bladed weapons, a longsword, a short sword, and a few daggers with the occasional mace hanging from a ring. He is almost always seen in public wearing a protective magical cloak of some kind with a shield and bow or crossbow strapped to the back. A hole is also cut into the top back of it through which ammunition, javelins, a spear, or some combination of the three can be seen. During leisure or long distance travel where danger is not a major concern he is most often spotted in a comfortable but sturdy leather tunic or light chainmail under a heavy jacket. When battle is expected he is most often seen wearing full platemail, usually of the Dragon Scale variety. His current suit of armor is a suit of Copper Dragon Scales mixed with blue-dyed cloth and leather as decorative additions and blue-tinted metal covering areas the Scales do not.

His facial features are pleasant to look at, featuring a sort of rugged handsomeness. His brown hair is longer than most and he wears a full beard, both of which are well-groomed. He sports a few scars but owing to regeneration items or spells he does not sport many of the typical long-term scars common among warriors, and he does look to be a warrior, at least based on his armaments, armor, and stature. He frequently rests a hand on or near the hilt of his longsword during travel, only relaxing in social settings. His eyes are often seen observing the general area, looking for things out of place.

Early Life

Jared Tabit was born under a different name and was son to a wizard who went by many different names, only a few of which were known to his son like Actur or Cestor but most often as “master” as he demanded he be addressed or rarely as “father” if he was feeling charitable or especially manipulative. The Wizard’s lifelong obsession was unlocking the secrets of immortality and from his earliest memories Jared was taught that he was little more than a tool in this quest, an important one but a tool nonetheless. His father would tell him that he had made many enemies who sought to steal or destroy his work and that he could not venture out for the components necessary to his research as he once did, tasking Jared and others with these tasks.

His training was extensive and difficult under these other servants, teaching him the basics of fighting, thievery, social graces, and how to size up opponents and challenges and know when to apply the stick, the carrot or flee. He was instructed that winning was important but survival was everything. Living to accomplish future goals even at the cost of short term losses benefitted his father more than succeeding and succumbing to wounds suffered or worse yet dying in the attempt. This philosophy would be almost fatherly if it wasn’t so self-serving to Actur and would not stop him from belittling and punishing his son when he would fail. Jared would also be subjected to experiments by his father related to his research and told that they were safe and they were, usually. Some required a recovery time of a few days or weeks but it left Jared wondering; if they were safe why was his father not performing them on himself and how could he know with such certainty that there would be no ill effects? He would never know for certain but he had suspicions about something more sinister going on. Jared worked for his father from the age of 16 to 21, performing all manner of tasks ranging from simple mundane ingredient retrieval jobs to more complicated heists and infiltrations of wealthy collectors or mages as part of a team of mercenaries in his father’s employ. Jared was usually the lowest man in the pecking order, relegated to lookout, distraction or just added muscle in favor of the more talented mercenaries. A few jobs required him to go above and beyond these simple tasks like the time he was instructed to get involved with a merchant’s daughter and be welcomed openly into the house by her father. He was rumored to have access to a collection of hidden magical items and whose paranoia and greed were only matched by his desire to see his daughter married off. The task required the group to set up a front, posing as the first arm of a westward expansion for a trade company based in the Dales. Jared pretended to be the nephew of the company leader overseeing this initial foray. While initially skeptical of this company he’d never heard the merchant soon warmed up to their gold. He also surmised that Jared must be important to the company or its leadership given the level of protection that traveled with him, correctly gauging the talent level of the so-called caravan guards but incorrectly guessing their purpose. The merchant became convinced he could curry favor by matching up his daughter with this young man from the Dales and perhaps one day come to control this new company.

In the search for his secret stockpile things went wrong and the merchant, much of his bodyguards and some household staff, and half the group, several of which died by Jared’s hands for their aggressive, even psychotic behavior. With the stockpile retrieved Jared returned home to find much of it recently destroyed and his father buried in the rubble, alive but mortally wounded. After digging him out Jared, well-versed in how to kill a man but not how to save one was resigned to the fact that his father would soon pass. His father, to whom survival at any cost was a personal philosophy, was determined to live and attempted to use what remained of his lab and spells to transfer his consciousness into Jared’s body and Jared’s into his body which would soon perish. Because he was too weak from his earlier battle, the destruction of his lab or just plain luck on Jared’s part he was able to resist. Though he was able to resist Jared was stunned as his father attempted to force his consciousness upon him and when it failed he remained in place for hours in that stunned silence, watching as his father drew his final breath. With his father dead, his home in ruins and his last mission turning into a bloodbath Jared was left with very little and numerous potential enemies. He set fire to what remained of the home, not bothering to bury his father and moved east, joining a trade caravan as a guard bound for the city of Yulash.

