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(The following setting is exclusive to S:PL canon and is based on the event chain orchestrated by DM Pincushion across 2023-2024. Anyone is welcome to create a character based on this setting, and their character is free to know all information on this wiki page unless explicitly marked as 'DM dark' or otherwise. Prospective Clerics and Warlocks who worship or are bound by Avelygydian entities must request permission to be playable.)

Avelygyd's Ancient Capital...


Welcome to the Wiki Page for Avelygyd, an apocalyptic setting where the remnants of a once-grand civilization now teeter on the brink of oblivion. Once steeped in ancient traditions, noble lineages, and mystical intrigue, Avelygyd has been ravaged by the cataclysmic forces unleashed by the dreaded Beast of Plenty. Now, the rich tapestry of this civilization's history, culture, and the tumultuous events that shaped its fate lie in the hands of those who survived its downfall.

A potential character from this desolate setting begins as a refugee in the Planes, whether arriving with fleeing merchants and peasants into the Outlands, or as an errant noble, penniless and powerless, to seek sanctuary amidst the chaos of Sigil.

Rediscover and reestablish your culture and people amongst the planes, or abandon your history in favor of a new life in Sigil. Explore the secret history of your destroyed home, delving into the history of the ancient nobility and their blood relics, and the arcane secrets which linger amongst the survivors.

Will you forge a new destiny amidst the ashes of the old, or succumb to the weight of a world torn asunder by forces beyond mortal comprehension?

The Basics

Available Races


(Make a mention that noble PCs from major noble families need to be approved by the team.)

Class & Underclass

Geography & Locations


The faith in the Kingdom of Avelygyd is a peculiar one indeed. The "state religion" undergoes frequent changes, and consequently, the entire kingdom seamlessly adapts to these shifts. At least, this adaptation is readily apparent in public life. Whenever a new State Religion is established, the old churches, cathedrals, statues, and relics of the previous order are discreetly replaced, without exception, by the new ones.

It's not that the Faith and the Kingdom at large openly disrespect these secondary deities. Rather, they adhere to a singular heir of faith, much like the Kingdom's approach to bloodlines. Discreet prayers and concealed temples still exist for the other religions, and their institutions continue to operate, although not in any official capacity. This leads to a gradual decline in the number of their worshippers.

The state religion usually changes with the appointment of each Marquis or Marchioness of the Faith. However, the current Varquesse of House Accorde officially maintains her father's faith in the Flayed Martyr.

Public places of worship are typically designed to accommodate any religion. Statues are crafted from affordable materials, and there are very few widely recognized relics associated with any particular Faith. To describe this tradition as bizarre would be an understatement, but for Avelygyd, it's the only way they know.

Some contend that this peculiar system was originally devised by Celistine himself for reasons that have remained shrouded in mystery over the centuries. Scholars observe that when the state religion changes, there is a noticeable shift in the attitudes and behaviors of both the nobility and the common people. While it's not inconceivable that the adoption of new primary religions can lead to significant social change, some suggest a mystical aspect to it. There's a belief that perhaps the God itself gains power and influence over the land through some mysterious process of selection.

Furthermore, these Gods are known only by their titles; they lack true names. They are not worshipped beyond the borders of Avelygyd, and if a Cleric ventures outside the realm, their spellcasting abilities are restricted to 4th level and below. Many theories abound regarding the reasons for this limitation, but as few Avelygydian scholars venture beyond their homeland, answers remain elusive. Many divisions of the pantheon have existed throughout history, though none have stuck. The current manner of organisation is that of 'mounted', and 'unmounted' Gods -- that is, which Gods have once been part of the State Religion, and which ones have not.

Mounted Gods

The Burning Martyr

Name: The Flayed Martyr

Alignment: LN

Symbol: A flayed man, hanged upside down, burning alive.

Domains: Fire, Law, Light, Protection, Retribution


The Flayed Martyr is a vengeful God whose beliefs center on the principles of fair and just punishment, with a strong emphasis on corporal retribution. Represented by a chilling symbol—an image of a flayed man, suspended upside down, consumed by flames—the Flayed Martyr's presence is a stark reminder of the consequences of transgression. Fire, in the eyes of this deity, is not only a cleansing element but also a potent tool for executing the vilest of criminals, ensuring that justice is swift and uncompromising.

However, beneath the stern visage of the Flayed Martyr lies a complex protector figure. This god is often regarded as a guardian of children and the innocent, seeing them as sacred and untouchable. In the eyes of the Flayed Martyr, these vulnerable beings must be safeguarded at all costs, their purity preserved against the encroaching darkness of wrongdoing. This dual aspect of retribution and protection makes the Flayed Martyr a deity of unwavering righteousness and fierce devotion.

