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Gre'vyll was the second child of the House Noquval, but the first daughter. She was barely able to walk by the time they started grooming her for priestesshood. But it didn't stick. Gre'vyll fumbled rituals, hated ceremonial garb, and couldn't seem to get recitations correctly. However she did have a knack for attending to wounds and understanding the weaknesses of a body. Once she was around 16 her priestess training was halted. She continued to pursue knowledge regarding physiology, and made use of it to some degree in performances involving knife play and punishing unruly males.
Not much is known about Gre'vyll's past before Sigil. She was the first daughter of the House Noquval, she had siblings, their whereabouts are unknown but at least one was a brother. She was originally trained as a priestess, but that training was stopped for some reason. She was a Lolthite for some time, but has since then devoted herself to Vhaerun. The depth of her devotion is difficult to assess, because she doesn't discuss her religion except when it's brought up.

The Houses Noquval, Demtor, Aleanafin, and Myund were selected for a mission to the Abyss, as a way of appeasing Lolth, Grey was 25. Once they arrived, they set about making an encampment in the local caves. They hunted, and prayed, and sacrificed for their goddess. Their prayer was rewarded by the continued success and growth of their Houses.
She is perhaps most well known for leading an attack on Cadarn, the exact motivations for the attack are debated and unclear but the simple facts that are known are that there were drow and undead, shadow magic was involved, a dragon was sighted at the place of the attack, and her forces retreated from the encounter part-way into the battle. The undead involved were rumored to be those fallen from the Ironridgean-Rigus War.

Gre'vyll became restless as she grew older. She came to realize that there were flaws in Lolth's teachings, including but not limited to wasting resources. She snuck out in the night, taking with her only two males destined for death (Godan and her younger brother Zakhal) and the bare essentials in gear.
There's also word that she was involved in the destruction of a gang of young pickpockets and thugs that once lived in the Hive. Again necromantic magic was used in the attack. Her motivations are largely debated.


Latest revision as of 02:29, 15 May 2017

Gre'vyll Nelviar
Female Drow
Player: Catfang
General Information
Full Name: Gre'vyll of the House Nelviar
Nicknames: Grey, Gre'vyll the Grey, Greg(ory), Scary Lady, Gravy, Gravel
Age: Claims to be just under 300
Deity: Vhaerun
Occupation: Adventurer, Matron
Faction/Rank: Fated
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Sanguine
Hair: Sanguine
Complexion: Dark Grey
Physical Build: Slender warrior
Physical Features: Very angular face, paler skin than typical for a drow, lack of fingernails on left hand, ritualistic tattoos on right side of neck, uncommonly thin for a warrior.
hunting, adventuring, torture, defensive combat, mundane healing, use most manner of magical items.
Equipment and Items
Full plate armor, a helmet, a hood, a tower shield and a scimitar, several daggers, a number of rings, assorted magical items.

Gre'vyll typically has a look about her like some freshly dead drow, with a dark coldness to her eyes. She stands at approximately 5'5" and her form is toned yet seems perhaps too thin for a standard warrior's figure. Her once lily-white hair has been dyed a jarring sanguine color, closely matching her eyes. She has a sharp but youthful angular face, and a pair of fangs only further contributing to her abnormal appearance. The right side of her neck to her shoulder bears deep-red jagged tattooed symbols and scars (Knowledge: Religion). She is frequently wearing a scimitar on her hip as well as a number of other daggers. Her armor is a combination of surprisingly thin plates and fine chain, and when one comes close to her in it, one would feel a vague unnerving sense of wrongness. Those familiar with negative energy might recognize it as such.


Unsurprisingly Gre'vyll is neither the sweetest nor the kindest person one will ever meet in the planes, but she is usually open to reasonable debate and compromise. She can be a bit abrupt and will oftentimes give directions in the forms of orders, especially in a combat situation, and will often try to assume command. She is arrogant, opinionated, and has an irritating sense of entitlement most times, and yet at other times can display a surprising amount of politeness. She can be protective of allies, but gets irritable when her protection is refused. Some would argue she has a soft side, but most would simply describe her as a dangerous bitch with a habit for getting violent. Her once passionate expressions of irritation and anger have taken on a colder calmer edge. She seems to prefer the company of drow (and elves, despite her claims otherwise), and some would argue she has a particular weakness for males. She always seems to be in the hunting mood, and is working to improve and broaden her skills nearly all the time.

There are some who would say Grey's mind has suffered severely through the trials of her life, though the details of many of these are not public knowledge. She at times can act erratically, and foolishly, in sharp contrast to her typically more reasonable behavior. Her moods can waver between passionate fire to deathly coldness.


Not much is known about Gre'vyll's past before Sigil. She was the first daughter of the House Noquval, she had siblings, their whereabouts are unknown but at least one was a brother. She was originally trained as a priestess, but that training was stopped for some reason. She was a Lolthite for some time, but has since then devoted herself to Vhaerun. The depth of her devotion is difficult to assess, because she doesn't discuss her religion except when it's brought up.

She is perhaps most well known for leading an attack on Cadarn, the exact motivations for the attack are debated and unclear but the simple facts that are known are that there were drow and undead, shadow magic was involved, a dragon was sighted at the place of the attack, and her forces retreated from the encounter part-way into the battle. The undead involved were rumored to be those fallen from the Ironridgean-Rigus War.

There's also word that she was involved in the destruction of a gang of young pickpockets and thugs that once lived in the Hive. Again necromantic magic was used in the attack. Her motivations are largely debated.


Little is known of her present relationships, she's been away for a while and seems distant to most people with whom she interacts. There are some she'll greet before others, but her mood and interest seems to dictate that more than actual attachment lately.


She has a House of her own, and intends to start a nation of her own.

She has a fondness for males, most especially elves and those of fiendish descent.

She's working to become undead/is undead/is a vampire.

She's related to Sah'el in some way.