Early life addendum & TL:DR

• Son to a mage seeking (living) immortality at nearly any cost. Trained to provide hands on assistance to hirelings in procuring necessary items for his father’s research. Returned home after final mission to find it in ruins and father mortally wounded. His father attempted to use a spell/ritual to swap his consciousness with that of his son, condemning him to die in his place but failed and perished. Jared then moved east.

• The daughter of the merchant from Jared’s final mission was saved by him when the bloodbath started but has no idea whether he survived or not. Her father, his security, and some of their household staff were killed.

• Jared’s father was far older than he would ever let Jared know. The magic he used to transfer his consciousness was a shortcut he developed in his pursuit of everlasting life. Initially it was more difficult but he eventually found that he could prepare a receptacle over a number of years to better ensure a successful transfer. He would also take the opportunity to enhance the body in more subtle ways such as extending the normal lifespan of a Human, his preferred form, to something akin to a Genasi or Aasimar.

• Jared was not the first child he attempted this on, merely the first under such dire circumstances. He had gone through generations of children in his pursuit. It is also possible that a man as long lived as he had other contingencies but what they were, if any, was never made known to Jared.

Myth Drannor

Jared arrived a few weeks later in the free city of Yulash, a city atop a plateau overlooking part of the Moonsea and River Tesh. Its location was of strategic importance as a nexus of several trade routes and being a defensible location. As such it was a major point of contention between the Zhent empire and rival city-state Hillsfar and control of it would routinely flip between the two powers with occasional periods of independence. Many factions made Yulash their home, most powerful among them was a group of Abyssal cultists and mercenaries serving the imprisoned Tanar’ri Galbvemas Moroc. Moroc was locked away in an extra dimensional cell and issued orders through Rianeth, a sentient and manipulative spirit whose true form was that of Moroc’s sword. She was romantically involved with the Fey’ri sorcerer Kranis who was manipulated into serving Moroc and in theory served under Moroc’s consort, an Alu-Fiend who became mayor of Yulash and in reality was little more than a puppet. Employed as mercenaries was the Tiefling Ilmryn, a sociopathic killer and Torin, a barbarian and frequent psychopath.

Jared nearly fell in with this group before he was cautioned about their true nature by a Paladin of Kelemvor. He would instead become involved with an adventuring group that consisted of two Drow renegades, one a sorcerer and another a fallen priestess of Lolth, a Sun Elf Wizard, two Half-Elves, one a thief and another a warrior, and an insane priest of Cyric more interested in converting others to his faith by touting its “virtues” than in rampant murder. Several of these adventurers, Jared included, joined the faith of Selune. Eventually the group drifted apart with some coming into open conflict with each other and yet others becoming, at best, rivals. The only really meaningful relationship Jared maintained from this time was with the Half-Elf Trissa whom with Jared was romantically involved for a time.

The city of Yulash, under the leadership of Moroc’s forces would be infrequently challenged by both Hillsfar and Zhentil Keep who were still recovering from their latest war. Various other factions sought to challenge the status quo but were never able to fully organize. The only true threat at this time came from a Helmite Paladin and possible Chosen of Helm who arrived seeking to bring to justice a Tiefling Cleric by the name of Jak. Upon learning of the true nature of Yulash’s leadership the Paladin gathered a host with which he planned to launch a crusade against Moroc. To buy themselves time Rianeth and other spellcasters enacted a ritual which would mark the entire town and its people as chaotic and evil to the supernatural senses of a Paladin and any spellcaster employing spells to duplicate the effect, regardless of their true moral alignment. This made it almost impossible for these Paladins to operate within the town, stalling their advance. Moroc was able to take advantage of this time and learn the details necessary to launch a devastating attack on the Paladin’s forces. With his men slaughtered the Paladin foolishly charged into Yulash prepared to bring down divine fury upon those responsible. Jared attempted to reason with him and try to get him beyond Yulash’s reach before he too was killed but he was beyond words, viewing Jared and the town itself as evil beyond redemption. He struck down Jared, a good man, an act which shamed him in the eyes of his god and was stripped of his powers. Now that he was just a man and no longer a threat Rianeth allowed Jak the dubious honor of killing the fallen Paladin. After being revived and told of what had occurred Jared witnessed Jak gloating over the body proclaiming his victory and how he would desecrate the body of his hated enemy. Enraged Jared launched himself at Jak, fighting furiously and was soon joined by Trissa. Together they killed Jak and spirited away the Paladin’s body, turning it over to a temple of Lathander.