The Flayed Martyr has always been a favourite of the people, for its faith often challlenges the rule of nobility. Paradoxically, it has also been a frequent choice by the monarch as reigning Faith -- after all, one must keep one's enemies close, and their claws blunt.

The Grinning Sage

Name: The Grinning Sage

Alignment: TN

Symbol: A pair of blue lips, smiling toothily, with one golden molar.

Domains: Knowledge, Fortune, Temptation, Luck, Wealth


The Grinning Sage, a neutral deity of insatiable curiosity, holds the relentless pursuit of knowledge as the highest virtue. Depicted with an ever-present, mischievous grin, this god embodies the boundless joy of learning, celebrating every revelation and discovery as a triumph of the intellect. The Grinning Sage's followers find enlightenment not only in the accumulation of wisdom but also in the very act of exploration and inquiry.

Yet, the Grinning Sage's teachings carry a controversial edge. This deity encourages the acquisition of knowledge at all costs, often promoting morally dubious actions in the selfish pursuit of enlightenment. His Church stands divided between two factions: one, composed of cautious scholars who advocate the careful and ethical seeking of knowledge, and the other, a group of daring and ambitious individuals who believe that no doors should remain unopened, regardless of the ethical implications.

The Grinning Sage has been mounted as State Religion a few times, and is typically seen to be a rather inoffensive choice -- so long as the reigning Faith are moderate with their beliefs. A rare circumstance.

The Voiceless Sentinel

Name: The Voiceless Sentinel

Alignment: LG

Symbol: None

Domains: Law, Good, Protection, War


The Grey Sentinel is a deity of unwavering dedication to the principles of law and goodness. This divine figure embodies the vigilant protector, always standing firm as the embodiment of order and righteousness. However, as for the symbol of the Grey Sentinel, it is not represented through a visual icon but rather through a profound silence—an absence of imagery, signifying the deity's commitment to humility and selfless service.

The Grey Sentinel's followers are unwavering in their devotion to justice and benevolence, often dedicating their lives to upholding the highest moral standards. This deity serves as a beacon of hope in times of darkness, a guiding force that reminds the faithful of the importance of unwavering integrity and the necessity of maintaining balance and order in the world.

Paladins, Clerics, and other devout followers of the Sentinel take a vow of silence, never to speak again -- with some going so far as to cut their own tongues out. Such an act is to symbolise their apolitical nature, only acting to maintain the Realm. Their only Master is the Sentinel. Such a dedication, however, means that they are often silent when others call for their aid -- only moving to act in the direst of circumstances.

The Grey Sentinel has frequently been made the State Religion, as his advocates made for attractive choices of State Religion for any reigning monarch in generations past -- a Marquis or Marchioness who did not engage in political matters was useful indeed. Unless, of course, the monarch earned the Sentinel's silent ire.

The Duchess of Thorns

Name: The Duchess of Thorns

Alignment: CN

Symbol: A silver goblet, covered in thorned roses

Domains: Chaos, Lust, Generosity, Healing


An unpredictable and chaotic Goddess, the Duchess of Thorns revels in unrestrained passion. She encourages her devotees to explore their desires, break free from the shackles of convention, and embrace the thrilling chaos of life. Her influence stirs the spirit, ignites forbidden passions, and empowers those who dare to challenge societal norms.

However, the Duchess also possesses a paradoxical side, embodying a spirit of generosity and healing. Beneath her chaotic exterior lies a capacity for boundless compassion and the ability to mend wounds, both physical and emotional. She is known to bestow her blessings upon those in need, often acting as a salve for the scars of life's tumultuous journey.

Her reign as State Religion was the shortest in history, known to have caused a bloody Civil War which threatened the safety of the Kingdom many centuries ago.

The Green Knight

Name: The Green Knight

Alignment: NG

Symbol: A tree with red leaves, bleeding from its bark

Domains: Nature, Good, Healing, Travel, Trickery


The Green Knight is symbolized by a magnificent tree adorned with vibrant red leaves that appear to bleed from its bark, serving as a representation of the delicate balance between nature's beauty and the existence of civilization. This deity finds particular favor among druids and rangers, with its only mounting occurring under the reign of a monarch who sought to avoid controversy.