Within a few months Zhentil Keep, now recovered, launched a full scale invasion of Yulash, intending to return it back to the fold. Using both a conventional army and summoned Baatezu they attacked from the north. Jared served with the defenders of the city, made up largely of adventurers, in overseeing the evacuation Yulash’s citizens. Jared served on the front lines holding the northern gate and wall, repelling wave after wave of soldier and Devil. Though they fought fiercely and racked up an impressive body count they were still outnumbered a hundred to one and eventually fell back, shifting positions to barricaded streets and alleys. When the signal was sent that the last of the civilians were safely away every defender left alive made for the southern gate and finally south, disappearing into the Cormanthor forest. The adventuring community once based in Yulash moved to the city Harrowdale in the Dalelands. A economically powerful city with a strong government, Harrowdale was quite different to the chaos of Yulash. It was here that Jared become involved with a more stable group of adventurers who shared similar values. He was even inducted into the Harper organization though he would later turn against his recruiter who turned out to be a power mad hedonist and control freak. He would establish his own ties to the organization at large and create a cell operating in Harrowdale and beyond. It was also during this time that Moroc’s organization would see a surge in recruitment and even see the release of their master from his prison. Jared’s group and allies would engage in a cold war with Moroc which would occasionally heat up, usually because of overzealous mercenaries employed by the Tanar’ri.

This was not the only conflict occurring in the region at the time. Hillsfar and the Zhents still jealously eyed each other’s territory and Hillsfar would continue encroaching on non-Human settlements in the Cormanthor, especially Elven ones. There were even a few expeditions to the lost city of Myth Drannor though they would rarely bear fruit before the adventurers were forced to flee from overwhelming forces. The Cormanthor at this time was also the scene of a number of strange occurrences. Reports of ghostly figures appearing in the distance that would disappear when approached, lost travelers being guided to safety by creatures that almost resembled will’o’wisps and further reports of unusual activity. Moroc’s eye would fall back on Yulash, angry that his power base was taken from him by Baatezu and human servants in his eyes. He gained the services of or allied with a small army of fellow Tanar’ri. They along with Moroc’s mortal servants launched an assault upon the city while Rianeth and other spellcasters snuck beneath the former mayoral tower to a deactivated and sealed planar portal. While the battle raged outside they were able to uncover and reactivate the portal leading to the Abyssal realm of Graz’zt. His forces came rushing out of the portal, which began expanding, eager to slaughter the Baatezu and establish a permanent base of operations on a Prime Material Plane unprepared to deal with them. This plan failed when the apparitions within the Cormanthor revealed themselves to be a Celestial host that was gathering its forces to drive the Baatezu back to the Hells. With the Blood War threatening to engulf the entire region they sprung into action first by creating a barrier around the city, trapping the warring fiends within and striking down any who tried to breach it. Lantern Archons, the creatures mistaken for Wisps flooded the city seeking trapped mortals and guiding them out while a Solar did battle with the leaders of the Tanar’ri and Baatezu and prevailed but was struck down after by Torin. Eventually the expanding portal came into contact with the barrier and caused an implosion, sucking almost all matter into it. When the dust settled nothing remained of the people, Fiends, or stones that once made up the city, only an empty, howling plateau marked the spot that was once Yulash.

Eventually Jared was contacted by a representative of the Harpers and was given a new mission. An agent had been investigating a case in the subterranean city of Skullport but had missed several of his scheduled tenday check-ins. A capable agent was needed to investigate the disappearance and, if needed, exact justice. Jared took up the mission and set out soon after for the city of Skullport.

Myth Drannor addendum & TL:DR

• Jared would become an adventurer of some renown in the Cormanthor region and later a Harper. He would do battle with Zhent forces, Abyssal cultists and all manner of other creatures and organizations, establishing a support network of like-minded or friendly adventurers, paladins, priests and mages.

• He was engaged to Trissa but cheated on her after being offered a Elven liquor not meant for Humans. He confessed this to her immediately, destroying their relationship. Eventually circumstances changed to the point where it may have been possible to rekindle the relationship but Trissa, now a Cleric of Sehanine was summoned immediately to the Yuirwood in the eastern nation of Aglarond, not even leaving a note. Her engagement ring would eventually be delivered to him via courier. This led to a number of years where Jared consciously refused any alcoholic beverage regardless of circumstance or event.

• She would eventually return but was involved with Nashu’ka, a former follower of Selune, like Jared though both had become followers of other faiths since, Nashu’ka to the faith of Shevarash, a mortal raised to demipower and obsessed with retribution against the Drow and Jared to the faith of Corellon Larethian. Nash and Trissa would later have a child. This combined with his growing militant behavior and neglecting of responsibilities towards his wife and child led to resentment by Jared towards him.

• During this period Jared was temporarily afflicted with a magical curse involving a pair of boots. They provided a seemingly permanent haste enchantment but would afflict anyone who wore them for too long with rapid aging, which happened to Jared. He was restored to his natural age by a Priestess of Selune but his hair color was changed from brown to silver, like that of certain Moon Elves. This caused him to be mistaken for a descendent of an Elf or Celestial countless times.

• Has been repeatedly mistaken for a Paladin despite an apparent lack of respect for the law of many lands or at least its enforcement.

• His time on the Myth Drannor included far too many events to list in this bio. Any additional information, memory permitting, can be supplied.


Jared arrived a few weeks later in the city of Skullport, a city beneath Waterdeep’s fabled Undermountain and connected to the Underdark. It served as a base of operations for all manners of of adventurers, slavers, criminals, and other individuals seeking an escape from the surface’s laws or the unflinching danger of the Underdark. It is a dangerous, mostly lawless place with the only laws being those enforced by the Skulls, a collection of disembodied Skulls capable of great magical feats and who are prone to fits of insanity. It was a dangerous city at the best of times and even more for a so-called “good” man much less a Harper.

Jared soon found that he was not the only resident of the Cormanthor to set up shop in Skullport. Moroc and much of his inner circle had come to the city as a temporary stopover before finally returning to the Planes. With little in the way of support and no access to his network of allies Jared was forced to ignore them for the most part. His mission was more important and there was little they could do to challenge the Skulls. His investigation of the Harper disappearance led him to uncover a plot by the Skulls themselves to free themselves from their prison in Skullport by using the lives of captured mages and to that end they managed to capture one whom could provide all the fuel they’d need, Laeral Silverhand, Lady Mage of Waterdeep and consort of Khelben Arunsun, the Blackstaff. Jared was informed of Laeral’s capture during a meeting with Khelben and agreed to work with the Moonstars to free her and any other captured mages. Knowing that it would be impossible to directly challenge the Skulls a plan was devised that would have Khelben and allied mages attack different parts of Skullport simultaneously, targeting businesses, fronts, and strongholds belonging to slavers, smugglers, killers and the like to draw out and spread the Skulls thin while Jared infiltrated their base to free Laeral and other mages. The plan worked, though one Skull remained guarding their prisoners that Jared was forced to deal with by collapsing a wing of the building on it. Laeral was freed, though the other mages had already been sacrificed by the Skulls. The secondary goal to free Laeral was a success but the primary mission failed as days later the Skulls were able to complete their ritual and shatter the magics that bound them. This event caused the unnaturally abundant portals of the area to go haywire and begin expelling creatures and matter native to their destinations or operate in reverse, inhaling anything of Skullport nearby. The city was finally destroyed when a colossal Scorpion appeared in the middle of the city. Most of the city’s inhabitants fled through whatever portal they could reach that wasn’t spitting out hostile creatures, with most ending up in the Outlands outside of the Dwarven city of Ironridge.

Skullport addendum & TL:DR

• Jared traveled to Skullport on Harper business seeking the whereabouts of a missing operative and became embroiled in a plot by the Skulls to free themselves using Laeral Silverhand as fuel. Prevented her death and was rewarded by The Blackstaff but ultimately failed to stop the Skulls and fled with many others to Ironridge.