Beneath the surface, a hidden aspect of the Green Knight emerges—the secretive cult known as the Order of Leaves. This enigmatic organization gained notoriety for its alleged involvement in the assassination of the very monarch who introduced the Green Knight to the Faith, all for reasons shrouded in mystery. Consequently, distrust lingers among the nobility, who remain wary of the Green Knight and the true intentions of its churches. Rumors persist of the Order's continued existence, operating in the shadows with undisclosed motivations and mysterious objectives, further fueling suspicions and uncertainty.

The Eyeless King

Name: The Eyeless King

Alignment: LE

Symbol: A Black Crown

Domains: Law, Evil, Nobility, Tyranny


The Eyeless King is a malevolent deity embodying ruthless order and tyranny, symbolized by the foreboding and authoritative image of a black crown. His dominion centers on the absolute rule of nobility, drawing followers who are enticed by his unrelenting power and who eagerly pursue the merciless quest for dominance.

Surprisingly, the Eyeless King's followers often lean toward revolution rather than loyalty to existing monarchs. Monarchs, they argue, rarely possess the absolute power they desire, and the Eyeless King's Church is one of the few entities that consistently challenges the authority of any State Religion that does not bear the Eyeless King's banner.

Their enthusiasm reached a peak when King Arystid the Mad finally selected a staunch advocate of the Eyeless King to lead the Faith. However, this alliance was short-lived, lasting a mere six months before the monarch severed the chosen Marquis's connection with the faith in a drastic and abrupt manner. They have worked from the shadows since.

The Heir of Light

Name: The Heir of Light

Alignment: CG

Symbol: A six-fingered hand, holding four severed fingers

Domains: Chaos, Good, Envy, Suffering


The Heir of Light is a deity of chaotic benevolence, symbolized by an intriguing and unsettling emblem—an out-of-the-ordinary six-fingered hand gripping four severed fingers. Representing the goodly and the displaced, the Heir of Light is particularly enigmatic.

The myth goes that the Heir of Light was the son, or brother, or father of another unknown deity who was betrayed, and mutilated out of false punishment. As such, he now represents those who have been wrongfully treated and seek recompense. An envious and strange religion, the Heir's advocates are typically failed gamblers, second sons, and unappreciated souls.

He was chosen as State Religion for one generation under mysterious circumstances; the Marquis selected by the monarch was expected to choose a different Mounted God altogether, but opted to choose the Heir of Light. The monarch could do nothing but seethe at the choice -- seethe, and contest the possibility of war.

Unmounted Gods

The Patterned Fool

Name: The Patterned Fool

Alignment: CN

Symbol: A Jester's hat, with more Jester's hats on its tips

Domains: Chaos, Joy, Gluttony, Thirst


The Patterned Fool is a whimsical deity, a patron of boundless revelry, and is symbolized by a playful and eccentric emblem—a Jester's hat adorned with an array of additional Jester's hats on its tips. This enigmatic entity attracts followers who are captivated by the sheer unpredictability of existence, finding solace in 'chaos for the sake of chaos.'

Cruel and kind in equal measure, the Patterned Fool's faith stands as one of the more distrusted, yet oddly popular, belief systems. Bards and drunkards frequently invoke the Patterned Fool to inject excitement into their nights, and this deity rarely disappoints. Whether it's bestowing endless riches upon a random individual or snatching away their loved ones, both outcomes are deemed equally deserving punchlines to the Fool's cosmic joke.

The Fool has no Clerics, but instead has 'Merrymen'. They are scarcely tolerated wherever they go, but are mostly left unharmed, despite their silly behaviours -- no man, peasant or King would dare harm one directly.

The Fool has never been chosen to represent the Faith, and nor has any of his merrymen ever had any interest in such a role.


Name: Celestine

Alignment: N/A

Symbol: The Coat of Arms of House Celestine

Domains: Law, Good, Nobility


The worship of Celestine is often regarded as more of a clandestine 'cult' than a recognized religion, as it simultaneously venerates the royal bloodline and the angelic figure of Celestine himself. Officially disavowed by the reigning monarch, yet discreetly supported during times of unpopularity, this unique 'religion' exists in a curious liminal space.

In this faith, traditional Clerics and divine servants of Celestine are non-existent, although persistent rumours suggest that a select few may have possessed such abilities in the past. Public worship of Celestine is officially banned, but it persists as an underground loyalist movement of notable significance. The tenets of the Churches within this faith vary widely, reflecting the complex nature of its beliefs and practices.

In essence, the worship of Celestine blurs the boundaries between royal devotion and angelic reverence, remaining a mysterious and unconventional religious movement that quietly endures despite official disapproval.


Law & Culture

Civil War

Post-Civil War

The End

DM's Dark