• Interacted with the Court during this time but did not have the support necessary to directly oppose them.


Jared had been no stranger to the planes. Over his career he had made many journeys to other planes and fought with and against their denizens, even taking up the study of these places, but most of these were quick forays. Ironridge was Jared’s first taste of a life lived beyond the Prime Material and he took to it like a fish to water. He saw and did things most mortals never even dreamed of, witnessed the most beautiful and terrifying of sights and took part in unbelievable battles. From the divine domain of Nerull, the Palace of the Great Dao Khan to other locations just as mysterious and dangers. His inquisitive nature naturally led him down the path of the Gatecrasher, manipulating portals or creating temporary ones, communicating with the denizens of the planes in their native tongues, dampening the ability of spellcasters and creatures to summon reinforcements or becoming so attuned to the planes that he was able to withstand their normal effects.

Jared made new allies and enemies in the city. Moroc was eventually slain in a bid to claim his own Abyssal domain but his inner circle remained, Torin continued to be a raging psychopath, infrequently fighting Jared, and newcomers like the killer Neikos or Drow Luromand became frequent thorns in his side. He also had interactions with the woman known as Visenya, who frequently hired herself out to the highest bidder. Jared would often pay her to ignore offers from individuals that would put her in conflict with himself or his goals, matching and beating any deals rivals would make.

Dealing with Dragons and their offspring became something of a theme during this period. One of Jared’s earliest adventures while based in Yulash saw him find an enchanted set of sky blue metal full plate armor decorated with images of armor-clad warriors riding atop large Dragons. Over time this suit bonded with Jared and became something akin to a second skin and over the years would see sections of it slowly transform from mithral blue dragon scales. This transformation also extended to certain other items worn by Jared, such as his bracers. While living in Ironridge Jared was contacted by Risilyenyir, a Silver Dragon who claimed to have created the armor and who would back up this claim by exhibiting great control of the suit from afar, locking it in place even if Jared was wearing it, preventing him from moving without a great deal of force. Risilyenyir acted to try and preserve some sort of balance between Dragons and keep Chromatics from gaining too much influence.. Jared would act as an agent in his employ, carrying out tasks Risilyenyir would not or could not do, or at least be seen doing. He also proved to have a very deliberate sense of time even among Dragonkind, often taking a great deal of time to answer a summons if he would answer at all.

Ironridge addendum & TL:DR

• Jared adapted to a life in the Planes quickly, becoming a Gatecrasher. He would interact with all sorts of creatures from nearly every plane and delve into places like Nerull’s divine realm, the palace of the Great Dao Khan, and even something I’d rather not name in an open bio. He continued to oppose certain members of the Court, namely Ashtaroth and Torin when and where he could.

• He had little to no love for many of the planar factions, the Harmonium especially.

• He would befriend a number of planar adventurers, some he could call on for aid and others he would have to convince to assist him. One example that was both was Visenya Theras, a female Jared became acquainted with. They became something resembling friends, though given that she and her mate were very much mercenaries he would often pay them great sums of money to not take any contract that would put them at odds with Jared or his interests.

• The armor Jared received in Yulash bonded to him and transformed over time, becoming more powerful over time and physically transforming. Jared would also meet its creator during this time and work for him.

• Jared would also take part in a brief war between Ironridge and Rigus on the Ironridge side of things, taking advantage of its considerable economic might against Rigus' more militaristic focus.

Some secrets are best left buried

Busybody. Meddler. Harper. Adventurer. “That blue armored asshole.” All of these have been descriptions of Jared throughout his adult life. With an interest in and talent for uncovering secrets Jared would uncover his fair share of mysteries small, large and multiversal. Sometimes he would get in over his head but through luck, skill and no small amount of help he would pull through no worse for wear, or so he thought. Unfortunately his luck was to run out.

Jared would leave Ironridge some time before the plague struck the city, returning home to Abeir-Toril for a short time. Eventually he would grow restless and leave the world of his birth behind to return to the Outlands. Avoiding Ironridge he made his way to various Outlands locations and into other planes lending his talents to whatever he felt could use them for the time before moving on, ever restless. Eventually he would get the feeling that his activities were nibbling at the edge of something big and Jared being the meddler he was could not very well sit by and leave it be.

What “it” was remains a mystery to this day. The pursuit of the mystery nearly killed Jared many times over but he never called for aid once despite having access to a network of contacts. For months the investigation consumed him and would ultimately prove to be his undoing. It is not known how it came about but the man known as Jared Tabit would be remade, reset to an earlier version of himself and dumped somewhere, out of sight, out of mind.

• I intentionally kept this vague to give myself or DMs some freedom in coming up with a story at a later date if I or they have a mind to. It was also the best reason I could come up with in a short amount of time for explaining the depowering of a level 31-32 PC.

A fresh start or a life repeated?

Jared would take up in the Faerunian town of Secomber, a town along a trade route leaving the Sword Coast and heading east. He was found three days earlier in a small, flattened section of grassland in nothing but a shredded leather tunic and with no tracks leading to or from his body aside from the ranger who found him. He was physically in perfect health with few scars and no wounds despite the state of his tunic. His mental health was another story as he recalled almost nothing of his life despite retaining speech and numerous physical and mental skills. The only clue left to him was a piece of parchment hidden in the remains of the tunic though the priest could not read it. Jared on the other hand recognized it as two simple words. “Hide=Live.” He would take this message as instruction and spend two years hiding in Secomber, taking odd jobs with local businesses to earn enough coin to put a roof over his head. Restlessness would eventually set in and he would begin venturing away from town for a few hours then a few days at a time. During one such trip he came across the overgrown ruins of an old stole estate fire had consumed earlier, destroying the interior and blackening the stones decades earlier. Moving through the estate Jared began feeling a sense of familiarity that turned to full recognition upon discovering a hidden door, partially opened now, near some of the rubble. This house had been his home growing up and for the first time in two years he knew it. He -knew- it.

He would spend days moving rubble and sifting through what little remained of the estate. He found bodies in the basement but could not determine when they were killed, only that they had died violently and had been armed themselves. He would take what little valuables and salvageable equipment he could get and return to town, selling what he did not need. With his memories of his early life laid open to him and like the outline of a puzzle he would set off east, determined to find answers to the mystery of what happened to him.

It has been a few years since he began this new journey. He has visited the town of Yulash, mysteriously returned from the Abyss seemingly undamned but still very much dangerous, Harrowdale, ever the beating economic heart of the Dalelands, to the former ruins of Skullport. Life there is still spent eking out a miserable existence among the destitute, deadly and dastardly. His memory of these prior points in his life would be fully recovered before he set off for Ironridge only to find it nothing but an uninhabited crater. Finding nothing that could aid him there he would begin tracking where its local adventuring population had moved to, reasoning that they were the most likely to recognize him and be able to piece together the next step of the puzzle. Throughout this stage of his search he would regain no memory of his time in Ironridge. At best he would get a flash of an image, an object or some other sensory clue regarding names no longer recognized. He would consult with priests, mages, and more exotic experts as he had done before and they could offer no explanation for why he could remember so much of his life but almost nothing of Ironridge save that it was the closest period to whatever trauma he suffered, supernatural or otherwise. Eventually he tracked numerous members of the adventuring community to Sigil, though the information was somewhat out of date and set off for the City of Doors.

• Jared believes there is a design to him recovering his memories. If whatever remade him and stripped him of them wanted them gone forever they would have removed them entirely or at least dumped him somewhere he was unlikely to ever recover them. Instead he was dumped miles away from his childhood home and started on a long road to recovery.

• Jared has many unanswered questions: What did this to him? How was it done? Did he do it to himself? His memory recovery also leads to new conundrums: who decided to dump him where they did? Was it some power taking pity on him or using him for some purpose? Did he manage to do it himself in some desperate bid to throw a monkey wrench in the plan for him?

• Since coming to Sigil Jared has made contact with a few individuals from his past, piecing together some of it. Of particular help has been Visenya Theras, perhaps the only individual in the city who knew Jared well. He has also made contact with Aria, a Psion, who has offered a few options to try and restore some of his Ironridge memories. What, if anything, she manages to find remains to be seen.

• The above options presented by Aria were attempted and resulted in a partial reconstruction of his lost memories of his time in Ironridge. They revealed nothing of what happened to him after and there are still holes as well as lost skills, but he has made strong efforts in rebuilding and retraining to be what he was.